Why dont you have a anime body pillow?

Why dont you have a anime body pillow?
>cute anime girl to cuddle
>actually a legit night time sleep aid, you wont sleep without one
>cute anime girl to cuddle
>feels great to hug and think of your waifu
Why dont you have one?

Family is not a good enough reason, you really think they would care if you had a comfy pillow?
wouldnt your family rather you be happy when you sleep?

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Because that's fucking pathetic.

Because im not a fucking neckbeard.

hello r*ddit! yikes haha

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I haven't looked for one, but I haven't seen a good Saber daki. If I see one, maybe I will get it.

Risk of being v& mostly

Still waiting on that user from the same thread a few weeks ago to link the 6ft chad pillow.

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Sounds a bit gay ngl
They're just drawings on a pillow

Live with parents
>inb4 move out
DPD here buddy

serious question, what your parents think about it?

No one has my waifu. Also it's expensive

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have a look for one.
you will be glad you did.

>Risk of being v& mostly
loli Waifu?
My Waifu a loli and I think ill risk getting V& to get a lewd one but you dontto get a lewd one man.

>Sounds a bit gay ngl
>They're just drawings on a pillow
so? I dont get this logic at all.
>serious question, what your parents think about it?
tehy dont say anything i even showed my mum.
I also told her I only like naime girls and I talk to my Waifu in my head,
why would I move out>?
mummys fine

>loli Waifu?
No she's above age, it's just that the British Police have a no fun allowed policy about anime merch and I might end up on some government list somewhere when it gets caught in customs lewd or not.
And I missed the train for good Yui dakis.

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What's the best site to get a Daki cover?

im australian and I had no issues man.
my waifu Megumin and shes seen as underage legally.

You should be fine man
hmmm, offical ones are said to be best but I have two bootlegs and on ebay tehy came from.
seem fine man.

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You're posting on r9k, you are pathetic.

I have a loli daki but I put it in a bag and store it in a basement, I have friends and specially a gf so I just fuck her and don't need a pillow, not a weeb

cuz they're so fucking damn expensive. the only anime merch I have is a rather inexpensive game-prize fig and I have to make do with that. being a poorfag sucks

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>I have a loli daki but I put it in a bag and store it in a basement, I have friends and specially a gf so I just fuck her and don't need a pillow, not a weeb
get off my fucking website.
dude save up.
I cant sleep without a dakki man.

Anime pillows are expensive. Why buy a pillow case with an anime girl you can't even see because your eyes are closed and it's dark when you can use your imagination for free.

Because I am living in a dorm and my bed is small. Plus I am trying to improve myself so I can get girls, and I want to be presentable

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why not do this but with a dakki?

What? How would that even work?

>What? How would that even work?
well you buy a dakki.
small bed ok it means you cuddle dakki all the time.
girls wont care if they see you cuddle cute anime dakki.
who cares if they do.

any idea how much better sleeping is with a dakki?

>3D Buttocks: No

Toppa' the mornin' laddy!