So are robots single because they want Stacey and not the cute girl?

So are robots single because they want Stacey and not the cute girl?

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But cute girls are Staceys

No, its because im mentally ill and don't leave my house

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Katy Perry is a Stacey, Taylor Swift is te cute chick.

all girls are cute

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Actually it's cuz I look like I'm 12.

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the problem is, robots are nervous sissys, if we all held confidence we would be fine

Robots have high standards and toxic personalities, that's why they're single.

Robots are single because oh their por genitalia. Oppressive engineers, you know. Heh.

So, are you saying that you are a loli?

I am single because I don't take chances and I talk myself out of pursuing.

single because girls only care about feminism

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this is best post

No I'm single because I'm literally worthless in the eyes of every single female that exists

Robots are single because women are okay with sharing men

lol no. that pic is basically a 10 in my eyes but I promise you I'd have no chance at catching her eye

>but I promise you I'd have no chance at catching her eye
t. guy that catches her eye but immediately turns her off when he talks

>Katy perry is stacy
You could have picked a better example

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>Taylor Swift is te cute chick.
So massively out of our league anyway? Did you even think this through?!

This post ftw

Margot Robbie. To make it worse she is also a coal burner

I'd settle for a 2/10 Finnish girl like pic related.

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Horrible bait, faggot

That is a Two in Finland. They build em cute.

I'd way rather have a cute sexslave gf than a stacy

Didn't that woman torture a bunch of sex slaves in a cult?

>tfw no Dark Elve Finnish qt to beat me with a vitah in the sauna

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Holy crap are you retarded. I literally give no shits about a girl's face. I just want someone who isn't fucking fat. All I can get is fat chicks because I'm not Chad.
You must be a woman where only looks matter