Lower testosterone boosts creativity

I don’t understand it. AI requires us in the future to all to be more creative yet women desire high testosterone males. The future literally is alpha fucks beta bucks. If you’re a high test male you’re going to have a rough time finding a job in the future. At the same time, you’ll have a Hiram of women that want your dick. If you’re a low test beta male youll have a job but at the same time women will find you repulsive.

We have a choice. Either be a jobless alpha who fucks real women or have a job yet be universally repulsive to women but have the money to afford artificial wombs.

I don’t know guys...thinking about it logically it might be better to be low test.

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I think this is an oversimplified view of a complex process. Testosterone isnt generally "high" or "low" constantly; it fluctuates based on the situation you're in. Just like there are times when high cortisol is useful, fluctuations in other hormones likely are part of the circadian changes we all go through daily. The key is leveraging your mental strata as they come to accommodate your needs.

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now you understand that the success of a nation depends on how similar its resource-gathering and pussy-slaying modes of behavior are to each other
now you understand why pastoral societies always bulldozed agrarian ones
now you understand why french women gladly fucked the nazis immediately upon being occupied by them
it is time for the wandering barbarians to pillage the complacent city dwellers. there will be great tragedy and loss of life, just as there always has been, just as there always will be. and the city will rebuild itself, just as it always has, just as it always will. and the city will grow slovenly and timid again, and the barbarians will be there to reap their fruits once again.


Attached: Screenshot_20181201-203351_Chrome.jpg (1080x549, 307K)

>not cycling high and low test to improve career and life quality for a few months at a time then getting swole and pounding puss 6 months out of the year

Never gonna make it

Wut the fug, user.


Attached: feelsgrowerman.png (1001x426, 194K)


>believing (((studies)))
The jews are promoting the fuck out of low test to reduce breeding

>"If prehistoric people began living closer together and passing down new technologies, they'd have to be tolerant of each other," Cieri said. "The key to our success is the ability to cooperate and get along and learn from one another."
Tl;dr multikulti is good goy. Let jamal and mohammed fuck your wife

I’m 6.75 x 4.5 ... should I kill myself?

I don’t know, I don’t feel more creative after jerking off but I do feel a drive to be creative because I feel ashamed I broke nofap and wasted energy, if that makes any sense.

Probably, but unrelated to your dick size.

Attached: ppstats.png (1072x585, 329K)

wdym? 4.5 girth isn’t enough to keep a girl around even if I was 8 inches in length. Guaranteed to get cucked.

A thicc 5’11 girl wants to date me and I BET she will leave me because of my dick size even if it will be a year + into the relationship

You could get cucked for any number of thousands of reasons. If she cheats on you, just leave her and get a new one.

do people really have girth 5 or less and why dont women love me if my dicks so impressive

Because dick size isn't really that significant if you're close to the average

sorry if this is a retarded question but do you measure from the pelvis bone or just where the penis starts?

Is 4.5 girth close enough to the average to not get cucked? I mean no one ever called it small yet and some came back for more. I never been in an actual relationship so just wondering

4.5 is very close to average. You don't have to worry about getting cucked over your dick unless it is abnormally small (i.e. 4x3) or too large to comfortably fit. Either way, you would be extremely rare if your dick is the only reason that you're being cheated on.

Also, remember that the average measurements for girth are taken at the widest part of the dick and are just tight enough to remove excess space. You may have a larger girth than you know and are just measuring too tighly/in the wrong spot.

It’s 4.5 MEG. It can reach 4.8-5.0 after bathmate pump. Great. This makes me feel a bit better even though my dick still feels like a pencil

Well, that's good. Ultimately you just gotta make the best of what you've got.

Where's the actual university study and not the clickbait garbage? I read before that simply having higher sex hormones (whether it be test or estrogen) produces more creativity.

tfw high test and still no women want me, also jobless loser.
its over bros