Mother passed away last month killing off all family members except for my sister

>mother passed away last month killing off all family members except for my sister
>it feels as if our hellish childhood is finally over
>visited a counselor multiple times since then
>both with and without my sister
>it's in an effort to give me and her some level of direction
>everything from leaving each other to live separate life that never cross to starting a business has been discussed
>tonight at dinner my sister tells me that she thinks we should move to a small town and live as if we're a couple until we die of old age

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What movie is this from? No way it happened IRL

>tonight at dinner my sister tells me that she thinks we should move to a small town and live as if we're a couple until we die of old age
>and live as if we're a couple
That's fucked up.
Are you gonna go for it?

I have no idea honestly. It's weighing on me very heavily.

So what are you gonna do, are you accept your sister proposal?
Also why did your mother kill them?

Did your mom kill the rest of your family?

>she thinks we should move to a small town and live as if we're a couple until we die of old age
Good ending, would use saveslot here.

I'm still looking at all options.
She didn't.

I just now realized how poorly I worded that. I meant that she was the last of our family to die so no one is left except for me and my sister. My mother didn't kill anyone.

if she's hot do it.


This seriously sounds like the plot to a good slasher if you keep the part about the mom being the murderer. Mind if I save it and use it as inspo?

I mean if she's hot and you feel like you'd be happy with that outcome go for it. Not envious at all.

inb4 degenerate fucker

Are you a boy or a girl? This is an important factor.

She's cute to be fair.

Seriously I didn't pick up on the accidental murder vibes.

I don't have much else in my life other than her, it just seems like what you aren't supposed to do in this situation. It's basically the one thing the counselor didn't suggest.

I'm a guy.

>I'm a guy.

Sister gf her.

Seriously though, is she asking for you to be gf and bf or just live together? I'm high so I'm bad at implications.

You can live together on a small farm.

That or something close to it. I'm pretty sure she's asking me to be her life long companion.

Farming isn't my thing but I don't think I would mind a small town.

As long as you two don't have kids you should be fine. Just don't let the government know what you're up to and you'll be good to go.

How much of an age gap is there? I want to say yes but you should know I jerk off to brother/sister incest. My judgment is clouded.

Oh my bad I just miss read it.

Alright man we're in two completely different universes.

Just a couple years. I know sex is implied but I'm not sure if I would be willing to do that if I did choose to live wit her.

>That's fucked up
Half the board has always fancied doing their mother, sisters, relatives. Some have already had success.
You are here forever.

Just like my japanese VNs

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>Just a couple years

This is too much.

>ywn marry your big sister

Don't listean to this depraved fucks op

Question is you want personal freedom of not carrying about sister or you want company at cost of taking care of her and losing option of really free life.

Also she/he didn't mention it for a reason, next time ask her/him about that option(your counselor)

>my sister tells me that she thinks we should move to a small town and live as if we're a couple until we die of old age
nigga that sounds awesome!
do it you two deserve happiness and you can share your experiences and live together.

Tfw no platonic sister wife

you assumed like 90% of your post here.
OP might not be a little bitch like you and is actually a decent person and a good man.

Taking care of a family member is not a chore and you sound like a basedboy fag.

Is that Jow Forums's favorite word today?

I dunno I've only looked at 2-3 threads here today it's just a useful word because we have so much crossover in words for describing how you love your dog and find it cute and how you want to put your dick in chicks

I know someone else in the same situation, except he acts like a dad to his sister because she's bipolar. It seems to work overall, for children of fucked parents.

Jow Forums used to spam that word in every thread. How new are you?

>except he acts like a dad to his sister
>because she's bipolar
What if there's just a large age gap? Asking for a friend

TFW you will never thrust into your cute sister while she lovingly has her legs wrapped around you and you both tell each other how much you love the other...

why live...
OP is on his way to live a great life and he is confused. Why do retards have all the luck?

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I know right? Why haven't any of my sisters told me they wanted to live with me as a couple?

>>tonight at dinner my sister tells me that she thinks we should move to a small town and live as if we're a couple until we die of old age
D o i t

Living that incest dream

U a virgin kiddo get that sister pussy she obviously wants ur cock

>tonight at dinner my sister tells me that she thinks we should move to a small town and live as if we're a couple until we die of old age
You won't be getting sex, but at least you'll avoid loneliness. Go for it, OP.

>You won't be getting sex
Not with that attitude

in spite of what everyone here will tell you, no good can come of you having sex with your sister. sex poisons relationships. however, you probably should stay with her

If she wants you to live with her and you have no reason not to, then there is no negative to doing so.

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Well do you see your sister as someone you desire or could have an intimate relationship with?

Dude I'm pretty fucking sure this is the plot of an anime

I've never seen an anime in which somebody goes to a counciler.

>sex poisons relationships
imagine being this much of a fag

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This is slightly related so I'll post it. I've barely read the first paragraph so idk how credible it is or most of what it says.

get a load of this fag!
a wallet has more power than any woman on earth

That sounds pretty nice OP, a lot of people go through their lives wishing they had such a close bond with someone, I for one could never imagine being close enough with my siblings to live like that with them or even see a counselor together. If you're willing to make that level of commitment then I say go for it, I doubt you have much to lose.

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As a public service to all Robots, larpers or not:

Do not enter codependent relationships.

That is all.

it's not that you can't have a healthy relationship without sex, it's just that having sex with your sister may make things awkward between you
of course you wouldn't know would you

On a related note, I apparently live in an area with a large population of Hmong people. My professor, who is also a therapist, was raving how he constantly has to inform them that they are in unhealthy relationships with their siblings and parents. That they don't even know better. He has so many of these cases he has to refer them to another therapist. So it's not as uncommon of a story as you may think.

Dont. It sounds like a good idea but it isnt, you both need to learn to live independantly, youre adults, act like one.

The fuck

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Hot fantasy, skip to the part where youre on vacation together and have too much wine and fuck

They were our proxy opiate suppliers and soldiers during vietnam. We started a civil between their tribe (over communism) and then shipped a bunch to America when we lost the war. Apparently they are just expected to date their siblings amd sexually servoce parents of both sexes. They are also known to constantly try and bribe cops over every little thing, because that's how it works in rural jungle China.

>le homestead fantasy

Robots are such fucking retards. IRL farming isnt like Animal Crossing you softdicked jackasses

Except the part where he gets cucked by a small town Chad and has to listen to big sister moan and gargle cock through the walls

Its called google you useless brainlet

>being together with your sister gf as a couple
Living the dream OP

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