I just can't. I torment myself and think about them all the time. Every night I try to at least dream about them, that I have sex with beautiful Asian waifu, and care about her. I want an Asian girlfriend so bad.
Help. I can't stop thinking about Asian girls
Why don't you act on your desires? Or perhaps work to eliminate your desires? If you don't do something, you will always be suffering like you are now.
In my country there are no East Asian girls ): Only Viet girls.
I understand how you feel user. It'll suppress itself soon but it doesn't go away.
I've gotten head from multiple Asians and it's not pleasant. Their mouths are too small and it feels like you're putting your dick in a wet pencil sharpener.
I also always think of asain girls, but I dont want to fuck them I just want to look like them so a nice boy will like me.
Hello brother
I have come with good news
I am about to get married to an Asian girl.
They are out there
The qtpie Asian wife meme can be real
I highly suggest traveling to an asiatic country then go to the bars eventually you'll meet someone worked for me
Now a few years later were about to get married
Ok then user I am happy for you.
I would never defile my Asian girl with BJ like that, I am to please her, not the other way around.
>tfw can only find asian girls cute but there are barely any around me
All that I want is a relationship with a qt asian girl but I can't afford to move to asia.
Viet girls are cute too
youre not gonna get very far with that attitude, asian women love to serve alot more than they do being served
Can you afford to visit though?
Depending on where you live you can go to most places as a tourist without a visa, though the amount of time you are allowed to stay is a lot shorter then if you get that actual tourist visa.
Just save up for a trip, stay there for a month or so and have a ldr with one of them.
Save up for a partner visa, bring her over and that's you all set with love and romance from now until the end of time til death do you part etc.
This, mine is tiny, her mouth is tiny, her teeth are teeth so it's very obvious that she shouldn't be doing this, but she's doing this and I can't stop her.
>her teeth are teeth
I don't feel like that's a very viable or organic solution.
No, it's not organic, but then again neither's race mixing so whatever.
It's perfectly viable, but you will need a steady income or you're basically worthless to her seeing as she's marrying you for your money.
I just want to make love to Asian girl already. I want it so bad. I dream about it every night.
She is supposed to marry for LOVE you dolt, Asian girl is a soulmate.
I have had the sex many times and exclusively with asian girls, so I can't compare it to anything else, but it's pretty lit m8, I recommend it.
Are they submissive?
Pardon me, I thought this thread was about being realistic and giving actual advice.
Why do you think its unrealistic for an Asian girl to feel love for a character, and not money?
I'm not into dom/sub stuff, but they certainly seem willing to do whatever you like and have sex whenever you want.
Not because she's Asian, because she's a girl.
Asian girls only care for money? Is that what you are trying to say? O:
Just imagine that perfectly felxible body during sex.
I'm saying girls only care for money, the fact that she's Asian is far less relevant.
Find a qt3,14 Viet girl then, user. Gotta remember there are more than japs, chinks and koreans
almost originally exclusively
I love when Asian girls are doing that pose.
Asian girls also love guys for their personalities, right? RIGHT?
>Marry for love
Pick one
Sure, love and personality are great, yes.
Just don't be poor.
I would give anything to have pic related.
All you have to give is however much a plane ticket costs my friend.
>So tell me something more about you user? Where do you live and work? How much do you make?
Same bro, always looked at asian idols and shit before they are too cute!!
Then I tried a dating app, okcupid I think, and found an indonesian girl, damn, she was hot af, even a beauty pageant winner (no fake) but shortly before we meet we broke up (she was crazy jealous) tried okcupid again and found an malaysian chinese girl and be in a relationship with her for nearly one year (she studies in Ireland and I am in Germany so I can visit her easily), I even went to Malaysia for a month and met her family, so this shit is real!
And bro, I have to admit she is no beauty pageant winner but first she can cook really really good and second she does everything for me, totally sub!
Can confirm this
But you have to keep in mind this is only for the traditional asians!!!
The true ones!
Not the asian mix or asians born in other countries or the asians with too much contact to the western world
Amazing story! I want a Chinese waifu myself.
I am a weeb so would love a Japanese gf but it will probably never happen
I'm Korean and American all my dating attemps with white men have failed
Very true. My first gf was born in Asia but grew up here. She was not very traditional and was basically just a more aesthetic white girl.
Presently with a 100% Asian and everything is perfect.
Are you a chubby girl? Do tell.
if you're rich you know where to go
China? Korea?
I'm late, but I have a chinese long term gf. Proposing this Christmas. I have tips to get an asian gf if you are interested and give me attention.
The 100% asian ones can cook very nice too and treat you well!
The negative side is they value the family very very much! So definitely don't make her family be mad at you
How to make Asian girl interested in you?
Same feel OP.
Unfortunately I'm a shitskins. I want her to be japanese but it's gonna be hard to find a qt asian jap gf without being white so it's fine if is chinese or korean.
I am sure we all gonna have qt asian gf's. We just gotta keep chasing the dream and working for it
Thanks, I had a lots of luck finding one studying not too far but actually there are a lot of asians at universities, so this can be a good spot... Or just dating apps
Koreans are more xenophobic than Japs honestly
Same way you make any girl be interested in you. Be tall, white, attractive. Thats the only way to MAKE someone be interested. If you are in good shape you'll eventually stumble across someone who might be interested. Thats not asians thats just women.
Asian girls as foreigners in a western country are a special case. Someone said school and work are the best places to meet partners because your inhibitions are broken by being in a similar situation. Luckily, foreign asian girls only do those 2 things, school and work.
Your best chance is to go to Uni, join a foreign asian club. They exist, then make friends with guys and girls, and genuinely be friends with the dudes or you will be outted as a yellow fever creeper. The dudes can help you set up wechat/line groupchat and from there you are playing the dating game but all the girls are hot and are playing with a handicap.
Thank you, I just want to spend days with Asian girl doing various things, from playing games, to cooking, watching films and having sex.
Many of the shy asian girls have no baseline for western men. Be proud of your culture and heritage and be genuinely interested in theirs. Civic pride is foreign af to them, but it is fascinating and comes off masculine. I went to gradschool in a program that was 90% chinese. I was a rural hick but loved hangin with dudes and showing them shooting. They were blown away, but often their lady friends would ask if they and their lady friends could come along. I brought em, and nearly everytime I would have one in my bed later that week (however the situation can get messy post-coitus).
Again, asian foreign women still have that odd cosmopolitan appeal that every woman in the world has, they are just less hesitant about living an instagram life around it. So they will find you fascinating, and given a blank slate, they have nothing to compare you too. So if you aren't awkward for 2 seconds, you can play it by ear and she will be none the wiser.
Depending on the asian, you also gotta be prepared for a massive cultural shift. Especially if you want to make it serious. She will watch you play games, give a steady stream of sex (if your good) and practically so every house chore while only wearing an apron. However, you are and never will be hygenic in their mind. You must wash your feet when you visit, brush your teeth like 12 times a day, and god forbid you sit on their bed with jeans on (although a great excuse to take off clothing).
Interesting story, thx for contributing!
Less interested* not hesitant
>However, you are and never will be hygenic in their mind.
Dude wtf are you talking about? You are exagerating for sure.
I might be bias towards east asian, especially chinese. Their apartments are quite ratchet but everyone I was seeing or had a friend seeing was very pushy about hygenic customs like washing my feet. They didn't like that I wouldn't wear sandles in their house, even if I was in socks.
Why isn't there any asian cuck porn where an asian male gets to watch when the seed of superior white male fils his woman?
I dunno man. Asian girls are cute tho.
don't idealise them too much
I mean yeah I prefer asian girls to white but they are still female and have the same destructive hypergamous nature within them
>however the situation can get messy post-coitus
theres a couple JAV like this but with Nigerian guys
in jap porn they prefer it when the female is the one being cucked
Hello, Storm Druid!
They're more aware of being roasties I think. Current scenario, my gf will go in cycles of having a grand argument then ghosting me and then coming back and letting me reseduce her, this continued for about 2 years until some stability and longterming came about. A few girls went into clingmode, accused me of seeing other women (I didn't overlap girls). 2 girls acted as though I took advantage of them, though they let it happen again; these ones were starfish in bed, after the first I knew exactly what the second was doing. Those two were used to teasing men into chasing them, they just didn't see I would go for it (I think they expected me to act like a ecchi protagonist and somehow control myself). The sex after the first few times became much better when they were more engaged. I would say all of them had a sort of major mental shift after sex. The one I am with had her first orgasm with me and suddenly turned into a turbo slut for me, but was super self aware she was a slut.
You don't even need to be that attractive
Just don't be fat. Thats about it.
lol that's so true! They don't care too much about the general cleanness of the house but don't you dare to sit on the bed with your dirty ass street clothes
No it is true, don't you ever touch her bed without changing clothes and don't enter the room with your street shoes! They will be really grumpy
Their sex game is crazy
This sounds like some hentai shit.
It's cause you are putting OPs pic as the face to those stories. About half were more like pic related:
Of course you do. Quit the bullshit. Unless you go live in Asian where you're a minority as a white guy. Here in the west the competition is just a big and Asian girls will be selective
sex is sex mang. plus still beats fucking a hamplanet white bitch or being a virgin like us.
Here I think you will like this
Dammit why the majority of japs and koreans grills have to be xenophobic ;_;
All i want is just a qt jap gf to give all my love and protec her
I Actually went on a date with a cute Asian girl about 2 months ago she's very nice and absolutely adorable I'm thinking of confessing to her but I'm scared that I might be rejected
That's why you date a real 100% asian and not one of the 'western asians'
When one is coming here to the west you need to be fast and make her fall for you before she realizes that there are hotter guys
But you are definitely right, when she is a western asian or already lived here a while you have too much competition
Don't worry user! Give it your best!
>user your breath stniks so bad! Brush your teeth now!
I had this myself. No luck on dating sites with Asian girls at all, except for two Chinese girls who came to study here. One I only dated, but nothing happened. The other one was a short relationship. Later I met a Chinese girl who was about to study in my country in a month and she changed her location to here. We dated after she got here and I'm currently in a relationship with her. It's still difficult and most Asian girls (even the ones who are not here for long) won't have interest, but the ones I did get lucky with weren't here for a long time already
When I was in gradschool, I was in a groupchat with a buncha chinese bros and their extended friends. Every hear when the masters students (almost all women) were coming as fresh meat, the guys actually had bidding wars on who would get who. They got the pics and info grom the coordinator who was one of the Chinese professors wife, she thought if the girls had boyfriends they wouldn't think of switching schools should they go to PhD level. The guys were literally offering cheatsheets, thesis writing, and experiment help as bargaining chips for which girl they wanted. The winner would pick the girl up from the airport, take her to dinner, do her shopping for the wrek (no car), and help her move in. If they didn't seal the deal then she would come up for grabs. The going joke was if she wasn't taken she was going to end up "going shooting" which meant I would swoop in and offer her to go shoot guns with me which would inevitably end up with her deflowered. Chink bros can be fun. But they seriously try to lock down their women.
>Asian girl that is not my mouth you're sniffing but it is my anal regions and humans do not brush their anal regions
Not sure if you're serious, but the dental hygiene of many Asians if very low. Lots of them have crooked teeth and such. They don't have access to / go to dentists as much as we do. And their dentists are not as good mostly
This is fucking disgusting, and degenerate. Chinese girls should stick to white men, not those desperate Chinkcels.
>Get under the shower, you filthy pig!
It is not that bad but not too far away
And about the dental hygiene the other user is true... But I think this is for the poor shithole countries.. Lots of asians use teeth whitening and care about it... (but don't have too much access... Braces are expensive af)
I was reffering to this post: guy talked about brushing teeth 12 times a day.
Kek no they aint you dumb fuck they look like mongos
Dude, I was talking about smelly breath, not crooked teeth. Asian girls are simply turned off by BO and such, seeing as Asians have little to no BO themselves.
No, they look like beautiful women you incel sub-human.
Yeah, it is definitely hard... The different culture can be a problem and probably the long distance too!
Like with all girls be careful with her friends and specially the family, and they are very close!!
Its all they really had, the dating scene, where I was, was slim pickings for even white dudes. All the chinkbros had was their own kind coming in for schooling. I never thought I would've hooked up witb a chinese girl, but give me one highschool sweetheart country girlfriend of 5 years, turn her into an SJW going to NYU to study sign language and subsequently ghosting me, then add alot of alcoholism and a hot chink girl, and I will show you a man converted to prime asian pus.
Yeah, some are crazy but I know that the girls are at least equally interested in westerners than in chinese guys! Some maybe even more! As long as you aren't a 'lower' asian guy you have chances
And the chinese guys do chase their women... I have heard of guys chasing girls for years before she accepts, and with chasing I mean buying shit and treating her to food and stuff
But this is just fucking sick, I mean they are treating those Asian grills like they are pieces of meat.
Asians do have BO but this is mostly limited to manual laborers
Being Asian I knew a girl who did have BO but it wasn't vomit-inducing but rather erotic. I knew she regularly showers but rarely uses deodorant. Her smell was akin to a wet handtowel
I am not sure how bad Westerners' breath and body odor is tho, and how regular you encounter people like this
The concept of "only friends" doesn't seem to exist in atleast China. If you are orbitting long enough you can push them into exclusivity. I had alot of friends who I tried to convince to give up, only for them to demand "a chance" after 2 years of trying and getting accepted.
Yeah yeah, I know, that's what I said, the really want you to be free of BO
bad dental hygiene is a bad example, look at the brits
It the sorta thing that made me consider the idea of feminism. The girls who I slept with often said they felt more "free" when they were with me. I blew it off as a shallow of them to see me as a wildcard fling, but later on I began to see that they are treated like meat. Many said they never got pleasure from sex and saw sex as a way to "service" their chink bfs. Sex with them would be some of the most passionate nut clenching shit I've had; they never got to experience reciprocity, and when they did it was a pandora's box of fantasy. I have stories...
Yes, that's really something I don't understand! They chase the girl even when she is obviously uninterested till they get a chance...
I would give up earlier but they just keep going... Dunno if the girl falls for the guy or just accept he stops chasing her