Be me

>be me
>on a carnivore diet for a couple days
>feeling great, no hunger, no afternoon sleep no anxiety
>come christmas
>family leaves a chocolate cake on the freezer
>fuck it
>half an hour later im sleeping like ive been knocked out cold
>wake up tired as fuck
>extreme anxiety
>It still hasnt gone away

Im starting to think this diet is not a meme. Have any of you had any similar experiences with the carnivore diet or should i check if i have bipolar disorder or some schizo shit.

Links for the uninformed:

Also, Carnivore Diet Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've got some meat for you
*Unzips dick*

Dude you probably have diabetes.

can confirm feeling better and looking better (no dark circles around eyes for example) and it being tough while the easy sugar cravings are still happening. you realize we are literally surrounded by junk food that hijacks our biology while killing us.

Don't you get super compacted shits from that? Whenever I have high meat days like grilling events or so I have to press super hard. And I do squat for that so normally it's out in under 10 seconds

The longest I've gone carnivore is like a week in a row. I would shit once a day every morning like clockwork and it would be fast too. 0 fiber, 0 carbs, just meat, salt and butter.

i can confirm. when i've been meat only i shit quickly but when i cave and eat bread for example i take a long time to shit.

Carnivore diet feels so healthy, but I also want to be bulky and to maintain/gain weight I have to eat carbs. I used to eat a fucking kilogram of pork bellies (500cal/100g, 5000cal in total) and my weight would still be the same because it's just fucking impossible to gain weight eating OMAD keto.
Having 0 bloat and 0 gas makes you realise how shitty veggies are.

Yep, falling for sugary cravings triggers insuline response, moreso if you are in a 0 or low carb diet. Happens with most stuff life keto, paleo and carnivore.

The body produces much less waste when eating meat exclusively. Also what OP had is just his system got bombarded with sugar, his glands secreted a fuckton of insulin, and the sugar levels crashed because the body always overdoes it if it feels in shock. What you had is a insulin induced sugar crash, it happens less if you keep eating carbs since the body is trained in dealing with sugars

>be me
>on a carnivore diet for a couple days
>feeling great, no hunger, no afternoon sleep no anxiety
>for a couple of days
>a couple of days
>what is placebo
>what is anecdotal evidence
>what is confirmation bias

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I want to start this but I'm a bit of a parent dependent poorfag, so I got to pass this shit through committee. Getting there though

Any good carnivore recipes? Beyond "lmao eat a pound of raw beef"

Carnivore diet sock puppeting is so prevalent on this board lately. Why do Jews want us to eat meat so bad?

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so this... THIS... is the power... of the mighty carnivore diet

you didn't eat 5000 calories in one sitting lol

I was buying 1.3kg, after cooking and throwing away the rendered fat and the bones it came down to 1kg.

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who /frankie/ here

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100% like you op. My muscles,clear skin and conviction in my own decisions is back.

>I never make any decision in my life until I have first perused two dozen peer reviewed scientific studies on the topic

my ab definition has doubled with 3 weeks of carnivore

>I buy snake oil

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His eyebrows make me uncomfortable, but I still like his videos, since it's not all autistic canadian screeching like Cole or
>flat earth
Frankie's pretty smart for a wop.

Even if its a placebo im feeling great. Why the fuck should i stop then.

>I buy snake oil
what snake oil are you referring to?

and you didn't shit your guts out?

falling into meme diets such as "carnivore" diet

Jews want you to begome vegan or only eat insects and vegetables breed to max efficiency with zero taste and nutrients, to be able to cut down on the feeding costs of the ueless eaters already beeing created by the technologization and redundance of reptty much every job on this planet in the near future. That's why meat gets such a bad rep in the last 50 years and "alternative" food sources get memed instead of sticking to a diet which has been known to be best for pretty much all time since the dawn of time. Even during our agricultural height, thoe which were at the top of society stil consumed mainly meat and dairy while peasants had to be creative in eating the shit left and forbidden for them.

Study the JQ more, see the red threads pointing into one direction and you will understand. This is part of the culling agenda, just like the pushing of anti-natalism in its multiple forms like homosexuality, sterilisation, transgerderism, single parentshood, pro-abortion, materialism and instant gratification instead of sacrifice and long-term-goals.

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Carb coma + refeeding syndrome.

Surprisingly not.

lmao your resources are some idiot who makes videos based on what books he reads and a psychology prof fighting gender studies students?

But I didn't buy any of those things, I got the information free online :)

my shits on carnivore (going on 3 months now) are extremely small, easy to pass, non messy and infrequent

animal products are absorbed way more than the cardboard the jews tell you that you """"need to eat""" for digestive health.

based tbqh

I swear you dummy's will do anything just because it's the opposite of what you perceive is the "reddit boogeyman"

>be me
>on carnivore diet for a year
>feel good, lots of motivation
>out shopping
>see leaves in produce section
>fuck it
>eat leaves
>feel amazing
>like totally amazing
>no motivation
>can’t get out of bed except to poo

This is replicable.

meat is essential

It's an expression. You're still wasting your time and potentially damaging your health over a fucking fad.

>be me
>on a carnivore diet for a month
>first few days feel good, ditched processed sugar and have a decent sleep
>2 weeks go by without any change
>suddenly feel like shit
>have the biggest shitfest in my entire life
>took me 30min to finish my toilette time
>take a look at shit and its fucking red
>another 2 weeks go by, start to smell like shit, skin looks horrible, teeth feel like they are about to fall out
>visit doc and tell him about my diet
>he calls me crazy, takes a blood test
>turns out my cholesterol was over the fucking roof, way beyond what he sees
>pre diabetic
>extremely high iron in blood
>low vitamin c
>low potassium
>low vitamin k
>low vitamin d
>low folate
>he tell me to eat fruits and veggies
>start eating a ton of veggies and fruits, ditch meat completely
>after 1 week feel like a new born baby
>never felt that great in my entire life before
>now on a high carb plant based diet

fuck you jews and you fucking stupid diet shit you fucking retards, you fucking made my life shorter with that stupid advice I FUCKING HATE YOU CUNTS

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pathetic falseflag attempt from a discordtranny, as always

Dick unzipped

i fucking hate you shitty jorden dickerson followers with your presup pseudo bullshit.
fuck off with your unscientific diet and kill yourself.

I didn't need to see this

5000 calories of pork belly in a single sitting is very doable. It's extremely calorie dense. I used to be fat; but even now, that's manageable for me.
t. 150lbs guy

Already deleted it before the jannies come, forgot this subreddit is on 4channel.

Don't get it twisted, the vegan sock puppeting threads are the ones made by the Jooos

Nice beyond triggered cope cry tranny.
Eat some veal liver maybe you'll feel okay then

>You're still wasting your time
How am I wasting my time? Is the carnivore diet more time consuming?

Itt: pure anecdotes, 0 science-supported claims

>potentially damaging your health
total bogeyman. you could say this about anything.

quads confrim

>low vitamin c
isn't that important if you eat meat
>low potassium
not possible unless you're eating below maintenance
>low vitamin k
>low folate
try eating eggs and cheese also. they're part of a carnivore diet, same with organ meats
>low vitamin d
how about you spend some time outside?
doc forgot to tell you that you're low in iodine. incorporate some fresh, unpasteurized milk

You got some nicely built quads there mate. Must be all the meat, you're looking good.

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you're not wrong, but anecdotes have a much stronger relevance compared to the science because of how absurdly complicated the metabolic process is to figure out. how far has science gotten us up to this point? degenerative disease caused directly or indirectly by diet is at an all time high in the first world

just about all we know for sure in nutrition is what is definitely bad for you... that being excess processed and sugary shit and what not. we have a basic idea of what nutrients we need to survive, but not necessarily what we need to be optimal. we still lack tons of crucial info on conversion and absorption rates of all these things that already all interact and mediate each other in the complicated web of shit that goes on in our body

so when people report what makes them feel best (which is one of the main goals of why people change diets), its natural to be more receptive to that than the constantly contradictory barrage of pop-health reports of what is good and bad for you in their rudimentary understanding of the recent studies that themselves are likely flawed to begin with

tl;dr avoid shit that is painfully obvious that its bad for you and eat what makes you feel/look best. its highly unlikely natural foods that make you feel amazing somehow are terrible for your long term health

perhaps you should check the potassium contents of pork before you shill mister shekelstein

you're wasting your time on habits that most likely bring you no good and potentially harm you, when you could just have a regular diet that complements your exercise and allows your body to actually improve

You dumb fucking idiots. Legit, kys if you are this fucking stupid.
Your body gets better/worse a dealing with carbs/sugar/insulin when you eat more or less carbs. Dont fall for retard/extreme diets like the carnivore diet if you aren't read up as fuck. And no, watching a couple of youtube videos with biased "doctors" isn't enough.

nothing is worst than eating raw sugar

but you still need to eat your vegetables, and healthy carbs like beans and sweet potatoes are really good for you

>you're wasting your time on habits that most likely bring you no good
"most likely"? how did you figure that out?
>and potentially harm you,
no reason to bring this up. anything can "potentially harm you". you're just scaremongering.
>when you could just have a regular diet that complements your exercise and allows your body to actually improve
people try out new diets like this because your way didn't work for them.

On a carnivore diet, I have insane gains, and limitless energy. I wake up refreshed, and I am not tired the entire day, no matter how much work I do. It's insane. It's high tier energy 24/7

I eat a piece of cake, I feel like shit instantly after, and go to bed tired

Its not a coincidence

try it. i guarantee you you will feel better and wont go back to eating lots of sugar

>implying you base your entire life around decade long peer-reviewed studies that are bias
>implying there are any subjective peer-reviewed studies on nutrition anyway
>implying meat is bad

i can just not eat sugar..without doing a full retard fad diet...

Formerly rechucking

It's not. I have not very good carb metabolism and when I used to train I went for low carb etc. I had one cheat day during weekend and as soon as I ate a pizza etc I went into coma.
Carbs affect your moods as well but this depends of the individual. Not all are as sensitive etc same way as everyone has different body types.

Lol yall are so whack fibre is necessary for many things and actually breaks down excess Estrogen in your body.

A balanced diet is the real redpill

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I ate a fuckton of chocolate and shit on Christmas, made me extremely bloated, gassy and uncomfortable. That was a stern reminder of why I eat the way I do.

just do keto you faggot

>Fibre is necessary
>A completely indigestible plant matter that provides 0 nutrition is necessary

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Honestly user ask yourself. If you had to eat a tub of pig oil or avacodo oil everyday do you REALLY FUCKING ACTUALLY THINK THOSE TWO ARE THE SAME.

Animal products fuck up your body in the long term however they are more dense in calories, which would have been useful when food is scarce but it’s not anymore.

Take the real redpill user, vegan + fish

Fibre is straight garbage. All it does is inhibit digestion and create gas from bacteria fermenting it in your gut because it's indigestible. The fibre is good myth came about because some dude in the early 1900's realized it's easier to tell the masses to inhibit their sugar absorption with fibre than it is to get rid of the root of the problem: sugar, grains and simple carbs.

This is a very poor vegan shill attempt to discredit a carnivore diet.
Red shit is something wrong with your body, most likely caused by when you were eating a diet full of processed sugar.

Teeth do not get unhealthy on a 0 carb diet. Bacteria in your teeth feed off sugar, only found in carbs.

All your low vitamins are impossible if you ate meat and organs.

You were detoxing your sugar addiction and you went straight back into your addiction.

Seriously don’t listen to these guys Jow Forums they are beyond retarded.
>no fibre kills gains, no bro science


Humans are endurance predators that would go for many days without food, and have a similar digestive tract to wolves and lions. Everything about a human's anatomy screams "predator".

Woah dude you got me there. Also cuz our eyes be on the front of our headz n sheet that mean we dont need fiba


>Carnivore isnt a meme
Post body

>Population sample size
>3 day diet record only

Did you also fucking read the study? All the study said was fucking vegans produced more amounts of shit than non-vegans. That's obvious. Vegans eat lots of fibre so they shit fuckin trucks.

Your study proved nothing lmao
fibre is for losers

Nice strawman, faggot. Enjoy your indigestible garbage that serves no purpose.

This, pescetarian +proper food combinations = godtier diet

Just one study of many friend. The fact that it’s even debated should have you reconsidering if you had any sense.

You’d rather have that shit stay in your colon?

>Posts study saying fibre is good
>gets BTFO and study just says vegans shit more since they shit out more indigestible fibre
"B-but that's j-just one s-study s-sir... I h-have more s-s-s-studies to prove my fibre is good for me.. t-trust me"

>"You’d rather have that shit stay in your colon?"
Food doesn't stay in your colon if you eat meat. The intestines move food itself through peristalsis, that's the point of your instestines, to digest nutrients and move it towards the exit.

Lmao this guy can’t even read an abstract! Don’t take anything this man says serious.

>vegans shit out more estrogen
>as a result plasma Estrogen in vegans was lower due to theor higher dietary fiibre

It says in the study there is a positive correlation between your shit weight and excretion levels. Vegans shit more so they shit out more nutrients.

Why would a WOMAN having lower estrogen levels be good?

> Estrogen
The study is post-menopausal WOMEN. Having lower estrogen in your body is bad as a woman. Being a vegan means a WOMAN has lower estrogen, which is bad.
You can't even read an abstract.

>I disregard any and all information that is contrary to what I already believe. I’m done with your pilpul.

You wanna know how I know you’re not gonna make it? Enjoy your ED at 30.

You think a vegan pre-menopausal woman, having lower estrogen levels than their omnivore women, is a good thing?
Why would a woman having lower estrogen levels be good? explain?

>We studied 10 vegetarian and 10 nonvegetarian premenopausal women

You are a lying kike

Why would I get ED at 30? There is no evidence of testosterone in that study or estrogen affecting men. The study is specifically to pre-menopausal WOMEN in which HIGHER ESTROGEN is a GOOD THING.
Vegan women have lower estrogen, which is bad.

The family meeting gave you your anxiety you dumb fuck. That is the cause, not cake.

Jesus christ.

Ok, it's pre-menopausal, that just makes my point stronger lol. Why would a pre-menopause WOMAN want lower estrogen levels?
Vegans women have lower estrogen, which is bad.

It shows fibre helps to remove excess estrogen in the body. To totally disregard the process we see in the study because the subjects are women is intellectually dishonest. There is something here, I agree the study is incomplete but you sound a little too confident for having almost nothing to back up what you say.

I am confident because the study only shows a vegetarian woman has LOWER ESTROGEN IN WOMEN than non-vegetarian women.
Meaning non-vegetarian women have HIGHER ESTROGEN IN WOMEN which is a good thing.

His study proved nothing else.

>It shows fibre helps to remove excess estrogen in the body.
In PRE-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN which is BAD for women. How are you not getting this?

>It shows fibre helps to remove excess estrogen in the body.
It didn't say excess. All it said was it removed estrogen. Estrogen that could have been important for a womans function.

This dude is a mong

You can't unzip your dick only your pants

Because red meats and dairy fuck up your cardiovascular system and form plaques on your arteries. The data on this is clear. I bet none of you meat fags could run more than 2 miles at a time let alone a marathon.

Go vegan + fish user. Your 40 year old self will thank the fuck out of me.

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>red meats and dairy fuck up your cardiovascular system and form plaques on your arteries. The data on this is clear.
No it's not. It's absolutely is not clear at all. What is clear is sugar causes inflammation of your arteries that leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease.

>I bet none of you meat fags could run more than 2 miles at a time let alone a marathon.
All worthy athletes eat all types of meat and animal products.

>Go vegan + fish user. Your 40 year old self will thank the fuck out of me.
How about go vegan + fish + all animal products :)

Put that popcorn chicken nugget away

Thats why you have te ultimate sv3rige diet, rotten meat, piss with eggs to drink (no water, this is important) and butter with some of your feces for dessert(not a lot, as the taste is strong) for optimal nutrient reabsortion

Dont forget to drink your girlfriends menstrual blood for nootrients

Also dont forget to suck blood out from your faggot friends leg hehe nOOtrients