Are us asian men truly fucked?

Are us asian men truly fucked?

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I don't know why you'd make a thread like this unless you were a masochist or just baiting.

Yes, we are the least masculine of men.
I hate asians and I'm hapa. It's gross.
Can't wait for the Japanese to gene edit the chink from their eyes.

KPOP and BTS has made asian men attractive to women, and KPOP/BTS gets more and more popular every day, so there is hope.

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Solidarity among my people, suffering together
>Yes, we are the least masculine of men. I hate asians and I'm hapa. It's gross.
You're not asian

Not OP, but I'm a masochist chink. I'm waiting for the inevitable floods of posts deriding us for how unmasculine and wimpy we are and how we're subhuman insects with no morals. And of course, also the WMAF posts and how our women are getting stolen away by superior white men.

Then why do I completely fail to get even one gf at the age of 24? Bringing up kpop is for retards. I can't even settle for an asian because they're whores.

Does thinking this way help you feel less mentally ill and suicidal?

I'm actually damn astonished how fucking emasculated asians are now that I realize. One of my friends made a comment how I wasn't like his other asian friends cus they were all quiet and shit. The asian guys I know that aren't pussy bitches are all totally americanized and don't speak a word of their home language.

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It confirms my belief that I'm a piece of garbage with no hope and that I should give up and escape to the 2D world.

If you are northeast asian no

Let me fuck your sister then
Teach me more about escapism, not even anime and video games makes me feel any better. I literally get this painful feeling in my heart several times a day and it puts me in a bad mood.

Bros.. I don't even care about WMAF, let white guys take those ugly disgusting whores

I just want to lick a white girl's butthole for once in my life, maybe even marry one. Is that even possible for someone like me without resorting to hookers?

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Enlist. I see shit ton of asian army guys married to white women

I ain't getting my head blown off by some sandniggers for a country I don't give a shit about, fuck that noise

I wouldnt care but im an only child

then get out you chink eyed rat.

Kill yourself cumskin
Let me fuck you then

Indians have it worse. They are just as femine as asians, but also have potbellies and smell like shit. They are ugly too.

Sure why not? Orih

>be asian
>not even desirable asian, but a jungle nigger ass asian
>have no problems with my sex life
>have been with a bit over a dozen girls, 4 long term relationships with white gf's
>pulling guys is even easier

I honestly have heard about how terrible it is dating as an Asian man in America but I wonder how many Asians actually try. I will say there are a lot of beta males among Asian ranks. I go out clubbing and to music festivals/EDM shows quite frequently and I don't feel as if I'm at a disadvantage when I'm trying to chat up the opposite sex really. Just don't be a sperg. and not super ugly I guess..

> I wasn't like his other asian friends cus they were all quiet and shit
Like this user says, don't be all quiet and shit. I honestly have a feminine look but a masculine aura. Be assertive but don't try too hard to be an alpha male.

I guess just be yourself bro :)

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Do you like seven lions

No i prefer krewella, icona pop & nervo

Old krewella or new krewella?

I must have listened to alive at least a thousand times

i'm an alpha chink so i must disagree with your statement OP

we are the most masculine and alpha among men when we unlock our powers

Seven lions is pretty great! I prefer them in a club/venue setting though. I saw them two years ago at Lollapalooza (unfortunately) and they played an alright set.

I'm mainly into hard bass/experimental bass music nowadays though. Stuff like 12th Planet and DMVU. Nice to see other EDM fans on this board.

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You should check out rezz too. Selector is my favorite song but edge is her most famous and best one

Will do! Thanks! I know I've been to many festivals where they played but I never stopped by for a set.

Rezz isnt a group, shes a qt Canadian Iranian girl who plays incredibly dark music that still manages to sound good.

Yeah I get it life is hard as an Asian living in the west. There's emasculation in the media and people might be racist and give you a hard time. You can blame anything but at the end of the day you'll just be miserable surrounding yourself in a toxic echo chamber like r/asianmasc or this board. Go outside, 8/10 Asians date other Asians, we are the immigrant probably the most in touch with our culture. There's a vibrant community of us out there. A victimization complex will get you nowhere. Lift, take care of yourself, connect with each of your friends and don't forget about family and you'll be happy and successful

>Asians are the least masculine men
Except there are whole gangs of asians, including a whole gang of Cambodian crips out on the west coast.

Yeah we call those Filipinos, the diet niggers. Nearly every asian man I have ever met is passive, goodie goodie, and do what people tell them to do. Asians, get out there and lift. Don't go all "muh asian masculinity" but at least try.
>t. dirty niggerchink

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>tfw the only asians you know are dirty niggerchinks

Carry on then user

Fucking why? I'm 5'4. I'll just stick to bodyweight exercises so my body isn't completely atrophied instead of wasting 350$+ on a gym membership and having to see stacies in yoga pants teasing everyone and being gigamogged by chads.

>tfw Asian guys are either too insecure to date a taller girl or just want a mommy dom

I'm two genetic points away from white-passing and even I'm at the bottom of the dating pool.

No joke. A few people mistook me as Native American once and a facial test put me in the same category as an Armenian.

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lmao it's this seething whitoid incel thread again

did an Asian guy take your waifu's virginity or something

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Not to be wired, but I actually think taller women have a unique charm to them. I mean they still have the same thoughts and feelings afterall.

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You guys are half the population of earth and China with a population of a billion is set to take over the United States as the world power.
You guys are going to do all fucking right.

4 words

Upper middle class filipinas

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If you guys are okay with independent women they will do just fine

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