Letter thread, Write a letter to someone near and dear to you, even if they don't see it

Letter thread, Write a letter to someone near and dear to you, even if they don't see it.

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I'm going to try not to message you any more since it is pointless; don't want to get hurt again. I do hope you have a good week though. I'm happy you're doing well. You are going to have an awesome life. I wish I was good enough to be someone you were into, but it is whatever.

Dear everybody
Thanks for nothing

You could be a real hot little slut for me if you wanted. I'm not going to make you.

At least try anons jesus

I nowadays wish that we could have stayed as friends atleast. I know, my fault, but still. Just linking music and basic talking would be fine. I don't have many friends that I talk to. Hope you doing fine.

What's the point, I can write to a person who doesn't see the letter wow
Even if they see the letter they don't care enough to reply
Kinda like everybody that's ghosted me
I'm done trying
Nobody cares about you online and if you care about someone you will get hurt

Try what? I can do better than them. It'd just be me using them.

Sorry I sit in your garage and smoke cigarettes all day he drags me to work with him. I'm an unskilled laborer he does all the real work. You'll be rid of me real soon. We are going to a different job so we won't be there tomorrow I don't know if he informed you yet.

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miss you


To no one in particular,

The truth is that I'm really lonely, and I'm losing more will to live everyday. I ask people if they want to hang out, and their response is that they're busy. There's plenty of people who could care about how I look, but almost nobody will respond when I'm hurting. I feel trapped though because I can't kill myself because it would ruin my family. I just smoke a pack a day hoping a heart attack will take me from the world. I have trouble sleeping, and now food makes me sick. It doesn't matter how good it is; there's no hunger in my stomach. If I could die peacefully in my sleep, I'd be happy because then my death wouldn't be a tragic one. I want so desperately to leave this world, but I can't do something so traumatic to my family.

I'm so lonely. I just want a best friend in real life. I just want someone to hug me, and tell me everything is going to be okay. I'm always there for other people, talking to them, cheering them on, and lending my assistance. However, when I'm at my worst, no one will answer a message. I don't even have a single number in my phone.The online world isn't real life. If I wanted to live digitally then I might as well be dead, right?

I think I've been slowly dying from heartbreak for three years now, and nobody really cares. Please, death, won't you come take me swiftly? I don't have a purpose in living.

If I were gone, it wouldn't make a difference in this world. I've tested it before, and, sure enough, I could disappear, and no one would be the wiser.

Hey, it's small chance, but where do you live?
I'm kinda in pain too.

I am so very sorry. For falling apart after descending into my greatest depression yet and becoming a forgetful alcoholic. I wish you are in a better place now. I miss you, say hi to your family from me.

user, do you want to chat for a while? We're here for you.

I really want to talk to you one last time, I hope you maybe see this dummy, I'm sorry.

Course I'd see it you dummy

I'm an Appalachian. Why are you in pain? You should write about it. Maybe other people can't hear us, but we can hear each other, right?
I know, and talking to everyone online is often the brightest part of my life. I did say I won't kill myself, and that is a truth. Everything is okay if you won't take your own life, I think. There's no will to live, but there's no wish to destroy my family's well being either.

I know I said the online world isn't real life, but I think we all know that the online world is the only thing we got.


I wish that you and I could be more than friends, but then again you never thought of me more than someone to talk with. I don't know how much you actually care about me. If I could ask you anything without hesitation or fear of how you'd respond, I'd ask you how you truly felt about me. I hope you know that I care about you...a lot. Always know that I'll come to you whenever you call.


whats your last original initial?

Can we be friends again

>I'm an Appalachian.
Damn, maybe some other user near you?
>Why are you in pain?
Kinda fucked up situation with life and everything, kinda hard to explain. And it's mostly my fault and it feels hard to talk about it with my irl friends. Feels like I'm trapped in my life rn.

The whole "online world isn't a real thing" is kind of vague though. Sure if you're playing a game or some shit then yeah. But if you're talking to people, they're real. It's really easy to think shit like "well because I can't see them, they're more of an idea than a person I know" but there's a real human being behind all words on a screen. Don't know if you'll even find this comforting, user, but I hope you do in some small way.

Dear peers,

I wish you knew the extent to which I despise myself; the grandeur of my per-action self-judgement.
For, though I very often appear sultry, it is nearly always correlated with self-hatred, not spite of the populous. Thus, if you over-analyze my moves as much as I over-analyze yours, just know that I don't think little of you.
If it weren't for my inferiority complexes spawned from many failures I still have yet to learn from and a history of sheering those I love from grace, I'd attempt companionship with most of you.
This is not a request for forced pity/attention, but rather a reminder that you are loved even by those who don't express it meaningfully.

Install Gentoo,

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Permanently or
one last time?

I think we're going to stay apart for real this time. Today will probably be the last day we'll ever talk. You clearly have gotten tired of me and fallen out of love. It was never meant to be.

I hope you grow up soon. You've a lot of maturing to do.

What are their initials?

I'd prefer permanent but we could stick to one last time if you'd like, I get that

vc with me maybe user uwu


I hope you still have a nice body


If you really want to user~

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Please shut up you dummy I'll take what I can get aaaaa

okay okay cmon

You have to add me back I forgot your number and it'll take me a while to try all 9999 different variations but I'll do it if necessary uwu

How're you today?

Dear KL

Shit's different with you. This is the first time my gut feeling has been wrong at almost every turn. You still put up with me. You still smile at me. Talk to me. Hug me. Laugh at my shit jokes. Etc.

This is gay as hell and I'm glad you're never gonna read it. But holy shit I don't even know what else to say. It's great being with you. I'm fixing myself. I'm trying to change. Take a chance on the slow burn?

Hey A

I wonder if you can tell it's me writing to you. Even though we're talking I still miss you. I'd like to feel close to you again of you're interested. It's hard to tell if you still want me though. Hope you're staying safe!


Dear zoe
Youre pretty cool and shieeeet.
Dear ciara
Youre a funny girl and super cute :D
Dear josh
U were a real nigger brah. Even tho i didnt see it at the time. Respek bro
Dear joey
U shouldnt be such a pussy, we couldve had a lot of fun man
Dear sierra
Ur hot but rlly stupid

Dear _,

I wish I never let you looking down on me get to me so much. I doubt you even remember a lot of what you said to me during the time we spoke on a daily basis (like saying one of the state universities was too "prestigious" for someone like me). It's ridiculous that it's not even a thought in your mind, despite the damage it did to my self esteem at the time.

It continues to baffle me how someone can go through life without a care in the world about the things they say to other people. You brag now about how you were "taught" empathy by the love of your life, yet you never truly expressed that you knew what it was beyond a shallow "acting like this got me laid before" viewpoint.

Or they are too depressed to talk from being ignored constantly.

It's not you, user. I talked to him every day.

I'm sorry for whatever I did to you earlier this year. I wanted nothing more than to make sure you were okay, and I really considered you a close friend.

I've learned some things since then, and, to be honest, I'm still sorry. I overstepped my boundaries, and I feel like I'm at the very least partially at fault for the friend group breaking apart. I know that it doesn't change the fact that it happened, but;
- I never meant to hurt you.
- I never meant to annoy you.
- I know that it set you off now, but I'm bad at picking up signals. I'm sorry about M.

I really don't know what to do. I don't know if this is how you act now because it's been so long, but I can see the changes in you. You're more distant. Angry. Cold. I can understand why, but what I wouldn't give to be forgiven.

I think the very best part about friends is that no matter how many friends you do lose, or how far you drift apart from someone, you can always make new friends. And that's pretty neat. Granted, that doesn't really take away the pain from all that happening. And here I am, writing letters to "other people" (a: myself) like Evan Hansen, knowing nothing'll ever come of it other than some temporary film of "moving on."

I hope you're happy with 50's.

Things were great. They really were.

I'm sorry.

- R.

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She isnt interested

I miss you
-your borderline friend!

I wish this was my J but I know it's not
He doesn't miss my friendship

>He doesn't miss my friendship
How can you be so sure?
Your initial?

Hey Aiden,
Sometimes I'm really rude to you, but I don't mean to hurt you, it's normally just a joke I took a little too far but I can tell you take it to heart. I'm really sorry, I look up to you in a lot of ways and it kills me to see you sad especially when it's my fault. You've done your best to help me, not just as a musician, but as a person, and I'll try to show that more in the future.

I feel really bad for you man, there's nothing I can really do for you but wish you the best

Childhood Friend

Do you remember how we used to talk and act out our favourite games? Do you remember how we used to marathon movies in anticipation of the next installment? How we'd talk about nerdy shit and laughed about how serious we got about it? Do you remember how you would talk through the movie, going on about the cast and other roles when we just wanted to enjoy it but we said nothing? Even though you were a big guy you were a bigger softy than me? Do you remember us being friends? I do and I miss those days.


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you know you are not helping me, rather you are distracting me, I know you crave attention too, but ffs let me concentrate.
I don't know if this shit is sustainable.
I gotta man the fuck up.

mom, I wish things could get better between us. I'm afraid my mental condition is going to get worse before it gets better and I'm going to be stuck living with you for a while until I feel good enough about myself to move out. I'm also afraid that you're going to die before our relationship improves. You weren't fair to me growing up, but I can't let go of a grudge and it's ruining me. I still think about killing myself regularly and once winter comes it will only get worse. Thank you for giving me space and leaving me alone, I haven't told you how much it makes me feel better not seeing you as much because I don't want to say something so mean, but it's true. When I see you I don't feel good. I hope I get better soon.

i relate to you guys and if you need someone to talk to lemme know :3


You were the coolest girl I knew growing up, hands down. You weren't afraid to get your hands dirty and could always share a laugh. Remember when we stayed up all night watching Fantasia then fell asleep side by side? You never knew it but waking up next to you was easily one of the best, most peaceful moments in my 10 year old life. Wish we could've kept in touch as we got older, but that's just how the cards played out.

ps. bet you still got that copy of the super mario bros book from my school's library. They probably still miss it.


That's really mean user. You don't know the situation.

Dear Anna,
Play Trails in the Sky

I can guess


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amelia sounds like a shihtzu name

No user it sounds like a cute name for my cute future husky

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fuck you i bet your name is ugly
ignore that guy huskyfriend, amelia is a great name and your future husky will love it

Where did you meet your person?


I still love you. I knew once I met you that I was going to hurt you someday. I kept hiding things from you and lying to you because I thought deep down that there was no way you would still love me unless I put on an act and hid my flaws. As it turned out, you really did love me. I was the untrustworthy one. I wish I hadn't hurt you and had never started lying, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop lying to you and stop hurting you until I left you and fixed myself for a while. I'm still working on that.

I keep trying to push myself to get out there and go on dates with girls (since that's when I'm most likely to lie) and then focus on being completely honest. I need to do that because fixing this habit was the whole point I ended our three year relationship.

It's hard to care. It's hard to get up in the morning. It's hard to go to sleep at night because I was so used to you calling me to come to bed with you at 10 or 11. I still sleep on the left side of my bed even though you're not on the other side. It's hard to talk to any new girl because I know there's almost zero chance that she could hold a candle to you.

We haven't talked in a month or so. I see you in classes and we don't talk (and it wouldn't be a good idea for me to talk), but I hope you're doing okay. I fucked up your life real good and you didn't deserve that. I hope you can still trust someone again. You don't deserve to not be able to be happy with another guy again just because of my mistakes.

I miss you. I miss cooking with you. I miss our ferrets. I miss holding you at night. I miss the way you looked at me.

I hope I can sort myself out.


Maybe after exams I'll finally buy it.

one glimpse is all I want, one smile is all I crave.

Please don't be rude to other anons, user, it's not very nice

You're not strong enough. nuff said.

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Send it to them when you graduate

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dear shawn

fuck you lol

Huskies aren't real. They went extinct years ago. People just bred other dogs to look like them.
Yeah funny enough "Ugly" that's what's on my birth certificate and drivers license.

Huh? send what?

Dear April,

Youve been my friend for well on 4 years and you're one of my closest friends, unfortunately I have caught feelings for you, feelings that make you more than a friend in my eyes. I know that those feelings aren't reciprocated and that's fine. The reason I'm writing this letter to no one is cause I don't want to lose my best friend so I can't admit it to you face to face and lose you. It's probably a good thing you live far away from me so that this is a lot easier to hide.

I want to die haha dab.

Dear Dan,

You were the best brother anyone could ever have. You were smart, kind, loyal, and always knew just what to say to make the pain stop. Its my fault your dead. I wasn't paying enough attention. I should have known better. The truth is, it should have been me who died, not you. Everyone loved you, and you loved them. You made the world a better place. And I just can't do that. I'm in a bad place right now. I've been this way for awhile. I just want to talk to you again. To hear you say I'm worth something. To be told I matter. But you died. You died because I wasn't fast enough to save you. You died because I wasn't paying enough attention. I just want to hear from you again bro. Just something. Even if its just to hear you say you hate me. I just want to hear your voice again. Just one last time.

Your letter.

Dear D (female)
I miss you, where are you? Is everything alright
Me (male)

I don't think I could even muster a pretend smile for you after all that has happened.

>tfw you're an A who fell for two Js
>tfw you know neither of them ever cared enough about you to post about it here

Why are there so many A's and J's?

it's the combo of chaos

Hey, Sadie.
I grew up. Took some time, but I realized that even though I do love you, you're not really that great of a person and I still fell for you. I've started hating you, simultaneously, even as my feelings continue to grow.

We won't ever speak again, I'm promising myself that. One day, I'll have forgotten your name, while you realize that I was the best thing that happened to you once you're still alone and unsuccessful, and you ruined it.

If you still browse here and see this, you know who you are. I don't need to put my initial.

This scares me as a J who's only ever dated A's and is currently doing so.

new guy here
same, i'm a J who only dated 3 girls and all of them started with A

If you would have really loved him. You wouldn't have abandoned him. You're the one to blame.

Here, originall reply a bit late

You keep telling how much I've ruined you and fucked you up, while you did the same years ago.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't whine about me, but that you are describing me as a monster while you hurt me too.
I didn't do anything about it, because I'm pretty fragile and believed that I wasn't enough for you, and honestly I still believe that. I tried to be better, but it just wasn't me. Maybe I don't deserve to get better, I'm trying so hard, but I'm barely making steps forward.
I don't hate you, I'm not angry, now I'm just okay with everything that happened. But I'm moving forward, and I feel happy.
I'm not doing anything on Halloween, it doesn't feel right, I just want to stay home.

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Fuck off J you fucking nigger
t. J


I'm sorry I didn't realize just how bad your condition was getting. The doctors said there was nothing anybody could've done, but maybe if I had called 911 just a bit earlier that day, when you were acting funny, maybe you'd still be here? I miss you. It's been over 2 years now, but I still miss you, so so much.

After you died, T emotionally abused me to the point I ended up hospitalized due to the mental state everything left me in. Things were really hard. I even ended up going to live with dad for a while, despite everything he did. I was that desperate for relief from T and his girlfriend. It's okay now, though. I found someone I love a lot, and he really loves me, and now we're living together.

I wish I could introduce you to him. I think about it all the time. You two would get along so well. I have a job now, and I often think about supporting you with the money I get from it. I wish I could give you a good life, but I can't.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for wasting my teen years as a NEET instead of going to high school. I got my GED, though, and I'm going to college. I wish you could see me. I'm doing progressively better. I miss you so, so much. I'm on the road to being happy, I just wish you were here to see it.

I mean you were but you were so hot I felt like you would never be mine after that one date.

Like honestly, what made you think we were compatible? Your ass is legendary and yet my body is mediocre compared to yours. You were the Eve to my Adam and I let you slip by.


So when does the lesbian part happen


For a while you made me very happy. I'm sorry we ended this way. I love you and I wish you were mine. You drove me crazy with you for a while but I had to give you up or else my thirst would just grow.

I need you like I need a drug. It's weird yet since very symbiotic. You make me smile every time you exist. You make me warm in a good way. It's weird. I know I never treated you that way, but you make me feel like that. I just hope you're realizing your beauty soon.

Hi, F. Do you still like JoJo? Every time I see anything related to it, I always think about you.

I'm sorry I ghosted you. I did so because I'm paranoid and can't trust anyone anymore even though I know you loved me and would never harm me.

The problem is your friends and admirers hate me because you openly say you love me. When you said you would date me, I was threatened by your crazy fans for days, they even had personal information of me and my family.

I know you said you'd protect me, and I know you would, but I can't put my family in danger.

You were my best friend and I loved you just as much. Ever since we stopped talking, I can't stop thinking about you. I dreamed of you yesterday, I dreamed we were happy together and everything was as it used to be.

I desperately want to talk with you and explain all of this, but I'm afraid you'd never accept me again.

I know you won't read this, but it feels good to say it anyways. I still love you just as much, you are my idol, the strongest person I've ever met. Stay strong, even now I'm still by your sides always wishing you the best.

I love you so so so much, F. I hope one day you'll forgive me.

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Wew, you might be!
How did you end up losing touch with whoever?
And what's their first initial?

Well, it was kinda hard situation, but the fault is on me.
Their initial is K

Hey N,

You're cute.

I wish this was for me, but I can only hope someone thinking this way about me.