>be fembot
>want to make a spiritual connection and fall in love
>men only want me for sex and get upset when I tell them I'm saving myself for marriage
Be fembot
That's because you're dating above your league. Re-evaluate your erotic capital miss.
there are traditional men out there. You'll probably only find them in Church though.
Who are you talking to that does this? I constantly see traditional robots saying they want to save themselves for marriage.
Hell, it was my ex who wanted sex when I preferred to wait.
Here I'm cutie.
I can wait with sex as long as I get to cuddle
I don't get it if all you want is a spiritual connection why does it have to be a man? Sex only matters for benis in vagania
Without seeming cliche, you're not going after the right men.
Love can only exist between a man and a woman.
Why don't these virtuous men pursue me? Isn't it the traditional man's job to court the woman? I dress modestly and conduct myself like a proper maiden in public, why do only scumbags ask me out and try to get sex immediately?
Where are the right men then? Here?
You can't fool me, Satan. Every man of discernment knows that such women don't exist.
Listen lady, this whole "romance" thing is a disney shill. Unless your at least a 9/10, men won't bother trying to humour you and impress you. The reason they only want a fug out of you is because they simply don't consider you worth anything more.
I'm trying to pursue you.
You ain't responding.
Sure it is. Depends where you are though.
Your environment might not exactly have traditional men.
Some other anons mentioned church. Try some political circles. It really just depends; in this case there is dating sites for trad individuals.
>Love can only exist between a man and a woman.
How'd ya know that
nice job wasting the get on a bait thread faggot
Nice gets, shit post
If someone can't take the time to type traditional, they aren't. I can't believe how many "trad"thots get a husband to support them and I remain alone at 22. It's almost like you guys want sluts.
What sort of lifestyle would you want with your husband?
I want to live like Varg and Marie.
>>want to make a spiritual connection and fall in love
Sounds perfect, a/s/l?
>Why don't these virtuous men pursue me?
I am doing it right now.
They're both autistic sociopaths though. How about living like them, but actually being decent people too?
Are you in the EU though?
22/f/midwest. And you?
>They're both autistic sociopaths though
Cringe and bluepilled post.
>in the EU
I can't say I'm surprised.
The nature of relationships today means that most if not all men will expect to have sex within the first handful of dates or weeks spent together.
You will be seen as a prude by almost all guys and frankly, from a societal perspective they're right, you are the weird one.
Furthermore, if you're a fembot I imagine you are unattractive, so you're of little use to someone who just wants to use you as a practice gf or a slampig or whatever.
You either need to open yourself up to the idea that saving yourself is not an option because you don't have the status or looks to attract a guy who thinks you're worth the wait, or you need to settle for a guy who you might think is less than ideal.
Go to church and chat up an average or below looking guy, that's your best bet.
So "trad" guys really do just want sluts. Interesting.
>Cringe and bluepilled post.
They really are. To an actual nationalist who's read more than the D&D manual, they are cringy as fuck. So are American "nationalist" LARPers (despite you guys not even having a nation).
It's like when Charlie Manson thought that the race war was coming any day now and they'll go into the mountains and wait it out and then when the blacks win, they will not have the skills to run society, so he and his cult will come down from the mountain and become the new god kings.
FUCK I KNOW IT IS BAIT! I didn't intend for this. I've just slipped so far into depression, that I'll resort to ranting on r9k about the state of the Western world.
I apologize to you too, anons.
What a waste of quints holy fuck
>this loser is still posting
I feel fucking guilty.
>Why don't these virtuous men pursue me?
How? How are they suppose to find you? How are they suppose to know that you're virtuous to begin with?
save yourself for marriage? yet it's probably implied if a man asks you about your virginity he's only interested in you for that. And if he does ask it's considered he's autistic.
Only the lowest quality males would put up with a girl who doesn't want sex.
I'm not sure how you got that from my post.
I am implying that desirable, traditional guys really don't exist in large enough numbers for OP to have a viable chance of getting one unless she is absolutely stunning.
Well, I'm one, but I'm getting this , so... good luck lol.
>How? How are they suppose to find you? How are they suppose to know that you're virtuous to begin with?
How does any other man find me? We become acquainted through work or friends or he walks up and talks to me.
Virginity should only come up when we discuss our virtues, plans for the future, and our pasts. That is standard procedure for a date, no?
Only the lowest quality humans engage in casual sex. Your genitals are not a toy.
You outed yourself as a low T yuropoor. You're as worthless to me as any of the scumbags in my own country.
>Casual sex
No, you idiot. Sex in a relationship. It's a requirement for a good healthy relationship.
but you asked how do virtuous men pursue you, i'm pointing out there is no flag for virtuous men to notice you so they don't know to pursue you.
What is a spiritual connection, exactly?
yeah sure if you weren't a total slut and atleast 6/10 you would have no problem finding a good man but you probably already fucked so many chads that no good man wants your flappy pussy anymore
Not that guy, but did you mean midwest in the states? Which state?
>You outed yourself as a low T yuropoor.
Meanwhile, my country is 99% white, how about yours? How about Varg's? How about Marie's?
Going on a handful of dates is not a relationship, you brainlet. You don't fuck at marriage meetings, there is a courtship period.
>there is no flag
How do you know? I wear skirts, I own a MAGA cap. Should I wear a t-shirt that says "Marry me and take my virginity"?
I am a virgin. I must not be that ugly either because I have plenty of degenerate men trying to get in my pants.
Which state are you in?
>spiritual connection
I'm in Indiana.
The opposite of a material attraction.
Can I get a reservation for 2 at dubsia?
So being attracted to your personality, in other words?
>How do you know? I wear skirts, I own a MAGA cap. Should I wear a t-shirt that says "Marry me and take my virginity"?
no, you shouldn't. I'm just saying it's still difficult, as a guy none of those things would flag in my mind, "wholesome girl". guys are still oblivious to that shit, guys are oblivious when a girl out right says "i'm interested in you". and if I saw a girl wearing a maga cap I'd assume she was a toxic redpiller that would just do nothing but shit on her partner for not being a "manly enough captain" and threatening divorce if he doesn't ship up and take care of her step daughter better.
I'm not saying give up, I'm just saying maybe there are things you could do to improve your odds.
>if I saw a girl wearing a maga cap I'd assume she was a toxic redpiller that would just do nothing but shit on her partner for not being a "manly enough captain" and threatening divorce if he doesn't ship up and take care of her step daughter better.
Same here.
post ur tits or something that can prove you're a female atleast
>marriage meetings
>courtship period
Are you from the 1700s?
>guys are oblivious
No, I think you are just personally stupid.
>toxic redpiller
I don't know what this means. Why are you afraid of not being manly enough? Go to the gym or something.
I honestly wish I was born a couple hundred years before that. Even the 1700s was full of degenerate idiots like you.
>short lifespan
>shitty life quality
I prefer living in the modern world.
>No, I think you are just personally stupid.
and this is why you're so successful with relationships.
>I don't know what this means.
I like my bitches when they fuck at first date. After sex I start connecting with them. But sex comes first for me.
Disease was only bad for degenerates living in shit filled (((cities))), not much different from the modern day. People lived comparable lifespans, they just died as children more often, once you got over the young childhood challenge, it was pretty much fine.
>>shitty life quality
Yeah, this wonderful modern world is full of quality.
Take your "toxic" talk back to tumblr, incel.
You are a retard. At least use 10 seconds in google before openly writing out your idiocy. Human lifespan has been 30-40 years until only about 100 years ago.
Your IQ is double digits.
You ought to take your own advice. Understand that there is nothing natural about cramming a hundred thousand people into a little space without sanitation, and having them work 16 hours a day, living off bread and wine. Don't take disease-ridden medieval cities and pretend that this is how humans have always lived.