Alright anons, my 1800ug of lsd arrived in the mail this morning, you all decide how much I take. i'll do it I promise
Alright anons, my 1800ug of lsd arrived in the mail this morning, you all decide how much I take. i'll do it I promise
Take all 1800ug. Have the time of your life
how do I buy lsd in the mail and not be raped by the DEA user? research chems?
oh fuck I knew someone would say it, ohwell gg i'll do it
wish me luck only the 9 tabs are in my mouth now desu
dream market desu, is the seller has good reviews then it's likely good lsd
Specifically the last time of your life
500 ug and go for a night walk
whelp Im too much of a brainlet to handle that I guess I dont get any comfy acid
I've already taken the 1800ug not going for a night walk now lad
Make a trip report post tomorrow.
yeah I will, already feeling the come up, it's happening quite fast small amount of pulsing in the shapes around my room.
it's getting intense lads,
currently feels like 300ug peak right now
oh fuck hy did I dp this help
hope you're trolling. If not, good luck. I saw shit on 500ug that scared me enough that I've never approached it again. I usually stick to around 2-300 now. 1800 is going to be otherworldly.
if you're even capable of using the computer in an hour or two, give this stuff a listen
I'm tripping right now.
About to peak. I love you all.
Love you too. Enjoy your trip
Frankly I'm amazed people can operate a computer while tripping. I can scarcely change music on my phone, much less operate a computer/make a Jow Forums post
The world is so beautiful right now. We're all gonna make it. I promise.
When you read this post, you will realize that I am you and you are me. When you're on acid, doesn't it feel like you're talking to yourself rather than talking to other people? It's like, we all kind of get in eachothers head and mindfuck eachother.
Anyway, blast off user. We all love you, and we all bless you with a good trip. Hopefully you can actually read this.
nigger it's only been 40 minute, you're not fucking "peaking"
We're all one. It doesn't matter what birth mother you're from, we're from the same mother, mother earth. Be at one with her and we will always be connected.
I love all of you.
I hope you have a nice time. Try staring at the ceiling or floor.
I've been tripping for hours.
I still love you even though you called me a nigger.
holy fuck my sides, im keeping a tab of this on my PC so i can check in every hour, get me in the screen caps lads
you were 2 away from a quad. feels bad man
i hope you have a good trip user!
lmao nigger this post is 44 mins old
I'm not the OP.
Just another tripping user.
Realize that only your default mode network holds you back, break this system and watch your autotelic mind make wonders out of your life. Most of what we do with our lives is merely giving energy to hypnotic pendulums which thrive off said energy yet never give us anything in return.
Meditate and try to find some peace. We're all gonna make it eventually.
all of it
completly orign
We are all gonna make it. Our human bodies are just vessels. When we die our spirit ascends to the cosmos and goes on indefinitely. We are gonna make it because it's all been made for us. God wants us to make it and he controls all and loves all.
We are the deus ex machina, user.
Live happily through your actions and deeds. Take joy in the impermanence of life.
test your tabs, make sure its not NBOME so you dont die.
I can't stand being near a computer on acid. It just seems like the most boring thing ever. even my 27 inch monitor seems too small to be interesting. Walking outside and seeing the whole world move is what makes great trips.