How do I get rid of this fucking acne. I've tried numerous creams and lotions, nothing seems to work...

How do I get rid of this fucking acne. I've tried numerous creams and lotions, nothing seems to work. My dermatologist said that if the current cream I'm using doesn't help, we'll try with some pills, but I'm not too sure I should be taking pills like that. Any of you have experiences with acne medication? Do they screw your hormones or anything else like that?

Attached: acne-severe.jpg (402x258, 137K)

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My acne isn't as severe as pic related but its still the thing that is damaging my self confidence the most.

Get on accutane. It will put the pores in overdrive, give you the driest skin you Can imagine and daily nosebleeds for the 4-6 months the treatment lasts. Then you will never have to worry about acne ever again.

Walk into a dermatologist appointment and tell them out me on accutane. If you have severe acne it’s the only way out. I’m free and clear after the 6 month treatment.

AHA, BHA, or benzoyl peroxide, which is the best? Currently using AHA once a day next to moisturizing twice a day and cleansing once a day

Nose bleeds, dry lips and face/skin/scalp for 6 months, but ask yourself if it’s worth no acne ever again and commit.

Does it actually cure acne forever? If so how does accutane do it ? And if it actually cures it completely then 6 months of nose bleeds and dry skin is worth it

Go to the sauna

Took accutane, for 8 months (roughly). Do not have much of a problem now. There can be some serious side effects that you should look into. It seems that my skin will always be a little bit dryer and my hair got a little bit more wavy. Btw, I would not recommend you using any skinproducts for acne. I feel that it does more harm than good. You could look into the caveman regimen if you don't want to take accutane. Good luck.

In easy terms it dries up your oil gland. Severe acne is because of an over active oil gland. It’s called sebrum and oils your hair folicals and blah blah, but if you have severe acne yours gland got fucked up during puberty and this shit dries it out over 6 months to the point it’s normal again.

no acne here but does anyone know how to get rid of fucking dandruff. ive had this shit for years and tried a million things and nothing works.
Tried: vinegar rinse, dandruff shampoo, ketoconazole shampoo, various moisturizers, natural oils and lotions, aloe vera, scalp massage, no poo.
running out of options here. Ive heard diet can affect it even went on a candita diet (meat and veggies only no carbs) for about a month with no effect. what in the actual fuck is causing this? i do have thinning hair in the front, is it just part of mpb? some sort of allergy to certain food? dairy? grains? idk guess i should prob ask a dermo but i dont have health insurance and im broke as all fuck so cant really just take a visit to the doctor whenever i feel like for something non life threatening

Forgot to mention joint pain and some damage to liver. Acne can come back, but not as severe as it used to be be

its genetics

And location/weather

Cut sugar from your diet.
It might not be the cause of your acne, but go a month without sugar and see if it helps.

I've tried before but I never seem to be able to pull it off. Freaking sugar is in everything. Just when I'm fine going without sweets I'll eat something that has sugar in it (which isnt supposed to have sugar) and the drawbacks will kill in stronger again. How does one cut out sugar completely?

Carnivore diet. No man made foods. Check out Frank Tufano on yt.

>*cures you*


took this many posts lol

What is special meat cream

take zinc

stop eating dairy

be patient

it's not some magical cream

What helped me is Zinc Pyrithione, but you have probably tried that

What is it tho, it's some kind of food they prepare?

Tah dah. Or they'll give you oral antibiotics which can do wonders too

"Durr Durr I tried everything!"
"Have you tried seeking treatment from a medical professional that's literally trained to treat your condition?"

no f am it's a protocol for regeneration

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-26 (PDF) Therapeutic protocol of Paleomedicina Hungary.png (479x355, 45K)

Dude, on the left they have special meat cream for certain populations. What is special meat cream? Do they define it?

These two play 2/3 while diet and hair care plays the rest. You need to limit your sugar diet, not eliminate but be aware of your intake. Also the normal everyday smelly shampoo you use if it was alcohol/glycerol because that will help dry the scalp. Same with showering with hot water. Use hot water on the rest of the body but turn it down when rinsing the hair. With the medicated shampoo you can rotate every few weeks.

Stop eating everything except meat for at least a month. Your skin will probably clear up. If it does, introduce food items one at a time until you find the culprit. For me it was nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines etc).

Low protein diet. Ur kidneys are weak u ain't pissin right.

You have to be aware of it. Don’t eat the donut. Don’t have that fruity cocktail with your gay pals. If you have juice do 50/50 with water. Kid size cup of ice cream if you go out. Cut out the bagel. It’s tough but if you really want to see if it clears the skin better, make the sacrifices.

go vego srs
no dairy cleared me up

Not true... Even after this treatment acne often comes back.

it's probably a mix of animal fats, organs and some lean protein.
so they could control the nutrition of their patients rather than giving them choices

Attached: Wolf_Hat_022809_01_1024_fs.jpg (731x600, 99K)

So like a pate. No wonder I love pate

I used to have acne and it made me so incredibly depressed. I almost failed a year of university because I wouldn’t often just skip class and try to learn at home simply because I didn’t want people to see me and judge me for my condition. Like you, I tried every cleaning regimen, diet etc. imaginable until I eventually just went to the derma.
They put me on accutance, and 4 months later I am completely clear. It’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. The ability to be comfortable whenever I go out in public and not have to deal with thoughts that people are looking at me in disgust is life changing.

But yeah honestly bro just hop on accutane, I promise you won’t regret it. The side effects (joint pain mainly) are so so so worth it

M skin was so bad I had to take two rounds of accutane in high school and even now in my twenties I still get breakouts occasionally, but it's nowhere near as bad and my skin was saved from permanent scarring

I went on accutane for about 4 months and had the regular dry skin. Also had lower back pain but it didn't hurt too bad. 100% worth it in the long run

It's highly genetic. If home remedies don't work, and if tame drugs don't work, you need to bite the bullet and take accutane or live with it.

>joint pain
What the hell are you talking about? I took accutane for a four month period years ago and I didn't have any joint pain.

Unless you didn't drink a shitload of water, like you're supposed to. That can lead to joint pain.

change your pillowcases every night and shave every day. That got rid of my acne

It is so fucking simple dumbass. Take a vitamin E capsule. Poke it till the liquid oozes out. Apply some on your face.

This is not some Jow Forums tier bullshit where carbon monoxide or some shit will be released and you'll be permanently damaged for life or something. Don't believe me then you are free to verify this on the internet.

As a trial you could apply just a little tiny dab at someplace just to test it.

Alright OP, since everybody here seems bent on suggesting you hop on Accutane like it was test propiate since no doubt they are a bunch of roidcels and it’s their first reaction to jump on drugs, I will give you my $0.02. First off, acne is more pf a modern, first world, issue than anything else (given that it happens for the most part in first world countries and not as often elsewhere), and it’s indicative of a state of inflamation.

The first thing you should do is limit (not eliminate) omega-6 fatty acids and increase omega-3 fatty acids, striving for a 1:1 to ratio, but 3:1 is probably fine. An easy way to start doing this is by removing fried foods from your diet and upping the intake of fatty fish (i.e. Salmon, Mackarel, Sardines, etc) and/or start consuming omega-3 enriched eggs.

The second thing to do is to eliminate refined sugars, and, limit the amount of carbs you are consuming. These are the main culprit behind inflamation for most people, and is the reason why acne is so prevalent in first world countries (wheat in particular is one of the worst offenders). Some people tolerate them well, you apparently don’t. For the record, none of this is to say you should jump on keto (though I think it wouldn’t hurt to try), there are diets (like to Ornish diet) that are very controlled in terms of carbohydrates but do not induce ketosis. You could take some inspiration from it.

Third thing is to take it easy with dairy. This applies mainly to the consumption of milk since it has a high lactose content (milk sugar) and proteins like casein have inflammatory effects in humans. Fermented dairy products like cheese, yogurt and kefir don’t seem to cause so much of an issue because their lactose profile is reduced and the proteins have been altered by the fermentation process and are easier to consume. Don’t go full retard with them anyways.


Fourth and final thing would be to start using products for your face that don’t require you mess wih your hormones (save that for a worst case escenario). A product that is both highly recommended and inexpensive is Squalane Oil, which is an oil that’s very similar to the one your face produces. You can also find Differin OTC nowadays, which used to be a prescription only treatment for acne.

All in all, these are the first things I’d recommend you try. There are some good sources of information around (simpleskincarescience seems to be good, although it’s authored by a grown man that writes like a prepubescent girl — give it a try) and the subreddit for skin care, which I think is r/skincare addicts or something or the other. A side perk to the advice I gave you above is that you’d be heavily reducing your risk for diabetes, coronary artery disease and alzheimers down the line. If that seems nice, then give it a go. Good luck, OP.

Not forever. After my treatment it came back a couple years later. Eating clean, moisturizing and cleansing is probably the best you can do to prevent it.

Realize that for every reaction theres an action leading up to it. Your acne is caused from the inside (diet most likely) and should be cured from the inside. No application of anything on the outside will help. Do not combat the symptoms, identify and remove the origin.

Theres no such thing as acne genes. Its a reaction to an action.

Raw meat diet will fix it

Accutane. Anecdotal, but I took it, know several people who people took it, everyone's got rid of their acne.

I got a script. Minocyline i think it was, took a while but cleared up my shit good. Only side effect I remember was that id be more sensitive to sun.