
So my ex started drunk texting me last night and I’m really confused

What’s her endgame here? I still have feelings for her and kinda want to go out for breakfast with her but also I don’t want to catch feelings again

What do?

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Yeah, go get cucked again!
Such a nice idea you had there!

delete her number

Block her you faggot, or don’t, just don’t go and make a feels thread when it inevitably goes to shit cause you are a moron

Block this degenerbitch, OP.

Stop texting your ex, fag

dont get pussy whipped a second time

OP stop texting her. You come off as a huge faggot and she’s never getting back with you.

Hatefuck her and never talk to her again is the only applicable answer.

You broke up for a reason you dumb nigger. Stop replying and go lift

kill her and then commit suicide

what everyone else is saying-- delete and block. I was in the same situation a couple of years ago and wish I'd followed everyone's advice then

You are just hoping someone tells you what you want to hear - to go out with her and eventually even get back together.

You think you know what you want, but you don't. You are not thinking clearly at all.

If you can avoid feelings, rebound sex is great, if you can't, as it seems, block

>so sorry

thems fighting words, get out of there bro


you're being a bitch again

She and her new boyfriend got drunk. She handed him the phone and he texted you as she giggled “oh my god stop! You’re so mean!”

End of story. Move on.

It's Xmas, she feels lonely, she is using you to validate herself.

Do not reply, I repeat, DO NOT REPLY

>rebound sex with the person you broke up with
Nigger what

Delete and block her number. It'll hurt now but it's a whole lot better than the hurt you'll feel all over again

>with ex


thanks bros I think Im just gonna play some vidya instead

like best case scenario what happens? we fuck and then I fall in love again and then she leaves for in week again?

idk maybe we could just be friends but idk. im not really in a healthy mental state right now idk if I could deal with it

>I’m not really in a healthy mental state right now
All the more reason to leave her alone. Engaging any further in this fuckery is going to contribute further to your declining state.

Lol don’t be friends with your ex

You shouldn't ever keep in communication with an ex
Delete the number and post future concerns regarding this in 8/b/ or 4/adv/





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>I don’t want to catch feelings again
Yeah man, having an emotional connection and forming a long term, happy relationship then raising children is the fucking worst right?

Been there done that, it ended for a reason and will never be as good as you want to remember it being
Block her, find some casual rebound sex and then focus on yourself for a month or two while you shop around for girlfriend material

Breakups are hard bro. Like quitting smoking, just need to power through and never ever ever message first.

>casual rebound sex
Imagine being so degenerate that you suggest fornication on Christ's birthday

There is no best case scenario here just move on. Thots always win lategame.

This. This is Class 1 Thot behavior.


I don’t recommend blocking numbers. I’d actually prefer you being a fucking man and tell the bitch that it isn’t a good idea you two should continue talking. You broke up for a reason. Don’t give this bitch any power over you.

Christ was born in September.

>my name is Sam


>do not engage
> tell the bitch that it isn’t a good idea you two should continue talking

that is engaging and giving the whore the attention she wants
OP literally dont reply and move on with your life. i wish i had followed this advice when i was in your same situation