8 days till i can finally try weed....much exited

8 days till i can finally try weed....much exited

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dont have a seizure user but good luck

more like the opposite, chill time :)

Weed is meh at fuck, I actually got fucking angry at how overrated it was. I was expecting a live changing experience and at the end I just got some drunkenness and a massive headache.

>tfw you want to smonk but you're looking for a job

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Shrooms are what you were looking for

maybe you had some low quality strain.
i'm planing to try many strains before coming to a conclusion.

how do shrooms make one feel?
can you describe the experience

Don't expect too much.
You'll laugh a lot which is fun, but it won't change your life or nothing.

>letting the jew dictate what you do on your own free time
that's worse than 17th century slavery.

which drug then would you recommend?

do some acid not shrooms

where do you buy it? got a trustworthy onion site?

I'm tripping right now. I can feel the universe mothering me.

I got a dude bro I see IRL
usually get 10 tabs for $60 but it's been a while

I've had two lower medium dose shroom trips here's what it was like
>felt complete euphoria
>felt completely weightles
>vision was super hd
>colors were brighter and more saturated
>things like walls and ceilings warped and breathed
>nature was extremely beautiful and I felt connected to it

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how do i find such a dude bro, i got no offline IRL friends

if you know any drug dealers I'd start there, just asky if they know anyone for acid or shrooms

It's not a common thing to get

honestly online is your best bet

>felt complete euphoria
that's more interesting, the rest like nature and colors shit i don't give a fuck about.

wouldn't IV heroin give one a better euphoria?

not that user but the euphoria I felt is more of a 'kid like excitement' if you catch my drift

you know when you were a kid and real happy and gitty to the point you felt anxious

thats how I felt for like an hour peaking

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sounds like false sense of reality, you got anything that will open my mind and enlighten me with secret revelations and endow me with super human mind powers?

hey OP weed is awesome. its the only drug you need. its fun to mix with alcohol. drink 4-5 shots of alcohol then smoke a little weed youll feel great.

other drugs are good too like LSD if youre really desperate for a new experience but make sure you dont do it alone and make sure to test the tabs with test kits to make sure its not NBOME becuase NBOME is very dangerous. have fun

>but make sure you dont do it alone

Tripping alone is the best.

DMT, prob won't get any powers though

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Go drink a beer and talk to a girl fag.

I'm high right now but it's not like the first days
Enjoy yours

why ruin weed with toxic alcohol?
alcohol is the jew's weapon of mass destruction against the goyim

abusing lsd sometimes gives people what they call a "hud" where you see information "in front" of your eyes.
but i mean, you're basically just going crazy, it's not super powers

rake your lawn

Start with an indica, smoke a couple hits at a time

>be me, 18
>never tried weed before because massive dumb faggot with no friends
>really nice coworker lets me smoke on his for the first time ever
>get just really mildly high but it's fun, decide to buy some

>fast forward 9 years
>spend $50 every single week on marijuana unless I'm broke af
>HAVE to have some EVERY day or I start to feel nauseated, anxious, angry, and start chewing the inside of my mouth
>have smoked every day for so many years it would take me 4-6 months to get traces of marijuana completely out of my system
>have spent tens of thousands of dollars on marijuana at this point
>don't have any plans to stop

It's dangerous because it's easy to acquire and provides immediate solace from your problems, especially if you suffer from anxiety and git gud at smoking every day to control it. If I have weed, I can do anything. If I don't have weed, I can't do anything.
I don't recommend it, but in my particular situation, it's better than living without any medication at all.

If you do not smoke daily and your body is free of traces of marijuana, you can smoke a bowl on day 1 and be free of traces in your system by day 5. It is consistent daily use that builds up such a level in your body that you will fail a piss test.
-t. Failed at least three piss tests by the state.

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If you smoke weed after taking a psychedelic at some point in your life prior then you can really get its all out of it. With the new dimensions of thinking that psychs shed light on, and the cerebral high of a good sativia, your mind just goes places that amaze you while its happening.

Same boat my man, I feel like people like us are not so much falling prey to the plant though but are using it as a crutch for more deep set personality issues that relate to interacting with others. When I smoke weed and have enough to not worry about needing to get more any time soon, I feel like everything in the world is in the right place, without it, I go back to being alien.

Different guy here but I feel that's exactly right. I don't smoke weed often because I don't often find connections but I have the same feeling you guys have with kratom. pretty dependent on the anxiety relieving effect of it and I struggle to get anything done without it. and I mean if i had access to weed more I'd be hooked on both probably.
At least this doesn't show up on drug tests i guess.

it's not supposed to be a life changing experience lmao
it's just a fun thing to do every now and again

>When I smoke weed and have enough to not worry about needing to get more any time soon, I feel like everything in the world is in the right place, without it, I go back to being alien.
Exactly the same for me. If I text my dealer and they're out and don't know when there will be more, and I'm nearly out, I turn into a fucking rage sperg. It will ruin every waking minute of my life till I know I'll be able to get more.

It's not a chemical addiction so much as it is a fear of returning to normal daily feels. I need it not because I NEEEEEEEED it but because I hate being me and I can't force myself to be normal without it. If you can't force yourself to be normal, you can't go to work, clean your house, cook for yourself, etc.
Like I said, dangerous. I almost wonder if I'd have been better off never knowing what it's like to feel "okay."

>spend $50 every single week on marijuana unless I'm broke af

you got jewed my friend, combustion destroys 50% of the good stuff and another 20% is lost between hits.

how do people still not know about butane vapes?
no loss of THC, ultra efficient. you'll be spending 1/10 of what you do now.
Vapcap M 2018 my friend. shhh don't let the jew know i told you this.

also what kind of anxiety are you having?
like worries about the future or stuff like being shy talking to people and fear of being judged?

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Cannabis suppresses seizures. It's actually used medicinally to treat epilepsy

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on a side note, why not just let Iesous take the pilot wheel? you know him as Jesus.
anxiety = fear of judgement, no future and death.
as long as you keep the 10 commandments he will take care of you.

I feel the same way. I don't even necessarily smoke that much but the thought of running out of weed really spooks me to the core.

he's just baiting anun

I can't force myself to believe in magic garbage solely because it would make my life easier.
Can you? Can you really fool yourself like that? Do you realize how retarded Catholicism/Christianity is if you look at it in an IMPARTIAL historical context?
Go be retarded somewhere else, most of us don't take comfort from being eternally watched and judged by a giant idiot who himself is supposed to have created all the pain and suffering that exists.
Don't even get me started on theological debate, you will lose every time.
-t. Raised by Nazarenes.

Same. I try not to smoke until 2-3pm on a work day or 5-6pm on an off day. It's just the thought that I would want/need it and not have it that spooks me.

I'm considering, but a big part of this is being able to acquire the oil for cartridges. I have a dozen people I can buy herb from. I only know one severely underaged person who only occasionally has pre-loaded cartridges but doesn't sell loose oil.
>what kind of anxiety are you having?
I am a failure and I cannot do anything right. My life is at best hanging in the balance and at worst gutter trash. I have a personality disorder that causes me to act in ways even I find despicable, yet in the moment I have no control. I cannot keep a steady job and my family does not talk to me. My mind can go crazy with loud and fast thoughts that become defeaning. Weed brings me back.

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You posted this on Jow Forums too, glad to see Jow Forums accepts its position as a Jow Forums colony and gives its proper taxation via shitposts.

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>I have a personality disorder
sigh... you need Iesous my friend, he can heal you.
verily i say unto you, i am not fooling myself, i believe, i know, it is the truth.
my friend, Catholicism is the Beast of revelation, it's the anti-christ... you have been brainwashed...that's exactly what satan wants :( ... read KJV bible and only the KJV bible and The great controversy by Ellen White. i'm offering you a light so precious, billionaires would give away it all if they could for this(but it will be too late), probation is closing, judgement is near....it's your choice.

also the vapcap M is a herb vape, no oil needed. it's the best.

I'm not going to do weed, but I want to try CBD.
Any user have advice for that? Good prices, what the know is on it, etc

>also the vapcap M is a herb vape
I haven't seen an herb vape. You just pack it full of shake? People at my work all use oil vapes and they seem like the shit.
Thanks for the weed advice but I'll pass on the religious shit. As I said, I was raised in a Nazarene church, and nothing will make you hate a religion like a building full of nutjobs who can't even explain their own fanaticism. Religious people are too shitty for me to want to join them.

CBD is not psychoactive and will give you no appreciable effects. CBD is intended for use as medicine. You will not "feel" it like you would with actual drugs.

That's why I want it. I don't want psychoactive effects. I should have mentioned that, but I thought it'd be implied. I heard it quells intrusive thoughts and helps with at least focusing the mind on what you're doing, not to the point of adderall, but still helpful in a slight way, along with anti-anxiety stuff.

Protip, smoking joints is much more enjoyable than any other way.

My partner tried using it for anxiety and did not like it. He felt no change, and he does not smoke weed or do any drugs or take any medication, so it has nothing to do with tolerance. I think it probably helps with normie anxiety the way alcohol does: it doesn't actually address the anxiety, but mitigates the physical symptoms, and for some people that's enough to feel better.

>life changing
I mean its good but theres no weed thats THAT good

It just helps me socialize and be funny around people

I see, I'll keep that in mind. How big does the dosage have to be?

trust me, you get much more for your bang with herb and also it's healthier, no additives. combined with vapcap m you'll be spending 80% less. just check reddit for all the praise of the M.

>nothing will make you hate a religion like
that's exactly why satan created all these denominations, what better way to hide AND ridicule the light then hide it under a pile of garbage and hypocrisy. only 1% of modern "christians" will be saved.
i implore you to read the last few chapters of the great controversy, it might change your life and heal you. you choice, at least i tried.

>herb vape

>only 1% of modern "christians" will be saved
What's the point, then? Why would a God create a world where he claims to love all his children, but damn the majority to a life of hell? He could have prevented it all by never having created the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil." But he did (supposedly), and he did it KNOWING that Lucifer would fall and tempt Eve to the apple and that she would succumb. He knew this before he even thought up a speck of dust.
God can be any two, but never all three, of the following, assuming all Christian literature is factual: Omniscient, omnipotent, and kind.
If he knows all and is all powerful, he is not kind to let people suffer as they do.
If he is kind and knows all, then he is not very powerful to let things get out of control.
If he is all powerful and kind, then he must be pretty stupid to make such glaring mistakes.
Some "divine creator." I've done better work drunk doodling.

Are you doing a sativa or indica? I'd recommend smoking indica, it's comfy and has more of a "true" weed high tgat you see depicted on TV/movies. Smoking it is nice too since you can smoke to a level of highness that you're comfortable with immediately rather than wait hours on an edible that'll either not work or fuck you up big time. Don't fall for the big dosage or hit memes, weed is a soft drug but it can and will fuck your ass up if you do a retarded amount with no tolerance. Helps to have friends around but if you don't have any like me then just keep a level head and don't freak out, which usually only happens if you're smoking a sativa, but I guess it's different for everyone. Not to scare you but if you're not careful with dosage you will literally feel like you are being drug to hell or have a really uncomfortable episode of derealization. Take a hit, see how you feel in a couple minutes, take some more based on that, wait, rinse and repeat til you're at that point of bliss. If you're doing edibles, I do not recommend anything that's pure THC without any CBD. Tried it with some sativa gummies, worst panic attack Ive had in my life, some indica ones, was a lot more tame but it was a pretty terrifying body high.

Don't let anything I said scare you btw, ive just experimented a bit with this and I have quite a bit of issues, mainly paranoia, so if you're more of a normie you won't have to be worried at all. It's very enjoyable if you're not dumb about it.

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You're a retard if you haven't realized that the volume of the active ingreidents is the important part.

Mushrooms may very a bit in psilopsybin concentration from strain to strain but the method of growing and drying will effect it a lot more. Typically, if you're looking for something to blow your head off take 3-4gs dried. (depending on your weight.)

Nothing is going to change your life user. THe mushrooms may be a catalyst for you doing the changing yourself but you still have to make that change.

>brothers making weed brownies with weed butter
>lets me have a spoonful of batter
>hell yeah
>dont think itll be too bad
>sit down on the couch while waiting for my friends to pick me up for a movie
>decide to put on Devilman Crybaby
>watch Devilman Crybaby while high as absolute FUCK off of weed brownies
If youve seen Crybaby you probably already know how bad that fucked me up
>friends pick me up
>giggling my ass off and lying down in the back seat
>movies sold out
>go and get KFC instead

I had a great fucking night that night. Its only tangentially related to the thread but all the same I thought it was a fun story

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no no my friend, God does not cause any suffering in the world, it's Satan, he does all the evil. but why? because our heavenly father allows him...but why? because of FREE WILL.
without free will there can never be true freedom and happiness. if you sin you become Satan's slave and he may do with you as he pleases...but because of God's mercy and love
satan's power to destroy is limited...until probation closes....there will be a test soon, The Sunday Laws, a test of allegiance. that's why he also made the tree of good and evil, also to serve as an example to other worlds of the consequences of sin and surrendering to Lucifer's rule of tyranny. before you reject my message, consider this...right now one of satans fallen angels could be whispering into your ear. but you can do it, Iesous is always there to save you if you let him be your guide.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." :) Revelation 21:4

please read the great controversy by ellen white.

way ahead of you nigga I've already gone full circle into realizing I am Christ, and so are you

*to clarify... sunday law observance is the mark of the beast, on other hand is Sabbath, saturday, the seventh day of the week is the Seal of God.
Catholicism = anti-christ = Babylon.
those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Iesous are the church of God.

God created Lucifer knowing he would create sin and taint the souls of God's children.
If I was a father, I would not want any of my children to suffer eternally. The primary message of Christianity and the primary function of Christianity are incompatible.
>inb4 "god works in mysterious ways"
>inb4 "you couldn't understand what a god is thinking"
Bullshit. Christianity was created by men to control droves of peasants to make them stop killing and raping each other and stealing and burning down houses. It is not very lucrative to rule a kingdom of savages, however, if all people think that in order to avoid eternal hellfire and damnation, they have to donate 10% of their salaries to the church - which you, as a King, own - that's very convenient indeed, don't you think? It helps that the population will now grow as people have stopped murdering each other over figs and sheep.

>I would not want any of my children to suffer eternally.
sigh...another catholic lie... there is no eternal suffering nor hell, the wicked just die in the last purifying "hell" fire and it's the end. NO MORE SUFFERING.
see? it's Satan's doing, he want to make people think that God of love would do such a thing...no it's actuality merciful, to put the sinner out of his misery, they are always in pain and sorrow.
if you were a father and your son is agonising in pain everyday, would you not rather have him die than live?
sin = agonizing disease.
what is sin?
the breaking of the 10 commandments.
can we be saved by keeping the commandments alone? no, we need Christ to help us be perfect as he is perfect, and he has power to give you, but you got to do your part and put effort in it.
and the tithe too, was perverted by satan etc... duality everywhere, a common satanic tactic to tarnish God's character.
also those people behaved like savages because they had no Iesous in their lives...and God protects his own.

damn how'd this go from talking about weed to religious debate

It's literally in the Bible, which is supposedly written by the devout followers of Jehovah.
If you can't trust the Bible - the only period literature regarding Christianity - to tell you about its religion, then what can you trust?
You get crazier the more you talk. You can't just make up rules regarding a religion and demand that they are true.
Oh, wait -
That's literally how every single religion in the history of Earth was founded.
Sorry, I'm still not buying. Save your breath for someone with fewer brain cells. I wish you the best, out of Christians you seem like a really swell dude, but y'know, I was raised being preached to and I really don't care for any more.
Religion is forever dead to me. I will never cease to see it as it is: a comforting lie.

here you go: "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death."Revelation 20:14

i literal says Death. and death is cessation of all thought and suffering....according to the Book of Job. and the dictionary duh.

my friend, please do not read it lightly or take thing out of context, it has to be searched and interpretations applied from one verse to understand another verse, but don't worry, even an uneducated man can comprehend it, God will give him understanding if one is serious about knowing the truth.
but before you go, remember that God has protected his Holy Book as the source of light, it's the KJV bible, it was written by holy inspiration of God and there is no error there nor "lost in translation" stuff.
God has power to preserve his word and he did.

it is not a lie, it is a comforting truth.

I have 40 joints beside me I haven't tripped out since I was like 14, the lustre wears off after a while.

Any English Bible has a lot of "lost in translation" stuff, as it has been translated many many times through many languages over hundreds of years, and by people of unknown skill and motive.
You're welcome to believe blindly and believe wholly. If God is real and as you say, I do not accept him as my God as I find him shameful, selfish, and crude. After all, is he not a jealous God? Is Envy not a sin? Can he not be a wrathful God as well? What God sins?

no, not the KJV bible.
other yes, they are jesuit abominations. designed to bury the truth. he allows it because of free will.
the Father has power to protect his light.

yes he is jealous, as any father would be if his child went out to hang out with criminals. yes he's wrathful, just as any good father would be, he punishes because he loves you, spare the rod spoil the child.

> every Bible is wrong
> except for the one specific I read
Yup. Whatever you say.

that's one of the perks of being one who sincerely thirsts and looks for the truth, you get divine guidance and wisdom.
"seek and you shall find"
"repent for why should you die says The Lord"