Everyone should have a goal, a set of achievements or maybe just a bucket list. You're here because you don't, you're aimless and have nowhere to go in life. So why not make a goal to get fitter by 2019? everyone knows exercise not only improves your physical state, but mental state too. It also improves your chance of getting a gf.
>b-b-but i'm a twig how do I start??
general guide to fitness:
>b-b-b-but I weigh 300 pounds!
Fasting, intermittent fasting and keto! Losing weight is EASY!
>something something become a sissy
"no!" reminder to ignore all lgbt shills you see on Jow Forums!
>I'm able bodied, where do I start?
look up more "calisthenic" exercises once these become too easy.
Whether it's going to the gym, going for a jog or just not gorging on chocolate everyday, make everyone, especially yourself, proud and become fitter by 2019.
Jow Forums gets Jow Forums 2019
Berserk themed self-improvement Discord: dQQebv9
Never stop struggling.
yes, becoming fit is the first step to passing! I believe in you user!
It's time to stop giving up, anons!
I believe in you too, bro!
I have lifted for years and done boxing for a few years and probably the main reason I have not killed myself.
I'm glad you're still with us, user. Don't give up the fight!
Based and gutspilled.
>go fall for a Jow Forums meme
NO, thank you.
You'd rather rot in your chair?
Rianne is a cutiiiieeeeee
Love that picture OP
2018 was fucking disgusting lets get right boys
You should add pills and discord logo there
I think I posted this in the wrong thread lol
I was wondering if its good idea to only or mostly focus on my shoulders since I'd like to improve my frame, but thats about it really.
Thanks for the suggestion anonerino!
It's a good idea, do overhead press for that. But also you should make your lats bigger for a wider frame, so do some pull ups as well.
I think you did. But please, stay. This is a sign you should get Jow Forums!
can you guys recommend a lifting program for skellies? been lifting for about a year, went from 105 lbs to 120 lbs, still skelly but feel a lot more better and stronger :)
Personally, I just do really high rep squats and bench. Works well.
You guys come across as people trying to be alpha rather than people who are naturally dominant and socially skilled, it's kind of ruining the mood of lifting and creating an atmosphere of social tension and insecurity. It's a bunch of aspie DYELs in this thread larping. If you need motivation such as this to lift, you're lost
I heard that high reps are bad for gaining weight, though I'm no expert
>a fellow skelly and I agreed to lift after school everyday in a week when my soccer season ends.
It's happening lads, I'm finally gonna change
What's the point of lifting when all women are disgusting degenerate whores?
All I need is a good taste in my mouth, vidya and anime.
women are a trash reason to lift, lift for yourself
Bottom part of the pic is unironically more gay than the top part
In addition, it's uneasy to be around people such as yourselves. There's something wrong about reading social outcasts lift. If you need motivation, then athleticism isn't your natural state. Something's off, like you should be farming and grazing on vegetables instead of needing muscles
That's what we are, wyd
Reminder that aerobic running helps you maintain your IQ over a long period of time and this is not a benefit you can replicate by doing HIIT or free weights. Don't skip your road work.
Been lifting consistently for about a month now, I did work out before but just very sporadic without any clear goal or program. Now doing a 5x5 and am beginning to reach my limits but it feels good to be stronger when doing mundane faily shit like carrying the groceries or what have you. I have trouble putting on mass and sticking to a high cal diet but at least I'm eating less garbage and more "real food". Fixing my sleep schedule helped a lot too. Nothing's changed in terms of my social or personal situation but at least my body doesn't feel like complete shit anymore.
>You'd rather rot in your chair?
I used to be an r9k faggot who needed motivation just to not masturbate 12 times per day. I don't need motivation anymore at all, I love lifting. I changed, so can these spergs.
>aerobic running
Is that the thing Naruto always do?
I have the motivation to exercise until I see people around me. Then I just can't. No money for home gym and I only do basic exercise what do I do. No be urself tips just tell me most efficient way to exercise at home
Anyone lifted and took revenge against their bullies? Normies? Any other people who wronged you?
Give me motivation and stories. Forgiveness and understanding are for soicukk weaklings.
Grrreat, good luck user
Gayer, but in a good way.
Old time strongmen used to do ridiculously high reps and were strong as fuck. The Great Gama used to do 3k push ups and 5k squats per day. Try something like that. Pic related is him.
Good fucking work goddammit keep it up
I've been going to the gym 4-5 days a week for the past 5 months. Noticing some improvement. Squatting more than my bodyweight now (80kg, I weight 70~. 3 sets of 10) and bench press is consistently at 60kg so it has improved but at a slower rate to my squat. Most people I see every day haven't noticed anything, but I saw someone I hadn't seen for a while and they asked me
>hey user, have you been putting on weight? Like, going to the gym I mean
so that was pretty nice.
Sorry for blogpost.
It took me 2 fucking years to get from skelly to a little bit more buffed than average. I don't even look that good. Fit is a meme and all about the frame, you are not getting anywhere with a shitty one.
I have a shit frame but god tier endurance genetics
Thanks for the blogpost! I appreciate the good feels and bump. Keep on keeping on user.
Today is leg day for me, do you have any pictures of juicy oak thighs to motivate me?
Getting Jow Forums guarantees you a gf though. When you have muscles and are alpha, you are entitled to a gf and sex! Another good point is that you can treat women just the way you want. They didn't notice you when you were an awkward fatty, now you can pay back with your alpha looks. Just remember to use a condom and/or get a vasectomy.
Nah, he ran on water.
25 now and I just cancelled my gym membership today after going for 6 years
So what? It takes time! Don't give up. Stop blaming genetics and lift harder. Even Hercules didn't have the best genetics, look at his frame to hip ratio.
>Lend me your energy to fight this jew menace
How fit can somebody get with bodyweight exercises at home? or what about with some cheap weights? I don't want to go to the gym because that means going outside.
Nah it's that thing Sanji does.
Just look at prisoners. Super jacked. Only bodyweight exercises.
Thanks a lot, Piana-sama.
Retconning my previous post, it's more like 4 months I've been going to the gym. The first two I was doing a bodyweight exercise routine. Calisthenics is a very good starting point so go for it, see where it takes you. You won't lose anything by trying it out.
Here user. Good luck, squat down low.
protip: do exercise that you actually enjoy doing. after a while simply going to the gym becomes so stale and monotonously mind numbing.
Basically you can go pretty far with core and upper body. I mean, just look at ring gymnasts. But you'll have a hard time with anything decent for your legs since ideally you want to be challenged in the 8-12ish rep range.
Progressions of supine hip extensions and single legged squats are your best bet in that regard, but I doubt you could get swole doing it.
Why bother, I'll still be 5'4 and ugly
Learn to manipulate people. If someone attacks you for being a manlet, then agree and amplify.
Good looks + good social skills (or the ability to manipulate peopl) = profit.
Give me a quick rundown of what being at the gym is like. Do you have to deal with people a lot? This is important to me as I have severe social anxiety.
Fat people, unexperienced people (especially if they are past 25+) and male virgins will get laughed at.
Keep your head down, don't be any of the above and do your thing.
This is bullshit. I go to the gym, and the only time I ever talk to anyone is to ask them to move if they're in the way of the weights/machine I want to use. A nod and smile at the receptionists and trainers is the most social interaction you need, if that. Nobody will say anything to you or mock you as long as you don't act like an obnoxious arsehole