Would you find it awkward to date someone taller/shorter than yourself?

Would you find it awkward to date someone taller/shorter than yourself?

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Yes I need to date someone my exact height

Shorter wouldn't be weird.
I really want to fuck a woman taller than me though just to see what it's like.

Ideally there would be no more than 2 inches of height difference, but I love womanlets

I would like a tall gf
If she 3 inches taller then me no big deal

It's nice when they get on their knees and they're right at dick level. Feels good. Very convenient.

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I would be happy to date anyone at all that isnt mentally retarted, has huge daddy issues or lives in a crack house.

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I really want to fuck a big titty girl like pic related except she is at least 3 inches taller than me.

Where am I most likely to find a 6'3 women like that fit please I need help

My Wife is unironically 6'5 and I love it (I'm 6'3, 260 lbs bearmode). 99% of guys bigger than me are fucking lanklets, so I don't care. We will have strong and big nordic children.

gimme mommies milkies haha
tall girls are hot as fuck if they're not awkward weirdos

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BRO who the fuck is this chick i have another pic of her

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if anything it would be awkward to date a girl shorter than myself
I’m 4’11

I'm 1,87 so i guess it's pretty unlikely. All the girls i was with were 1,65 at most

Thats a lot to ask for nowadays
Damn bro, that sucks

I'm 6'6" and my gf is 5'4". I can pick her up and lift her over my head without much effort

"texoma MILF the chive"

>be short
>get shorter girl

problem solved

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shorter wouldnt be weird at all infact I think a girl needs to be shorter than me (6'0). I actually prefer short girls because it makes me look bigger in comparison.

now girls that are taller than me are weird af, I guess if she is cute I would still go for it but it is a downside in my book.

I'm dating a girl that is slightly shorter than me, only 3 inches difference and her arms are probably a bit longer than mine + her hands are only slightly smaller

feels weird man

my gf is 10 cm taller than me and iam 176cm big
( im 5"2 and my gf is 6"3)

>a womenlet on her knees is dick level
manlet detected

I wouldn't be so shallow as to reject a girl simply because of her height

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Things are gonna get awkward with me regardless of height, baby

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My girlfriends 11 inches shorter than me

Don't date womanlets, don't ruin your kids life.

>Children are even shorter
Unless your plan is to create a race of halflings, don't do this.

Good to know, satan

>mentally retarted, has huge daddy issues
retarded* but that's 99% of women you've just summed up unfortunately

Based and amazonpilled

God I would kill to date a 6'10 amazon

I’m 5’9” and gf is 5’10” and she always wears heals/boots.
I love it.

I like sassy short women.

Doggy is kinda awkward, but it’s otherwise normal.

No. Dating 5'2" womanlet as 5'11" KoM.

I'm 5'11 (181cm) and I would kill to date a girl my height or around 175-183.
It's my dream to have a gf that tall that is moderately attractive.
And not only is it attractive your kids would unironically be tall chads. I can't tell you the amount of times people who were the same height in couples had kids come out as 6'6 and shit.
But I'm in luck. The average height for a woman here is actually 5'7 (and that's with the average apparently brought down) and I've read studies where it says 30% of 17 year old girls here are like 5'9-5'10. Also pic related I suppose. Anywhere in europe is good for your dating height needs.

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>tfw no tall gf to make normal-sized children with

plan is to lose have sex lol brainlet

5'5 here, i have a tall women fetish.
It kinda feels weighty when she rides your dick in (reverse) cowgirl or w/e position that involves her being on top. Oh, and fucking her while shes standing is kind of difficult.

doggy is indeed a bit off, but better manageable than doing lets say push her against the wall with her face and fuck her from behind.

>inb4 5'5 manlet gtfo piece of shit kys
okay vietnamese forum autismos, the trick is to make a woman feel like a woman. you can be a fucking 7'0 giant but if your woman and social skills are shit, you can never get that juicy gigantess punani. All you get are goblinas because easy.

>i like you user...b-b-but user, what will other people think of us being together, me tall and you short?
I have yet to find a tall girl who would be okay settling with me rather than being fuckbuddies. Caring too much about other people's opinion these days...

One day bois, one day and i'll become the conqueror of some gorgeous amazonette

So you like Mexicans?

tfw no midwest mommy gf

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I'm just over 5'10" and my girlfriend is 6'0".

She doesn't wear heels since she sucks at walking in them and is adorably clumsy. It's in no way awkward, and it's been one of the best relationships I've ever been in.

Everyone on this board are either insecure or trolling when it comes to height. No one in real life gives a shit about how tall you are compared to this board.

I'm not saying it doesn't matter at all, it does, but it's highly exacerbated on this board to an absurd degree.

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I'm 6'6" and my girlfriend is 6'1". It's pretty fun lording over everyone and we never lose each other in crowds. Sex is great but positions are definitely more difficult since we have so much limb length to deal with.

I've never had sex with a tiny girl, but I had sex with this 5'10" girl who was all of 105lbs before my current girlfriend, and I legit thought I was gonna break her. At least with my current girlfriend I can spank and pull hair and pin down and I know she'll be ok.

I’d feel emasculated.
I’d feel invigorated.

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Fuck bros, I'm 6'2'' and I'll never fuck a girl taller than me. Feels bad man.