I dislike politics on the Chans, outside of Jow Forums that is

I dislike politics on the Chans, outside of Jow Forums that is

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I am indifferent to furries, I just don't want them shitting up boards where they don't belong. It's the same reason why bronies should be confined to /mlp/.

kek yea furries ain't never hurt nobody, except the occasional puppy raped to death

kek you Jow Forums users never hurt anyone, except the occasional career ruining and suicide driving shenanigans

but they don't fuck with animals fagtron

>being this clueless

the only ones who do are you furry freaks, and you need to be necked.

Your NPC-nes is showing, user-kun

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>he doesn't rape puppies he's an NPC

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>if he doesn't repeatedly represent wonky evidence of freakyness about one singular case that one person did and blaming the whole collective, he's not a npc
>butt fucking puppies is worse than getting people to commit suicide

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>tried to say #notallfurries
>has defended puppy raping twice now in

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Me too. They should stay in their respective board to talk about political things. I dislike when people constantly link the conversation back to an unrelated interest they have. Talk about derailment, and I don't even think they're cognoscente of it. Don't get me wrong though, I like talking politics, just in the right places.

hot gif and all but
pointing out my argument is not an argument
>has defended puppy raping twice now
Liked that video so much you want more of it? Well hot diggity why didn't you just say so I'll go rape a local puppy right now!

You sound like you actually have watched that video, why am I not surprised.
also i'm a libertarian let's talk about politics, i would LOVE it if you were a communist.

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Furries should all die < Furries and other degenerates should all just shut the fuck up about their fetishes like everyone else

>You sound like you actually have watched that video, why am I not surprised.
no u
By the way I'm a conservative, I would LOVE if we were to talk about the degeneracy and fall of the west by those pesky dark skins

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>conservative furry who hates degeneracy

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that was a joke, desu

oh i should have known, lefties can't do humor my bad

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l've lost interest

I could come up with about 10,000 reasons furries should die.
Also, it's my opinion that furries should die.

good, stay apathetic for when the civil war comes, I want you nice and unprepared.

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I'd like to hear them actually

Every single one of them deserved it.

>butt fucking puppies is worse than getting people to commit suicide

>the you really want to debate politics with a furry commie but he runs away with his tail between his legs

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The next major war that breaks out in any region will be apocalypse-scale and consume the whole world, and the survivors will have wished they died.

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>mfw original

Not if you prepare for it now user.
Don't you doomsday prep?

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reminder that npc is a shill meme

yea but if shitlibs hate it then i say go for it.

Because they are all betas who dress up to escape their dogshit whiny personalities instead of working on who they are as a person. Socially they are running and hiding and it's the most childish thing for a betafag to do, hence why no one likes or respects them.

They dress like wacky cartoon characters because they want to stand out and be special, but if anyone is mean to them them (as uniqueness is often shunned) they get all bitchy and 'opressed'.

Tl;dr beta bitchboys demanding respect while acting like children and whining about opression. This is a similar reason as to how no one likes the lgbt community.

I don't care about furries, I just wouldn't want to live with one because they usually have poor hygiene.
At least that's the impression I got from seeing furry convention pictures. That shit was disgusting.

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Nah. I've done humanitarian aid in places that were basically post-apocalypse, and have no interest in living like that. The Road was an optimistic take on the hell you'll have to go through.

politics on Jow Forums blows because the vast majority of posters are legit retarded and incapable of articulating anything worth reading. the most vocal posters are the teens who greatly overestimate their own understanding of any topic they decide to opine on.

t. political master

nibba I got my shit in order, I got a social network of preppers, and i got land and the knowledge to work it.
We'll be starting the new society when the animals outside are eating each other.

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not claiming to be a master at anything, but all youll ever get on 4norm is babble and noise.
serious posts worth reading are so few and far between that you lose more braincells wading through all the junk to get to them

well you sure haven't made one yet

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between the two of us i guess that proves me right

i'm sleepy me go sleep now

Cool. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to unfuck my current living situation enough to get out to East Oregon and work with some of the people I know there. They're worth fighting for. Hopefully I'm right in thinking we have 5-10 years.

>This is a similar reason as to how *no one likes the lgbt community*.
Have you stepped outside for three seconds

Furries are hated for being obnoxious fetishists who inject their creepy bullshit into everything wherever they go and cry about "fursecution" when people tell them to fuck off for being obnoxious creepy fetishist. They've been suprpassed in that reagrd by trap posters and general faggotry but onetheless yiff in hell furfag.

>Furries are hated for being obnoxious fetishists
like most fetishes, you only have a problem with them because you don't have their fetish
>who inject their creepy bullshit into everything wherever they go
Wherever they go, huh? Sorta like every fanbase ever? Name one group of people that haven't done this
>creepy bullshit
no u
>and cry about "fursecution" when people tell them to fuck off for being obnoxious creepy fetishist.
...when people make death threats to them even if they didn't do anything except BE furries

And again the point is made that "hurr durr 5 people do it means THEY'RE ALL LIKE THAT"
Kindly drink uranium cum

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Which kind of person you consider as a "furry", "furfag" and ets? Curious to hear a definition and understand if I am one of them.

Anyone that is turned on by the porn usually associated with them

So, one fetish what especially (you) don't find appropriate is the reason to call names on people and wish them death? And that's all?

Hey I made the thread, dummy

Let me go ahead and say this: any fetish outside desiring the adult human genitals, breasts, or buttocks - and not what comes out of them - is weird.

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Yeah I'm not arguing with that at all.
Though I will say is "who gives a fuck"

Nobody gives a fuck, user.

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That would be lovely, but not true

Furrys are all over the fucking place, like my old buddy was a cool guy. But i found his secret twitter and holy shit for like 4 years my Best bro was a hardcore furry, had a fursona and shit.

Conservapigs are shills then