I'm 18
my dad is 70 and mum is 65
Anyone with older parents here?
I'm 18
That's insane they've got no idea how to raise you in this generation
Yes they're called grandparents
Your mom cannot be 65. What the fuck?
Dude that sucks. You think theyll live to see their grandchildren?
Nobody is older than your parents.
user I hate to break it to you but youre adopted
Yea. I'm 24, my mom is 60, my dad would be 84 if he was still alive now
I'm 34
Dad is 75
Mom is 74
Thought my parents were old.
>also have 2 brothers that are 20 years older than me
Same as OP but im in my late 20s
nice trips frendo
I'm 22, my mom is 59 so idk if i can join your old parents club
18 here. Both of mine are in their 60s.
>70 and 65
What the fuck?
I'm 26 and my mom is 66 and my dad is 65. Not nearly as big a difference as you but I do feel that the kind of environment I grew up in made me different from other kids.
>tfw you are a millennial but were raised by the generation that produced genXers rather than being raised by genXers themselves
I suppose that might explain some things.
Ayy, that's me too.
I'm pretty close to you, my parents are like 5 years younger than yours.
My parents are in their 60s.
So fucking glad I don't listen to their life advice because I'd be fuckups like them.
My dad is 65 and my mom is 60, my cousins always tell stories of how awesome my dad was, how he taught them to play sports and stuff. But when I came around he didn't have the energy to do anything anymore.
Brian get back to work at Central
24, parents are 63 (mom) and 69 (dad). Older parents + only child = robot
My father is 64, mother is 59.
I'm 20.
Hows that even possible? I feel sorry for you, boomer parents sound like a nightmare.
this is why i think it's too late for me to have kids, even though i'd like to. do you wish he could have taught you those things?
>boomer parents sound like a nightmare.
This user has not a single clue
i wonder if having such old parents gives anyone here an age gap fetish or a ddlg/mdlb kink?
>When you realize OPs mother had him when she was 47
My mom is currently turning 46 in December, what the fuck user.
19, 73 year old dad and 58 year old mom. I don't mind it, but I feel kind of bad for my fsther. I can tell he is disappointed that he couldn't do all the things a father is supposed to do with a son. Still though, we're fairly happy.
>tfw my boomer dad is literally spending my future inheritance on a yacht
The memes are all true.
>mom is 46
>dad is around the same age I think (didn't see him since I was 6)
My parents are young
>mom is 40
>dad is 42
>I'm 20
Hahahahahah, I might still have autism but I am an elite prime agely birthed specimen.
>only child
>dad is 66
>mom is 58
is this why i ended up here
My parents were 28 and 26 when they had me and they will still never see their grandchildren.
I know a guy whose dad is nearing 80 and his mom is 57. Turned out to be an absolute chad though
I'm 21. My dad is 68 and my mom is 40. My dad pretty much went to the Philippines, married an 18 y/o whore and popped out myself and 2 other hapa babies. She has cheated on my dad at least 3 times but my dad always guilts her into staying with him by forcing her to go to church. My imouto is popular with boys but my brother and I are both KHV's and I am balding badly. I probably have a few undiagnosed mental health problems to boot. Tis the fate of a hapa boy.
Damn that sucks bro. Got a sister?
Yes, she is a senior in high school
>mom is 40
>dad is 39
>I'm 23
>brother is 2
How exaclty am I supposed to feel about this
Can i fuck your sister?
I don't think her chad boyfriend would approve it though
the oppostite. im 15 and my dad and mum are both 32
Your parents ruined their lives by having you.
lol it's fucked up but I kekd
As someone who has siblings that much older I will tell you to be good to your little bro. He's gonna have a shit time
I'm also a KHV hapa with a cuck father, whore mother, and (what i suspect to be) KHV brother.
Also have a female hapa cousin who is much more experienced with relationships.
Not like they knew any better given they were teenagers.
Or that I would become a college dropout shut in.
I'm trying my best now. Honestly it's one of the things keeping me from buying my Remington 870 and saying goodbye. I didn't have anyone to talk to growing up so I'll be damned if anyone else close to me feels that. The biggest hurdle will be connecting with him when he gets older. I'm confused by the zoomer memes that come out now. Hell knows what his generation will make.
Yeah, I'm 32 and my mom is 47. Btfo.
>Not like they knew any better given they were teenagers.
I knew better when I was that age, and I always used condoms.
>dad had me at 40 and has been obese for 2 decades
i've been worrying about him dropping dead of a heart attack since I was 16
It's crazy how female hapas get a halo effect from their neoteny. Meanwhile male hapas are basically considered genetic trash by the opposite sex in America
>Meanwhile male hapas are basically considered genetic trash by the opposite sex in America
and are near the bottom of the social totem pole among males due to their passive nature, low stature, and unathleticism
OP my dad is 75 and my mom is 55
You'll find that you connect with him better than you might think. One big thing though- once he gets old enough you should absolutely start treating him as an equal. You'll see when he starts showing independence and that's when. He stops being the little brother and becomes just the brother even though you will be +20 on him
What are you trying to say user
Mom's 62
Dad's 58?
Half-Sister (from Dad) 21?
I'm 30, dad is in his 70s, mom is dead already. They had me around 40. Probably why I literally have autism.
My grandpa passed away this year with 91 years and his youngest sons are 16 and 14
I will never procreate or have kids because I will die a virgin. orrignia
Having kids in your forties greatly increases the risk of it coming out all fucked up. No wonder you're retarded user.