Only the rarest slojaks pls

HHHHnnnngggggggg rrggrrrrrrrrgggnnnhhhaaaaauuuuugnnnnnhhhh


Attached: IQslojak.png (723x563, 121K)

Twiddllleee dwwwoooooo
Twiiddllly Twooooooooooo

Attached: v63fl2gde0t11.jpg (682x900, 97K)

DRingg dringdring dring

Attached: dfrrrrrr.png (322x293, 71K)



Attached: cvzxcvvvvvvvv.png (541x459, 77K)



Attached: 1512286925724.png (478x523, 80K)





Attached: images.png (226x223, 6K)

TFW you realize there is only 1 poster in this thread. Get a life you flaming retard. Maybe you make all these slojaks as a cry for help?

Holy shit there is only 1 poster in the thread. This is next level autism.

There's only one poster

Attached: 1502225959885.jpg (249x250, 6K)


Attached: 1540000218533.jpg (1218x1015, 212K)


Attached: 1529627205455.jpg (963x1024, 74K)

made this one just now I'll try whip up some more later if the thread is still up

Attached: oc.png (645x729, 85K)

slojack like slooooooooooooojjjrrrrrrrrCCCCCKKKK

Attached: 1518588640494.png (586x578, 37K)

i really like these two, they're comfy

Attached: 1518809436195.jpg (645x968, 153K)

these are rare alright, i hardly had any of these. i know i'd seen before but i didnt have that one either
if this thread is still up when i get back from college around 2:30 (it's 7:18 for me right now) i'll post anything from my folder you guys request

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1040, 644K)

requesting these ones senpai. thread will probably be dead by then though

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1040, 634K)

Does sad times count?

Attached: 1525138405959.png (817x443, 45K)

The rarest of all slojaks, only available here.

Attached: Firejak.png (618x537, 126K)

can you guys upload your slojak folders to google drive or something
i want to hang on to these

not himburrttggggggkkkkkcccchhhh

Attached: 1528262846835.jpg (645x671, 81K)

more memes hot off the press

Attached: oc.jpg (645x1000, 116K)


Attached: 345343.jpg (300x149, 11K)

This is originally beautiful user

My rarest slojak, handle with care

Attached: Buzzyjak.png (556x478, 214K)

everyone on the left wing :^)

My masterpiece. The subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it, my god it even has a genuine blue screen. Magnificent.

Attached: bluescreenjak.png (414x503, 103K)

This one made me laugh and I haven't laughed at w*Jak in quite a while.

This is what slojak perfection looks like. Everything you morons create after this is derivative at best.

Attached: crocjak.png (544x470, 113K)

Here's mine, fresh off the image editing program

Attached: foodProcessor.png (912x900, 193K)

brb reposting all of these to reddit for some karma. Thanks for the slojaks kind strangers!

u did a gud 1 fren. Dis how dumbowojak goes gud best in it. Dis way. Yes my heehee go, feel gud.

I had a go at this

Attached: dam_he's_dumb.png (857x647, 35K)

I really like this one, user. Good job

posting the polish constitution so these posts are oregano
W trosce o byt i przyszlosc naszej Ojczyzny,

Attached: brainlet (10).png (1296x1458, 217K)

odzyskawszy w 1989 roku mozliwosc suwerennego i demokratycznego stanowienia o Jej losie,

Attached: brainlet (14).png (625x773, 143K)

my, Narod Polski - wszyscy obywatele Rzeczypospolitej,

Attached: brainlet (17).png (402x645, 22K)

zarowno wierzacy w Boga

Attached: brainlet (27).png (610x612, 62K)

thinner bigger nigger

Attached: 1520982191256.png (649x732, 594K)

bedacego zrodlem prawdy, sprawiedliwosci, dobra i piekna,

Attached: brainlet (31).png (900x900, 424K)

This one is kinda fresh still (sniff sniff)

Attached: 1540236149746.png (697x954, 1003K)

jak i nie podzielajacy tej wiary,

Attached: brainlet (53).png (900x729, 276K)

a te uniwersalne wartosci wywodzacy z innych zrodel,

Attached: brainlet (56).png (213x237, 8K)

rowni w prawach i w powinnosciach wobec dobra wspolnego - Polski,
i quite like this one

Attached: brainlet (58).png (211x239, 63K)

wdzieczni naszym przodkom za ich prace, za walke o niepodleglosc okupiona ogromnymi ofiarami, za kulture zakorzeniona w chrzescijanskim dziedzictwie Narodu i ogolnoludzkich wartosciach,
i refer you to for 74

Attached: brainlet (63).png (337x354, 28K)

nawiazujac do najlepszych tradycji Pierwszej i Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej,

Attached: brainlet (76).jpg (675x745, 48K)

zobowiazani, by przekazac przyszlym pokoleniom wszystko, co cenne z ponadtysiacletniego dorobku,

Attached: brainlet (84).jpg (228x221, 6K)

swiadomi potrzeby wspolpracy ze wszystkimi krajami dla dobra Rodziny Ludzkiej,

Attached: brainlet (108).png (403x450, 12K)

pomni gorzkich doswiadczen z czasow, gdy podstawowe wolnosci i prawa czlowieka byly w naszej Ojczyznie lamane,

Attached: brainlet (109).png (211x239, 6K)

that's my civic duty for today. mods please dont ban me its not contentless its very inspiring content to any patriotic polish robots

Attached: brainlet (126).jpg (645x773, 65K)

btw lads is this a brainlet or a grug? or some aborted Jow Forums meme?

Attached: brainlet (129).png (474x663, 44K)

looks like its mean to be a grug shaped as cock and balls

thanks you based user orgigigimYou have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (9.96% content).

Britfeel meme. Note the "Norf FC" shirt.

spongebob penis slojak
very rare

Attached: s.png (215x218, 6K)

>Blanket characterizing based on a political belief
>No having nuanced opinions based on conservative, moderate, and liberal sources
NPC detected.