Is spite one of the best motivators out there?
Is spite one of the best motivators out there?
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I did it out of spite because of an ex of mine who wanted me to remain fat. Everyone wanted me to accept myself, including my own family, but I fought through it, and I'm still losing weight
Good luck user, keep going, we're all going to make it.
Eat bugs so we can fit more bugmen onto the earth living bugmen lives. The individual pie slice of each person is getting smaller and smaller.
I feel sorry for our kids who are going to have to deal with the throes of overpopulation, especially if the third world industrializes.
Why are (((they))) shilling climate change and vegan so hard?
Eat less meat. Slay more invaders. Win-win.
It got me through the first few months.
Some reaaaal degeneracy over there (sorry I had to see for myself). They also shilled not having children and carbon tax. Hmmmm
eating good meat and supporting the grass fed beef industry is literally the best thing you could possibly do for the planet short of raising your own cattle.
I'll explain my story, I've already explained it here on Jow Forums once. But I'll go further into detail
>Be Me
>18, Hispanic, living in the states
>Recently graduated from high school
>Fat as fuck, averaging around 300lbs, 320 being my maximum weight
>Didn't have any luck with girls
>FF to 2016
>Decide to move to Mexico for University degree since University education is cheaper
>Started to walk more, climb stairs, everything to get around.
>Averaging 280lbs
>Started seeing friends get GFs
>Decide to use Tinder (most people here use it as a dating app not as a hookup app)
>Match with girl, we'll call her Amy
>Amy looks to be chubby, white-ish skin, not too bad looking
>Text each other for a few days.
>Decide to go out
>I was pretty much a beta kissless faggot (but somehow not a virgin)
>Set date to a local park
>We meet
>Fat as fuck
>Darkish skin
>Face so fat you could barely see her eyes
>Decide to see the end of that date
>Date goes smoothly for a while
>She asks, "user, why haven't you kissed me?"
>"Because I haven't kissed anyone before"
>We kiss
>We leave as a couple
>Third date we decide to bang
>Mention to her about wanting to drop the weight during post coitus
>"DON'T DO IT user"
>"Why not?"
>"Because you'll leave me for another girl"
>That's the fucking point
>"Then let's both do it"
>She blabs about pills that'll make you loose weight and (by some miracle of Mexican science and/or witchcraft) gain muscle.
>"I doubt they'll work"