Is there a cartoon character who you truly relate to?

Is there a cartoon character who you truly relate to?

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pic related because I am also lonely and depraved

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yes so many

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tina. pls no booly.

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Pigeon enthusiast from Hey Arnold.

Kurosawa, the 40 year old construction worker who has never had a gf

Intelligent, nihilistic and a complete sperg.

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That's the gayest highlights-job I've ever witnessed. You can have him.

Cartman easily

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He was just greying in a weird way.



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Tim, from the life and times of Tim.

Tomoko is the only fictional character I have truly related to. It sometimes feels like a bio pic about me but with a female lead.

>unfortunate eyebrows
>overshadowed by better siblings
>angry, vulgar, tomboyish exterior
>oversensitive INFP on the inside
>Edward Hopper
>therapy as a kid
>dysfunctional family
>alcoholic mother
>writes a lot
>prone to intense romantic fixation

Either her or Toot Braunstein.

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I cannot wait until season four. We share a similar nihilistic perspective of the world, yet hide a wild fun side. Sometimes I spend 50 minutes laying on my bed with my eyes closed just thinking about the universe and how small and insignificant I am, and how much of a chaotic mess it truly is. With enough thought, even average people can comprehend it, eh?

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I always relate to the bad guy. Antisocial, cynical, jealous/angry/hateful, and bent on destruction. I don't know why everybody always self inserts as a cool character, hardly anyone is a cool character.

The problem with bad characters is that they're just protrayed as bad, even hitler and stalin thought they were doing noble things.

>25 year old NEET
>lives at home
>only friend is his dad
>no success with women
>spends all day in front of TV

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Tell me youre memeing.

I could write you paragraphs detailing why I'm not. I just relate to Rick on a fundamental, spiritual, and personal level. OP asked for a relatable character, and I provided. There's nothing behind it kiddo

Redditard found

I even live alone in a metal box and everything.

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yeah, it's you. you're the redditard.

>had sex many times
>many gfs
>is openly social
>people cares for him
>has a career

No, but I have a cartoon character who I inspire to be.

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I also live in a metal box, never seen the show though

God damn it.

Don't watch it, play the vn if you want to. It gets the descent into madness/delusion feels a lot better. It honestly felt like I was reading something someone wrote about myself from a couple years prior.

H-man really hits me in the real ways
inb4 fucking weeb trash never even spoken to girls

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8man is chad, doubt you are as sharp as he is.

But get this
give me death

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Are you my dumb ex ?

Probably Vegeta

Rick from rick and morty. I'm smarter than most people and a depressed nihilist like many high iq people. I also drink a lot and most people say my sense of humour is a lot like Rick's

i don't know how obscure this character is or isn't but i don't have much more to say than this image

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I am several people's dumb crazy ex
"fucking crazy and suicidal, I'm never doing that again!"

Pic related, because I want to remove kebab badly.

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Patrick Star for sure.
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

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