Why do females have such bad posture?

Why do females have such bad posture?

This coming from a dyel.

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slouching over smartphones and chads dicks

every female oriented lifting program should include healthy amount of deadlifts squats and pilke of back work, especially facepulls, band pullaparts and rear delt work

weak core = bad posture

They have fucked up spines by nature.

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>thinking they have the privilege to judge other people's appearances
Work on yourself first you absolute worthless protoplasm

My posture is good enough as it is though.

>this is considered "in shape" and "thin" in current year

See this is why I don't like most women. They are disgusting to look at.

I have all of these combined

They're used to bending the knee, it's in their nature

i have a bit of the forward head problem, if i pull on a good posture then my fking lizardskin throat creates a mass underchin


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They want an ass and hyperlordosis is the way to get it.

Bending their back to point out their ass

the problem isnt the skin its the nonexistant jaw and recessed maxilla

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fuck I love cz casting

Dat posture

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>do have a jaw
>no recessed maxilla
i have very flexible and loose skin on my throat, like a pelican. gonna get surgery for that in 2 months to straighten that

nice cope

I'm sleeping on the floor tonight

Most people have bad posture, you only notice girls because it's what you look at

But I don`t, I`m not somekind of a faget. Its just obvious.

You don't pay extra attention to girls? but then you are some kind of faggot

Can lifting alone correct my anterior pelvic tilt and nerd neck?

I don`t even go outside because I don`t want to catch AIDS.

Stop calling them females you fucking incel

Would "cunt" be more appropriate?

Because the cunts want to appeal to chad and when they do pic related their butt looks bigger

Attached: UglyThotThatStillWouldBeAbleToBreakYourNoFapStreak.jpg (1280x853, 184K)

Dunno, but I've found that farmer's walks have really helped with sorting out my posture

me on the left

Because most females don't do anything physical in their lives. Spreading their legs isn't exercise. This is also why they get fat after 20s are over. They are lazy and want to be "comfortable" all the time. This is the reason.