Lovability Index

Hi I was wondering if I can be loved.

>Pale, fleshy face/body
>Slightly chubby
>Curvy I guess
>Lopsided breasts
>No real hobbies or talents
>Unemployed live with my dad
>Good at making Italian food

Can I be loved? What can I change to become more loveable?

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>Can I be loved?
You are a woman. Yes.

>What can I change to become more loveable?
Your standards which are guaranteed to be too high seeing as you're a woman

As long as you're really hairy, and I really mean really hairy, then sure, everything else sounds just fine.

Well I wouldn't date anyone who goes here. None of you have any hobbies or confidence, none of you even see yourselves as being worthy of intimacy. Quite a frightening lot, honestly.

I don't have high standards physically, but a man should have a career, goals, hope, and confidence, at a minimum.

>None of you have any hobbies or confidence,
Not true.

>but a man should have a career, goals, hope, and confidence
I have those

>Well I wouldn't date anyone who goes here.
Then why are you asking us for advice?

just seems like a dreadful board. the whole site is too weird. the men on here are anomie. they aren't fit to date. that's a fact to me. I would never date a man who goes on Jow Forums regularly.

Why would a man date you? Surely you must have something in common with the men posting here if you too are posting.

>goes on Jow Forums
>won't date anybody who goes on Jow Forums

Seems just a little bit hypocritical

women like me can be homebody losers.

when men are that way it speaks of really severe social and growth issues. it's not cute or healthy. that's why I made this post. I don't think being a loner who stays inside all day accomplishing nothing is attractive, to anyone, anywhere. not even me.

she just wants your validation

don't respond

>faced with a problem that's difficult or annoying
>runs away from it

classic r9k. that's what I meant by being unaccomplished and avoiding challenges.

Guess what. Women cant ve homebody losers either unless theyre a 10/10 and exceedingly charming which you certainly are not.

your challenges are nobody's problem here. they're yours. you're coming here and listing qualities about yourself that you think men might find attractive and saying fuck all of you i would never date such a lowly person.

you are literally just looking for validation. go fuck yourself.

>woman complaining to a bunch of losers about whether or not she can be loved
>anons ignore her
>'running away' from problems
just lmao at you, you insecure cunt

You can be a homebody loser ye. But with those standards it'll be extremely hard to find anyone.

Just a classic roastie waiting for a free ride or turn insane after 35yo I bet

Not all of us are NEET
I have a car, job, an apartment, severe depression and drink too much to cope with life.
You just want to exchange your hole for room and board, hoping that your free ride prince charming will magically appear one day.

>I don't have high standards physically, but a man should have a career, goals, hope, and confidence, at a minimum.

as a man with most of those things, soon to have all of them, I wouldn't touch you with a mile long stick. Don't mean to offend, It's just that i don't want another codependt person delaying my progress in life. It's nothing personal really this is just a matter of preference.

>None of you have any hobbies or confidence, none of you even see yourselves as being worthy of intimacy
I drop by Jow Forums to see the autism once a week and there it is
This user is smart

OP you just need to be nice to be loveable, and you need to not treat people like investments. I see you speaking of anons and potential partners in strictly materialistic terms, and that's worrying for your prospects.

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I hope you don't. In fact, I hope you get savagely raped and it haunts you for the rest of your life, to the point that you're afraid every time you see a man and you cringe at a man's touch. Fuck you.

Hey op you described me, except I live alone and would list mentally defective as one of my defining traits.

Of course you can be loved. If you let yourself.

Having finished reading the thread I'll change that to love yourself and get some fucking perspective. I wouldn't date many guys on this site if I'm being honest, because I don't like their attitudes or how they view women. but that doesn't put them all below you. (Or me) Especially when you don't seem to bring much to the table yourself. Be realistic desu

based and sensiblepilled
Good luck anonnette

female double standards the thread

Love? No, but Im sure guys would be willing to fuck you.

Sad thing is someone will love her.

Truth and not even saying it in a bitter way. She likely won't even need to match a partner to her. Beta providers everywhere and she knows it.

>Hey op you described me, except I live alone and would list mentally defective as one of my defining traits.
Would you marry me? You can live with me and I'll do everything for you.

Honestly the thought doesn't appeal to me. Nor should it to you, I'm not partner material and the only bit of self respect in life comes from the fact I'm not leeching off anyone but choosing to struggle on

>taking the bait
C'mon, is Jow Forums really this underage these days? A thread like this would've been struck down in the prime of this board.

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Honestly you just want chad lol, it's not going to be about "struggling on" when you're not young anymore.

Not wanting to leech of a guy = wanting Chad? Ok logic. Whatever helps you cope.

Also Who said I was Young. I literally don't want any guy now, that ship has sailed, done that shit. I don't feel capable of a relationship. Never have.

Don't be so pathetic desu

Yeah, so you're just waiting for Chad, gotcha. Too bad. I'm sure you have guys in your life who would love to be with you but you're rejecting them, am I right?

Uh ok? I'm not on here beamining how alone and unloved I am you know. I'm not rejecting any guys, the only ones in my life until recently were some at work who really just felt sorry for my awkward ass, but considered me weird and ugly. Believe it or not some people aren't actually desperate to be with someone, nor do they think their own happiness lies in that. What a selfish expectation. furthermore.
Not wanting someone this beta doesn't mean I want Chad either. There's many stages in between and to I'd want someone who liked me in my own right in the real world. Not throwing out some rather needy shit (shit I don't need) online to a stranger in hopes I might have anything to do with them

No offense, but why would anyone actually take the "beta" insult from a weird creepy ugly mentally ill social retard like you seriously?

You're denying it's beta as fuck to offer an undesirable stranger that shit? Plus I'm not actually that ugly and shy/awkward doesn't mean creepy either. But I can support myself.. And expect the same from anyone. So yeah it's beta as fuck. And that's not a compliment whoever it's from

You sound mad as hell, holy shit. Didn't think female incels existed until now.

They don't. I'm definitely not without dating options if I cared enough to try. I'm hardly mad, the problem with online is you can't really tell tone.
I just think you're talking shit. And I don't buy into "only wanting chad" That's all. pretty neutral about it.

>i was only pretending to be an autistic loser
Sure thing.

lol I make 6 figures bitch.

I wasn't, but I never said I was autistic. I have depression and anxiety like many on here, I'm only not working currently due to recovering from surgery. But I'm a home owner and not a leeching cunt. I have my flaws but you'd be deluded to think any girl who isn't fat or literally deformed hasn't got at least a few dating opportunities if they tried.

>I never said I was autistic.
You really didn't have to lol.

You can be shy and awkward without that you know. Interestingly I have worked as a career for spergs. Not a thing I'd throw about lightly on here myself. You just seem oddly butt hurt about something I've posted. You'd prefer I was waiting for a man to leech off or what?

They all turn against you, user girl.

This is what I said originally. Toxic rotten people

At least you'd be honest then.

Deformed girls get easy mode too.

What's honest about it.. All youve (they've) done is berate for the opposite of what I've said, or just made their own wild conclusions about me. I don't understand robot logic

Dunno about that. I know a girl with a cleft palate who is a kv at 24, she is the purest and kindest girl I've ever met and has only ever faced ridicule from guys. It's absolutely sickening

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

You've pretty much failed to explain anything of substance. You sure you're not the rejected user. Because that may go some way towards explaining your nonsensical tirade

What exactly do you want explained, I'll try again like you're retarded, just ask me something specific enough that you can understand the answer. Sorry, I don't have experience talking to sub-100 people.

don't be a gaylord

Frankly I'm not sure of your point anymore. All I said was I'm happiest supporting myself in life. I'm not sure which bit of information about MYSELF triggered you

So you don't even know what you want me to explain to you, but you complain that you're not getting it.

What is wrong with your brain, really.