Why do women care for their dogs like a children?

Why do women care for their dogs like a children?

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Because dogs don't take care of themselves.

because women unironically hate humans so dogs are like children but without the human part

The ones who are obsessed with dogs are the ones that secretly want children but will never admit it because they've been taught that maternal instincts towards human children are bad.

Are u kidding? Doggos are mans best friend.

I unironically havent killed myself because of my two doggos

Motherly instinct. Dogs are far more tolerable than human children but still fully rely on you.
That said I never forget my dogs aren't kids, I don't dress them up in stupid outfits and spend extortionate amounts of money on them. However I do like to buy them maybe more toys than they strictly need, purely for my benefit. and the best food.

>my two doggos

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Don't fight doge, you will suffer

They become surrogate kids for failed women that haven't had any. You'll notice the 30+ year old failed roasties that never had kids are the ones that are the biggest nuts about them.

You're only a failure if you wanted the disgusting things. Give me dog over a snotty expensive grasping little shit any day.

I believe a guy when he says he doesn't want kids, but not a women. I'm sure there are some women who really don't, but they are really anomalies. It's in their programming.

At least kids eventually learn to use a toilet. Having a dog is like having a retarded kid that never grows up.

animals are just cute, retarded furry people

instinct derailed

But reality can overtake "programming" I'm not willing to make the sacrifices for kids, I never liked them.
I don't really care if a dog uses outside as a toilet. Nor about the seconds it takes to pick it up, if I even bother as I live in a rural area and my dogs often go way out of anywhere people would walk.. Kids continue to do disgusting shit far longer than dogs do. And they cost far more. Call me selfish but I like my money to be my own.

And on top of everything they destroy your body while exercising a dog only maintains it. I see no benefits to having kids desu.

I don't even want to put in the effort raising dogs, they get weird when they get old and cats just poop in a box. They also don't get Lyme and clean themselves while the human children will trash the house, bring over their stupid friends, leave cumsocks all over the floor, have interests you hate, and never move out because they were born to NEETs/robots/autistics.

Dogs are cool and I like hiking with mine. Daisy doesn't care that I'm a loser

My roommate is one of these autistic dog lovers, don't know why. She's 25 and has had the same boyfriend for three years, if they weren't totally stunted people they'd be married and making babies by now, but instead they fight like teenagers every few months and spend their """date nights""" watching Netflix and getting high, and both claim they don't want children to begin with. So they just pretend like the dog is their baby or whatever and dote over it and spend all their time with it. It's gross to witness.

>She's 25 and has had the same boyfriend for three years, if they weren't totally stunted people they'd be married and making babies by now
the story of virtually every reasonably attractive girl i grew up with

Probably maternal instinct. My younger sister practically worships our cat. My mom does as well, but to a lesser extent, most likely because she already has three kids.

To be fair, dogs look a lot nicer than retarded children. They're probably cheaper, too.

Admittedly cats suit my lifestyle better, but the two dogs fell into my life and helped me a lot. Even just as a reason to leave the house, a reason to hold down a job so I could afford the care. The only benefit I can see to having kids is that they might take care of you when you're old, but that's not a given. Much like the kid not coming out retarded. I couldn't desk with that so I'm not taking the risk

I'm a man and I'm kind of like this. I have a little pug named bozo and talk baby talk to him, feed him treats, cuddle him etc. It's good to raise a little pugootle up right.

>a reason to hold down a job so I could afford the care.

This is unironically one of the reasons I want to get a dog. I need a reason to make money because the shame of not being a loser isn't enough to motivate me.

It's a good reason. Responsibility but also not really. Not coming home to silence in an empty house is important imo.I'd do anything for these little shits.

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>people on this board are so genuinely detached from empathy that they don't understand the bond between a person and a pet

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get a load of this NPC, his IF...THEN exceptions are going haywhire

,most "animal people" are atheist NPC's who put animals on the same level as humans as if humans are just some kind of advanced animal. animals are great, but if you cry over a dead one like it had a soul or something then just kys