I officially turned 18 today

I officially turned 18 today

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what an opportune moment to find this website, right?

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Happy birthday oririririg

Will you be my girlfirend then now?


Happy birthday! Try to do something fun for yourself.

that's great, post em up hole

Underage girls lurking the vile pits of Jow Forums.

Always makes me think.

Post those nubile milkers then.

5000$ for your virginity

Why are you here? What appeals to you about this board?

Now you can get fucked legally nice

start em young

I just turned 27 last week

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Happy birthday. Buy yourself something fun

I did too recently. Somehow I felt empty and unchanged things don't change that much. You still gotta work though rip

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I'm about to be 32 in 2 months

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haha i just so happened to turn 18 today actually i turned 18 a minute ago :^)

turned 20 today, smell ya later zoomers

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I turned 20 in July. I wish I were still a teen ;_;

There are worse places for them to be.

I'm going to turn 19 on Friday.

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Are there even such things as female wizards?

Yeah. Girls who haven't been impregnated by a nigger in a whole year.

Perfect age to be a slut and hook up with people from Jow Forums.

>tfw 21 in 7 months and haven't accomplished a single thing
I am currently posting from a psych ward. Well, I'll move out of Germany next month.

>psych ward
Are you a mentally unstable hypersexual girl?

i'm 23 and feel old as fuck posting here these days. half this board is underage

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>half this board is underage
that's why this board is fucking awful

No, but I'm an mentally unstable girl.
I'm already 4 months here and they won't let me go. Forcing meds on me etc.

Are you locked up because of gender dysphoria?

No, because I had a conflict with my mother at home.
Also, because I'm homeless.

I thought mentally unstable girls are all hypersexual sluts?

They are. How do you think they got all those abandonment issues?

>tfw no mentally unstable homeless fembot to rescue and adopt

>mfw I'd been posting on Jow Forums for 5 years by the time I turned 18
>mfw that was 6 years ago
Also, fuck off roastie subhuman cunt, no one wants you here.

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Where do you live?
I plan on fleeing to eastern europe.

Pretty close to Germany actually. Can you cook and clean?

If you're still here, chick, it's time to work on stopping being here. Don't be like me and take a decade to start weaning yourself off. Oh wait, I just took a quick look at my tabs...

Don't be like me.

And yes.

Oh hi, black user. You never added me on Discord. We coulda been something.

I turned 18 too just two months ago

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oh shit me too

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How would your mental unstability manifest itself though? Lots of freaky kinky sex? Or you burning down my home and stabbing me in my sleep? Or both?

Just a slight psychosis I guess.
I'm not really that mentally ill.

Also, where do you exactly live?

Well I'm a bit scared still because I'm probably not your type and you might go psychotic on me...

Why would you not be my type?
Also, it's probably not gonna work out anyway because I live in Bremen lol.

And don't be afraid I don't go psychotic on anyone.

Lemme guess, you have daddy issues?

im here for the dubbz

Bremen wouldn't be hard but what would be your type then? Any dealbreakers?

I don't really have a type only dealbreaker would be over the top obesity. Just tell me where you live already.

I move around a bit but my homebase is in Funland. Good/bad for you?

>You never added me on Discord
That's the test to see if female (female) or larping faggot.
They NEVER give discord

Happy birthday user. We were born on the same day in the same year.

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Finland? That's good. I like finnish guys.

So what next? Do I plan your jailbreak? Or can I just bail you out or something?

Lol, idk.
But I will flee to Poland, my homecountry next month for sure. Maybe we can meet when I'm out.
How old are you?

How old is too old for you?

well happy birthday anoness

Anything above 38 I guess.
Now tell.


There are technically worse places to be than Mosul, but I don't see anyone lining up to send their children there on vacation.

...And then Finnish user bailed out of the conversation because he was 39
The end
I'm sorry for you psycho anonette

39 is not a problem I guess.

It was a joke but don't worry about it

Save your pussy for a man you truly love. Don't become a stretched-out roastie.

Mosul isnt controlled by ISIS anymore though

Okay, phew. See you in a month then. Warsaw, Krakow?
Thanks bro, I owe you one.

I'll probably be in Warsaw next month.

congrats, you finally have an option other than gtfo
post em

Oh no problem man
Good luck to you two with your little adventure