Fembots, why don't you take Anavar...

Fembots, why don't you take Anavar? It's literally magic muscle growth pills for girls and it will make you blow up like crazy really fast. user said his gf went from skelly to buff in 16 weeks. Pic related. Don't you want to get bigger and stronger and find a qt bf to bully?

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Only 16 weeks for these gains? Wow, she looks amazing. I would give anything to look like the after picture. I've been going to the gym for about a year and all it did was make me look a little toned, but I didn't make any significant gains on my upper body. That delt looks amazing, I might try this.

why do women always get tanned and dye their hair blonde when they start working out?

>literally magic muscle growth pills for girls and it will make you blow up like crazy really fast
>that pic
>16 weeks
>tfw steroids are legal here

I always wanted to try steroids but I'm scared of needles. I didn't know there were pills. I'm going to get swole and make my idiot ex regret dumping me.

Why does it only work on girls?

It works on men as well, but I think it might work better on women because it functions by converting estrogen.

what if you're fat?

Men need real testosterone to make gains. Var is a synthetic hormone that only mimics the effects of testosterone. That's why it doesn't work on men and why girls are so sensitive to it. Var hits girls ten times harder than boys and without side effects.

For girls, it burns fat while growing lean muscle mass at he same time.

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Remember us little people when you become an enormous 10/10.

Are you a fat girl?
Are you thicc or just lard?

Any idea what time period this girl blew up over?
I imagine that's several cycles worth of gains.

Does this mean we could be entering the age of Amazons? If it really is some miracle drug that buffs women up without effort and with no side effects, realistically why wouldn't all women take it? If being Jow Forums was an effortless choice, you'd have to be dumb not to.

Can attest to this, know some women that went on var and got fucking ripped at unreal speeds. Apparently it also makes women horny as fuck too, even past menopause.

Generally people avoid oral steroids, something about increased liver toxicity with a lot of compounds, not sure about var, but as long as you do your bloodwork you'll have more than enough time to stop if things don't seem right.

That doesn't stop anyone from getting muscle, unironically fat people don't need to bulk since they're already big, unlike skellies. But diet is probably the most important part of getting ripped.

You will obviously lose weight if you are fat.
Basic endocrinology, jesus.

I want a strong femdom gf

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Get a tiny, sub gf, then put her on var until she becomes the dom.

She posted on Jow Forums this was 12 weeks at 20mg.

>without effort
They have to lift weights user, but with Anavar they can break the natty limit and make gains that would take a male three years to achieve in just weeks or months. Vare makes muscles look fuller too. A natty male can never achieve the pumpkin delt look of a girl on var.

this desu make your own wheyfu

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On a scale of 1 to Mad, how mad do you reckon my gf would be if I replaced her vitamins with Anavar?

why do var girls always have pumpkin delts?

Okay... Where do I get a gf...
Girls don't like small sub guys...

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>How tall are you?
>How much money do you have/yearly income minus fixed expenses?
>What country are you from?
>Are you white?

If you are white, you can go to Africa or Asia and get basically anyone you want (except maybe for Korea and Japan). All you need is enough money for travel, a partner visa application and enough to give your jungle bunny or SEA monkey a better life with you than she would have back home.
Get one taller than you if you're into amazonian stuff, or shorter if your being "small" is part of the reason you can't get a gf (you're probably stuck with south east asia if this is the case).

kek some Jow Forumsizen put 40mg in his gf's protein shakes for two weeks
pic related

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Presumably the wanted to get pumpkin delts and did the appropriate exercise to embiggen them.

i hope females who lift start taking anavar as female empowerment gym culture.

this thread is full of obvious photoshop..
look at this one in particular... exact same pose and photo but with stupid mods like the iphone case and nails to trick you into thinking it's different pics.

delts have more androgen receptors
it's the first thing that pops while on var

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The hair is different, the fingers are slightly different, the background is different.
Someone is an absolute master at photo manipulation or you're wrong.
Fucking lol, but was she mad tho?

>Fucking lol, but was she mad tho?
he said she thought her hard work was finally paying off and was happy about it

don't see why so many women are bsessed with becoming stronger. frail and weak women are adorable. It gives the man a reason to become stronger to compensate for both of them.

are these roids?
are they gunna turn my clit into a dick?
so I'll be muscular AND a futa?

Where do I get these pills???

Im already fat AF I dont wanna be fatter

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Maybe they aren't doing it to make your dick hard

Pics of your pathetic, tiny girl clit plz.
Fat like a big booty black girl or fat like a sack filled with mud?
'Cos it's hot you mong.

do not take the drugs you must ascend your mortal body

This goddess is literally getting bigger every day

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Those veins really are quite something.
Is it the drugs that do that or just the muscle?

I would do this if I was guaranteed to keep a layer of fat over the muscle because I don't like the way bulging veins look.

you can keep some fat if you take a little var
op grill took 10mg

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too much work, plus anime build> veiny freak

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>she doesn't want to get swole
>she doesn't want to be able to pin down her boitoy and rape him whenever she wants

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I would literally pay my gf to take anavar but I have yet to meet a girl willing to do it

>not having enough feminine charm to manipulate him into sex whenever

if you need to get swole just to rape him are you even a real woman

drugs and genetics

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I just want to dominate a cute boy.

>tfw no not so muscular but strong as fuck gf

get her some var user

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I don't have a gf

I prefer having natural, lean muscle. Being short and built looks retarded.

Because tan and dark skin accentuates the appearance of muscles and they want to show it off. That's why in those body builder competitions they all look ridiculous.

>tfw saw a var thread and wanted to try it for fun
>tfw it works

Can confirm this stuff is freaking magic. Left pic was 8 weeks ago, right is today. I took 10mg every morning and 10mg every night and lifted as heavy as I could on a high protein diet at 3000 calories a day.

I don't even have a bf but I don't care, I LOVE my new body.

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To anyone too retarded to realize:

looking great desu

My primary concern when it comes to my body is making it fit for childbirth.

Don't do roids, user. That shit fucks with the female reproductive system. Only do it if you accept the small risk of getting your shit fucked.

wheyfus can get pregnant tho
pic related is a milf

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Post feminine penis


why do you lie on the internet?
plz post your ass. good i wanna eat her out

How much Anavar do I have to take to get this big and for how long?

I would say 40mg for 18 weeks, but start with 10mg for 8 weeks to see how your body responds.

>tfw no shy qt fembot gf to pump full of var and watch her grow

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>being this intimidated by var girls

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fugg that's hot

>She posted on Jow Forums this was 12 weeks at 20mg.
There's no way she grew that much in less than 3 months

op grill got swole in 4 months with only 10mg
some girls are more genetically gifted and the var hits them harder

i know that feel desu fampaioriganolli

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I'm going to do this to my sister.

>to my sister.
t. siscon
Why your sis user?

>tfw friend offered to set me up with a roided girl from his lifting club
i want to say yes but im afraid my spaghetti will ruin it

Easy target. She's always complaining about how she can't gain any muscle even though she's been lifting for three years. She will get the gains she wants and I will get to see a female muscle growth transformation irl.

And you gain? What exactly.

say yes you lucky bastard. is she big? do you have any pics or insta?

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A lot of material to fap to.

My man. Best of luck user.

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That's preversely hot.

he showed me a pic of her flexing her biceps and they were pretty huge. couldn't see her face too well in the pic but her jaw looked very roidy
i really want to say yes but im a huge pussy

say yes but don't go out on a date. invite her to your house and cook for her. she will never leave you. also pls post pics if you have any

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my plan is to go out and have a beer with her. she apparently likes beer

>she apparently likes beer
God user, how hopeless are you?

look at the website you are on
then look at the board you are on
does that answer your question?

I know a beefy woman is only as the average dude bro but this honestly scares me a bit. Because I am way smaller and weaker then the average dudebro, half the women posted on var could probably beat me up.

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>does that answer your question?
It does. Some boards are fine. Jow Forums usually knows some level of normal interaction.
Forgot this was r9k. Everyone here is hopeless. Including me.

As someone who is irreversibly attracted to women of the Asian persuasion, I can inform the court that I am absolut diamonds right now.

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Im a cute boy Where are the muscle girls that want to dominate me at

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song naeun @better.song

I have bigger azn girls if you want

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>half the women posted on var could probably beat me up

But that's hot user.

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Put var in the water supply

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>tfw wheyfus everywhere
This guy gets it.

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By all means, please do.

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Why arent all women like this? We need to do some government brainwashing to make them all want to look like this

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fembot here, where can you get this stuff?

>all that shoop


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yeon woo jhi @yeonwoojhi is my fave

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Y'all seem like the kinda fellers that get hard to Caitlyn Jenner.

Because they want to go around showing more skin. Duh.

They just have to fatten up again for a bit to get the hormones back.

I want a brown athlethicc tomboy gf

This girl is a beast

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>tfw no buff tomboy gf to abuse my penis

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I bet a muscle girl's pussy is literally the best sensation on earth itself