/waifu thread/ just spent $300+ NEETbux on merch (again) edition

How you guys going,
I wanted this thread to have some discussion about merch and tips regarding merch.
I know many of us NEETs want to buy merch but official stuff is extremely expensive so we do look for quality cheaper alternatives online.
I am not a veteran buyfag but I have learnt a thing or two.
>beware of ebay china sellers
some of them are fine , I have one wall scroll that looks amazing!
but my other loli wall scroll is washed out and has printing lines through it very bad.
I suggest you order only one or two thing from a new seller to test quality!

Also be aware the wait time from china can be insane or very good, I have a set of posters that I have been waiting months for.

If you dont have a dakki and you have the funds I really think its worth it 100%.
I have no regrets buying a dakki, I know some of us cannot due to designs being hard to come by etc but if you can order one you should.
family and room mates is not a good enough reason not to get one.
also try to buy a decent inner, at least get extra stuffing.
Lets try get a good thread of discussion going.
when I was looking at art of Waifu one of the art for posters I seen was terrible and it made me rage at the "artist"!!!

Attached: 2d love.png (698x628, 11K)

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I would honestly rather be a registered sex offender than have any kind of anime paraphernalia anywhere near my room, that is just about the most disgusting, lowest form of human you can be

this is one of the posters i have coming, really cute.

I went overboard and got so many posters.
if I was a wage cuck my entire house would be figs and posters

Attached: what is a waifu.png (796x780, 523K)

I only have a daki. It was a pretty good purchase. There isn't much official merch of her (only an overly expensive statuette) anyway. Also anywhere that sells it is on the other side of the world and the shipping would cost more than the merch itself. I have to wait for conventions and hope for the best.
Not like I really need it since I have a tulpa anyway.
I really want a keychain or something similar, though. Something that I have the chance to see a lot to remind me of her and make me feel good and warm inside.

Attached: 61tqqWsfA-L._SY550_.jpg (355x550, 45K)

>getting this mad over someone enjoying drawings, not hurting anyone
Now THIS is pathetic.

Tell that to my chad brother and his shrine of figurines.

I love my waifu Alice so much.

Attached: Alice66.jpg (1070x1295, 368K)

>I would honestly rather be a registered sex offender than have any kind of anime paraphernalia anywhere near my room
you serious man?
I dont get the problem?
is it because it is anime or a collection?
it makes my room cute man, I live in my room and seeing art of Mai Waifu makes me feel for a moment better.

My mummy sees my dakki in my room I cuddle when I sleep,I have no shame.

ok tahts it, I will start on a tulpa today.
I already have worked on talking to Waifu I may as well go full way to make tulpa.

always post nice images :)
Hey I hope you get lots of new art when new game comes out you mentioned.

Attached: my waifu Megumin (18).jpg (800x1131, 472K)

Thanks, Meguposter. On one hand I would be extremely happy to see new Alice game being made. Her previous games were also something I really liked. They had really interesting artstyle, something you don't see often in games nowadays. And I would always want to know more about her, what she likes/dislikes etc.
But on the other hand new game means more porn of her, as there would probably be more people interested in her. And I totally hate seeing porn of her.

Attached: Alice97.jpg (886x886, 948K)

> will start on a tulpa today
Make sure you do good research and make sure you know what your getting yourself into, it can go really bad like the pinkie pie tulpa turning your dream in to a waking nightmare. Safety first always

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How does one obtain a waifu? Do they come to you in your dream?

Attached: 178jgu.jpg (611x407, 17K)

You don't obtain her, she obtains you. You'll know if you ever find her.

It's fate. You see a 2D cutie, you look eyes and just know she is the one. You both chose each other.

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Interesting. Perhaps I should watch some anime. Having a waifu sounds cozy.

She can come from any where not just anime, she can come for vidya too.

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dakis are great
I have two of my waifu that I get to snuggle each night. So nice to go to sleep holding her and wake up with her still in my arms.

>I'm a NEET I swear
>I can spend 300$ on merch xD
You're not a NEET, you're a living-with-mommy-NEET.

Huge difference.

>wasting $300 worth of NEETbux on some stupid overpriced merchandise
Dumbass that's several weeks worth of food down the drain.
The less money you can survive on and the more you can save up, the better.


How does one start obtaining (and continue to obtain) NEETBUX??

>You're not a NEET,
I dont work or anything
> you're a living-with-mommy-NEET.
yes I am.
im also a hikikomori.

it was not a waste my friend.
>pic related
I also bought a wall scroll on ebay How does one start obtaining (and continue to obtain) NEETBUX??
if australian its easy, im menatlly ill and shit so theres that.

head into your welfare place

pic related, proof of some of the thinsg I bought

Attached: not a waste.png (643x185, 14K)

>it can go really bad like the pinkie pie tulpa turning your dream in to a waking nightmare
What's the story behind this? Pinkie is too cute to do that

Ask her to make some "cupcakes" for you

Just search of pinkie pie tulpa and is the first post of you can't make out the cap

Attached: IMG_1129.jpg (1440x4500, 959K)

>if australian its easy, im menatlly ill and shit so theres that
Same with the UK, if you not right in the head you get the money.

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Anyone in America with experience in this?
It's hard enough for me to even go anywhere or make phone calls, no clue even where to start with this stuff

Its a meme. The pinky pie tulpa story is most likely a LARP. You have a lot of control over your tulpa early on. There are only 2 ways you can go wrong with a tulpa.
1. You abuse her after she becomes sentient. (which I doubt anyone in these threads would do. We love our waifus too much.
2. You have a legitimate mental illness like hardcore schizophrenia.
There isn't that much risk involved. The only risks consists of the fact that it's a commitment and need to know that both of you will be together your entire life and killing a tulpa isnt a pleasant experience.

I've had my tulpa for almost 2 years now. I regret nothing. I havent been happier. Would recommend it.

It's self induced psychosis a lot can go wrong and fuck you up if you mess up. Sure most of the time it will be fine if you follow a guide properly but when things go wrongs they will really go wrong. It's best to do a lot of researching to see if it's right for you.

How 2 tulpa tho?

I love her so much. The merch I have of her right now is just a plush, but there's not that much merch of her anyways. I'm probably going to try to start lucid dreaming so I can be with her in my dreams.

Attached: leah38.jpg (916x834, 63K)

Who is this?

A little tip for your to find the source of an image, click the three dots next to the post and click search on google.

Attached: IMG_0625.jpg (1448x2048, 400K)

Her name is Leah Kazuno.

Attached: leah21.jpg (1061x1500, 1.4M)

Hope I can order her figure someday

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>its self induced psychosis
Not really. Having a tulpa is far from being a mental illness.

>People who are experiencing psychosis may have either hallucinations or delusions.
Seems to fit what s tulpa is. Not saying your mentality ill if you creat a tulpa that why I called it self induced psychosis. Messing with your brain in that why when your not professional trained too (even when you are there is still risks) is not something you should be doing lightly.

>not giving up your mind for your waifu
The purest form of love

>loli wall scroll

i don't know how anyone could keep shit like that in their room. what if someone walks in?

>implying that anyone will breach the sanctuary of a weebs room
If they can't handle you having 2D cuties on your wall then they don't deserve your time

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im going to try getting a dakki for my lil devil soon just need to think of her design for it and such

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>i don't know how anyone could keep shit like that in their room. what if someone walks in?
mummy seen it and probably thinks im pedo but dont care.
its 2 cute lolis what do I care.
I like em

this man 100%

Let's be honest. If your room was filled with banners, scrolls, posters, figurines, dakis, etc. you'd probably wouldn't even be able to focus on one thing and probably wouldn't even tell the cartoon girls on the wall are actually underage.

To Norman just likening 2D makes you a pedo and they will think 90% of 2D are underage unless they have massive tits because that all they think anime is, big tits and underage girls.

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heres the posters I got last night coming.
>To Norman just likening 2D makes you a pedo
this is true.

Thing is mummy will be laminating all of these for me at a store so I am a lil worried about one or two

Attached: posters I got.png (983x711, 987K)

Nice. You got some cool designs in there.

May I ask though,
What is your mom's opinion on your purchases and your dedication to a fictional character. Has she ever expressed or told you anything?

Asking because I only have 1 daki and it was my mom who bought it for me and I don't think she thought much of it.(it's not a lewd one so that probably helps my case)

This is probably the best accessory for a daki I could have hoped for


>tfw motorboat my waifu's tits everyday
a bit tricky to get it positioned just right when you consider gravity and the way the case shifts around, but once I found the sweet spot it's elder god tier

I got drunk and told my mum about how I dont like 3DPD and only like anime girls.
Then she said
>but they cant talk to you etc
and I said how I interact with one in my head.

not long after my doctor asked me if
>the people i talk to in my head tell me to piss in bottles
and I was sent for a psych evaluation at hospital :(

She doesnt care what I do as long as I dont kill myself.
I imagine most parents with semi normal kids who arent mentally ill would act different.
I dont care what my mum says I cannot disappoint her anymore at all.
hey that looks cool, need special Daki to use it with or?
would be comfy desu

I've asked this before and I'll ask it again.
How exactly do you use these? Do you put them under or over the cover? If you put them under the cover how is it any different than just putting two rolled up socks underneath it? If it goes over the case then isn't the contrast between the daki art and the titties too distracting? Also Don't you need the specific pillow type that's "tighter"? I have a softer pillow and have a hard time seeing how these would work on it.

It comes with a special cover that you put under your waifu cover, the tits attach with velcro

>the people i talk to in my head tell me to piss in bottles
Oh yeah, I remember you said something like this before. What a fucking cunt. Besides, why is he the one to say what the voices are telling you, that's messed up. But hey, atleast you are getting NEET bux. Something that'll remain a mere dream for me
Your mom probably had higher expectations for you. But you're happy so that's all that matters. I hope she understands you and if not I hope that one day she does.
I once told my mom I hate 3DPD and she agreed with me, so that's kinda cool I guess. She still expects grandkids, however. Wish I wasn't an only child.

user you aren't supposed to said those things, just act normal and hide your powerlevel and that's it

>She still expects grandkids, however.
She's going to set you up with some used up Stacy in a few years so you can be the beta provider. When she start trying really hard to make you improve then you know it's coming

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>If you put them under the cover how is it any different than just putting two rolled up socks underneath it
I haven't tried with socks but I imagine it feels quite different from medical grade silicon

She jokingly says from time to time that she has some pretty girls at her work place and that she can hook me up but I just tell her I'm not interested in women and just want to work on my education/career. I really want her to understand me but it's very unlikely since she was raised in a traditional conservative orthodox family.
>I haven't tried with socks but I imagine it feels quite different from medical grade silicon
Oh, of course it would be better was just wondering if it is a viable substitute for someone who doesnt want to pay this much for such a minor luxury.

Oops second part was meant for

I am not happy at all though.
my mum knows I was never happy as I had a diagnosis as a child for clinical depression.
im happy she is understanding, she kind of blames herself for leaving me with my abusive father when I was a kid and other things.
waiting for my stuff I order online is one of the things that keep me alive, its something to look forward to.

I was drunk
I said things I should regret but I dont.
I have no shame anymore, i am just apathetic towards it all.

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>I am not happy at all though.
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your cute waifu and all the stuff you bring you some happiness. I doubt she would want you to be sad.