Unironically whats the best way to cut yourself. Transhit aside, Im too much of a bitch so I need tips

Unironically whats the best way to cut yourself. Transhit aside, Im too much of a bitch so I need tips.

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i used to line my wrist up with a razor and cut fast
i cut my arm open so that stopped that tactic.
i also dont think cutting is gonna help anything.

Do it in a discreet spot.
Aim for the femoral artery.

my dad works in construction and refinery and private stuff so i just stole a razor once. Also thighs desu since i am not an attention whore and no one will see my thighs ever anyway. Its def not a long term answer to anxiety and stuff though anonnnn

You want to cut yourself specifically or you want to harm yourself
Lots of other options for the second, which are less permanent.

please explain the feels you get from cutting
why would you feel anything except searing pain?

Why not using blunt force trauma user ?
I used to headbutt my walls until I almost lost consciousness

>why would you feel anything except searing pain?
That is what you feel what do you mean? It's enjoyable.

so all cutters are masochists?

No. Nothing sexual to the pain, just feels nice in itself. You don't jerk your dick off while you're doing it.

When did masochism become a sexual thing?

I don;t know, just googled to make sure of the exact meaning and saw this. But obviously if you're doing something intentionally and repeatedly you like it.

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Oh, I never saw the definition. I thought the word just meant you liked pain.

Check yourself into a mental hospital. They'll treat you like an animal and drug you with some good stuff.

Don't cut it's retarded and gay.
I was retarded and gay and used to cut my arm, now its scarred and i have to wear longsleeves at all times even at gym and i can't go to the pool or beach anymore. I dont want attention i only did it because i hate myself, if you're not actually depressed and only want attention from girls or whatever just get a dog instead because most chicks hate scars.

The word youre looking for is sadistic

Isn't sadistic when you like to inflict pain on others, though?

Idk man this shit is confusing and im a brainlet

This is how I thought it was:
Masochist - I want to feel pain
Sadist - I want you to feel pain

Yeee youre probably right dude

>tfw will never have a gf who lets me cut her