I'm going to get plastic surgery, dental work, fix my skin, work out/diet and then I will get a bf!
I'm going to get plastic surgery, dental work, fix my skin, work out/diet and then I will get a bf!
Are you a girl (girl)? If so, please be in London
Before you fix your outside, you must fix ur insides first you get what Im sayin
hmu in a year when I'm cute
How to do this?
I can be your bf rn, little boi.
I'll fix his insides, if you know what I'm sayin
>plastic surgery
Massive red flag unless you're deformed.
>tfw no self improvement gf
Artificial beauty is the future user, everyone's doing it
I don't care. I won't have it and I'll reject any that do.
The fact that ur getting a plastic surgery is already sign that you're insecure as all hell which probably means that you'll still find things about urself to be unhappy and be cranky about even after the surgery
Plz stop using Yuuko. Yuuko is already beautiful. You may use her again once you're no longer ugly. Plz use Mio for now. Thanks.
true but at least society will treat me better
okay fine
Thank you for understanding and switching to Mio, user. I appreciate it. You may be a hideous beast on the outside for now, but I can recognize you for the immense beauty that you possess on the inside.
You should work on your body/ get fit first before any surgery user. Maybe just having a healthy body will boost your spirits and save you some cash from surgery
You're very kind babycakes
I'm almost definitely getting the surg, it's the only way out of this face
How old are you, out of curiosity? Are you sure that you're ugly? You might just be too hard on yourself.
I think you are perfect the way you are sorry you feel this way
I agree with this user. Moralfags keep on making BS arguments about the evil of plastic surgery. As long as you don't overdo it and look like a deformed doll I don't see a problem with looking better. Erotic capital is essential, people love good looking people. And if you have the money and time, definitely get some work done. Weigh out risks and benefits though and realize less is more
good for you user, hope everything works out for the best!
I'm gonna get a horse, and name it "Horse". I will pet it all day, and feed it apples and carrots. People will come from all over and say "that there is a mighty fine petting horse you got there". I would then look at them and say "Yuuuuuuuuuuup, mighty fine petting horse indeed". We would lead a rather comfy life, and be comfy for the rest of our days.
I hope that you do, user. That's a beautiful dream.