Plastic Surgery General

Any anons have experience with plastic surgery, or are planning to have plastic surgery? I had a nose job like pic related and would recommend/10, recovery isn't bad and you'd never know I had work done.

where is the user who was going to have major facial surgery earlier this month, I'd like an update pls.

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He looks way better before.

He went from greek statue with a slightly bigger nose to depressed softboi.

Unironically looks better on the left, he looked very distinguished and manly.

Probably rhinoplasty since my uncle is a good friend of a plastic surgeon so he can probably give me a good discount or maybe even free. Dont know about anything else I have a good jaw from mewing. My eye area is the ugliest part of me but I dont know about getting surgery for that
Probably just the angle. I think he looks better

He should have done something to his forehead or chin, his nose was fine. The change in hairstyle was unironically a great move.


yea theres something wrong with my jaw, a mandible missing or something, shifts my face to the right a bit

real unnattractive, getting surgery done in the near future. they say my upper lip will probably go numb but thats a small price to pay i think

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Whats wrong with his forehead?

Nothing by itself, but it's sloped, and that combined with his weak chin gives his whole face a recessed look, like a sideways triangle. The nose job actually makes it stand out more. The hump was breaking the line and giving his face more balance.

Yeah, I have a similar nose to that and I'd never do anything to it, I'd look really stupid to myself with anything else, and despite me looking like shit otherwise it's always received positive attention from the ladies.

one bump for the user I'm looking for and then I'll let this die in peace.

i want to get korean surgery to look more andro

i had jaw surgery.

used to have an underbite kinda like this pic, then i went to man-jaw. i originally wanted braces cuz my teeth were way out of line, but they said they could only do so much, jaw surgery would be optimal.

i just thought they would shift my lower jaw forward, didnt know it would totally change my face. but yeah, im far more attractive than i used to be.

Attached: virtual-surgery-before-after.png (474x520, 363K)

What was the recovery like? I've heard jaw surgeries are brutal

His problem was with his recessed chin/jaw, his nose in the before picture is actually more handsome and masculine looking. Went from looking fairly rugged and manly to being a bit boyish with the rhinoplasty. Probably fitting given any man who actually invests in a nose job is a faggot (unless your nose has a legit medical issue)

i had my surgery more than 10 years ago, the process has probably changed, but i had like 1 month home rest, a ton of oxy pills, jaw wired shut, and a liquid diet.

lost a ton of weight due to that as well, but for the most part i didnt care, i was high as fuck on oxy, before they found out it was addicting and stopped prescribing it so much in general.

didn't know we had the technology to cure vampires

>before they found out it was addicting and stopped prescribing it so much in general.
Yeah tell me about it, I had non elective surgery (lost a lung) and they were still stingy with the pain meds. For my nose job the worst part was waking up in the morning and finding all the gunk nonsense that had collected in my nostrils, truly disgusting. Was there anything like that with the jaw surgery?

i got a nosejob. had a nasty jew nose even though not even a jew.
I 100% liked the outcome but it still doesnt get me any female attention

not that i remember, i still brushed my teeth, but just couldnt get the insides. i guess there could have been stuff stuck there, but nothing notable that i can remember. no gauze or anything.

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Huh, I guess that might be unique to nose jobs then. The liquid diet doesn't sound fun but with enough oxys I guess anything is acceptable. There's nothing like that feeling of popping an oxy and then just settling into a movie/videogame, it is unimaginably comfy.

The former is a lot more attractive. Went from a qt to bitchface.

what if she were a male?
before pic would be creepy loser that girls dont want to associate with in public
after pic would be a normal person that people could trust for some reason

Yeah, it's pretty much the other way around for men.

>I had non elective surgery (lost a lung)
nigga how do you lose a lung

I want a fat transfer. Takes some from my tummy and my arms, please put it in my booty and tits. Everything else is ok.

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But I like chicks with small tits and fat upper arms.

I don't care what you like, I'm not doing it for a man.
I rarely even leave my house, I just want to like my body and find an e-gf that will trade cute pics with me.

Lesbians will care even less about that though.

>paying $$$ to go from Lt. Alpha to chromozome thief

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I'm waiting for CRISPR and genetic engineering tech to advance to a level where germline editing is possible and that is when I'll get my germline edited to become a 6'4 Korean K Pop star looking dude with green eyes.

Right now I'm a 5'8 blonde hair blue eyed white incel.

Yep, I had quite a bit of facial work done. Would definitely recommend it if you have features that you hate. I feel a lot better now

He literally looks the same but with a stubble and nicer hair