This is the juden who told her daddy to drop the Moab in Syria right?
why are all of trumps kids so ugly?
this agent looks, dyel af
do you guys think i can kidnap ivanka and ransom her without getting caught?
good for her lol
Good for her, ugly pants tho, but on the other hand it's training and not a fashion parade so who gives a shit
guys probably got a gun, and she has some sort of GPS on her, and theres probably a helicopter too.
So yeah I probably could.
>wake up every morning at 4AM
>run ~ten miles
>memorize new intel over a healthy breakfast
>break down and reassemble weapons, spar with heavy bag and practice takedowns on dummy during my morning coffee
>put on one of my 5 matching $2000 suits
>get to the White House
>always nice to the hot security lass in case she and her husband divorce
>get into the presidents quarters
>trump says Ivanka wants to go for a run
>no other guys on the force can run a sub 5 minute mile
>have to drive all the way out to her place
>take off $2000 suit and dawn $20 running shorts and $10 shirt provided by colonel
>we need multiple teams on her as she’s a part of the presidents cabinet
>she comes out wearing absurd orange and teal leggings
>ask her when she thinks she’ll be ready
>Now, lets go
>have to jog next to the American princess in the public eye making a spectacle
>the worst part isn’t even her leggings
>tfw she runs a 12 minute mile
>tfw it takes us 40 minutes to do 3 miles
>tfw I make $150 during our light jog + benefits when you break down my salary
>tfw it’s just another day at secret service