My second inner-voice wont stop bullying my first

>my second inner-voice wont stop bullying my first
i hate this

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Make a third inner voice to stand up for the first one.


I had this happen to me and I have found a solution.

Get them to create a congress. Like a round table. SO you can discuss decisions rationally and everyone's voice and opinion can be taken into account. Sure they might still bully eachother but atleast they'll be more civilized about it.

>I can suppress the voices, but not for long
>When they come back they're angry at me
>Have ugandan knuckles clicking in my head for six hours as their sick revenge
Can't wake up.

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lmao suck my cuck

stupid zoomer

Did you just bully me?

You need to make a Jackie Chan tulpa and get him to protect you

You and everyone else in here needs to learn what it means to meditate and clear your mind. All those thoughts running through your head are your own machinations and they can easily be stopped to the benefit of your mental health. Just imagine nothing but a black sea of silence in your mind. Let the thoughts come and ignore them as they pass, focus on silence.

Is this thread made for me? This morning it gave me the worst thought possible, and I just went the fuck off internally. I didn't even try to, it was just automatic.

Fucking hate that shit. It tells me to do horrible things, I want it to stop. Make it stop, bros. I don't wanna make a council like that other user suggested, I just want my brain to myself. I want happy fun thoughts. That's all.

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lol idk did i

Do you have any diagnosed mental disorders?

Yes, I have depressive psychosis. This problem is probably something that factored into that diagnosis.

Please refer to my post and check out meditation and clear mindedness.
I can't imagine having voices afflict my mind like you guys do. You seriously need to try to control your own mind. You don't have any disease or disability that's uncontrollable, forcing these voices into your head. You just need to control your thoughts and silence everything. Use your willpower.

This has been bad for me too. I constantly hear "You're worthless" or "You don't deserve love"

worked well enough for Mark Chapman

lol this is why i had to stop smoking the ganja

I have a really close friend with this disorder. This website will feed your delusions. Do yourself a favor and GET OUT

>Getting sick of being bullied by my inner voice.
>Don't want him to leave.
I guess I'll just take it.

Fuck off hippy scumbag

>tfw verbally scold myself out loud now
i'm a failure

Mine is more like a companion. We're kind of in the same boat and we tend to crack jokes at times. And other times we talk shit about normiescum when they pass by.

Pic related. Kind of cool actually.

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Please stop using kashii yui in your shitposts.

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Same, my male alter won't stop speaking his mind. It sucks

I like her tho

not orignol

>le ebin you gungan knuckles meme

Stupid fucking twitch zoomer. Nobody likes you because you're a deformed halfie. You're halfway normalfag and halfway robot. Twitch, VR Chat, Discord users, these are exactly who I'm talking about. Those same shitty "le ebin meemers" who think spamming kappa in the chat is the pinnacle of trolling, or who think posting suuuuuuper funny, original, facebook-tier "I'm still human trash!" memes makes them soooo different from the same normies that they hate.

Either go full Jow Forums and learn how to unironically be an actual le ebin memer, or go full normie and start watching netflix and playing halo 5. Don't fucking do yourself the discredit of being a fucking facebook-tier half normie / half robot.

If you were one or the other, I could easily learn to accept you, but right now, in your stupid halfway point where you think you're so much "better" than the normies for posting shitty twitch-tier memes, you can't even accept yourself.

Go full one way or the other and then come back here, you zoomer fucking shit.

This, 2bh

Other than [nospoilers]anons[/nospoilers], I've become my own best friend. You guys are probably even my ONLY friends; and by "you guys", I also mean me and my inner voice. No one else really knows how I feel, and everyone I completely open up to either doesn't understand me, or completely suckers up to me in the sort of way most normies do to avoid confrontation or conflict. I wasn't gonna hurt you for expressing yourself, bro. I just want to hear your genuine opinion about my thoughts and ideas instead of caving to social pressure and giving me the most "safe" answer because everyone else is watching. Normies literally can't even "bee themselfs" around other normies because normies will tear them to fucking shreds for even trying. How pitiful of a life must that be?

I used to think I was better than you guys because I can actually make friends, and blend with normies, and lift, and get dates, but at the end of the day, I'm just as lonely as if I'd never met them in the first place.

Unironically fuck society. I'd rather hang out with one weird dude who's completely himself, rather than 20 popular dudes who all parrot the same "safe" dialogue over and over again. Real life is reddit, and the truly expressive people are Jow Forums. You can't get Jow Forums in real life, so instead of living my life with the normies, watching sports, drinking shots, like I should be doing, I always find myself coming back home.

So in the end, if I can't be myself in public, and if normies can't be themselves in public, maybe I'm just as lonely and trapped as they are. What must go through their heads? What must they be thinking as they watch another shitty capeshit? When they laugh at a stupid Marvel quip, do they laugh because they genuinely think it's funny, or do they laugh because their normie inner-voice tells them that if they don't, their friends will notice it and point it out to them? What must my normie friends think when I reveal my powerlevel?

>getting so angry but being so wrong
Hearing it once on the WhoYube in a shitty advertisement was more than enough to imprint it in my brain.

You don't need to misspell Youtube to fit in, dude. Everyone watches Youtube, robots and normies alike. You also don't need to lie to me and tell me you heard it in an advertisement. I know you heard it in a video or something and thought it was pretty funny.

If you're going to have shit, zoomie-tier taste, at least fucking own up to it.

>my inner chad is bullying my self mind and are arguing with each other

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I literally did that. And it's working.

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