Why do blacks constantly wewuz?
Why do blacks constantly wewuz?
Cause they like making excuses for why they aren't hard-working members of society
Do they? I've never heard one say it in real life. Then again, I spend 99% of my time alone.
Because they live in a culture where they don't have roots. The roots and history they do have is being overlooked, due to not being part of the culture they live in. So they exaggerate whatever they come from and demand it be paid attention to.
And people say only people on facebook virtue signal
Yeah I mean could they not find a actual sentient nutcracker to play that role instead of a nigger
niggers steal, that's all they know how to do
>what is cgi
Are you suggesting they should cgi jon ogaabooga into a white person?
This is the most correct answer It's especially harder when you have white cucks reinforcing their WEWUZ shit.
why do whites?
There is a lot of interesting African history beyond just a couple of clay pots and sand mosques that they could be proud of. Shaka Zulu for example basically genocided a bunch of inferior Bantu tribes. The Igbo people of Nigeria had a democratic republic without any fiefdoms; they were actual citizens, like ancient Romans, and they had something of a senate/high priest class. The ancient Somalians were fucking wizards at naval exploration, and they were so rich they shackled their prisoners in gold chains.
All the WE WUZ shit comes from African-Americans with no sense of history or culture. Just like all the heritage 1/16th Irish we wuzing comes from white Americans. America is the country that creates WE WUZ into an art form.
bcuz we actually wuz
you wuz what you worthless maggot?
Thats their way of coping with their inferiority
It's mainly white people pushing the we wuz meme desu.
massive inferiority complex
not very surprising when you realize they have no history and barely any culture, pretty sad
You mean it's white liberals and Jews who put niggers into every piece of media.
Like that British show about Rome with nigger Roman elites everywhere.
>The culture they have is being overlooked
The accomplishments of their people are overshadowed.
I'm so tired of this shit. French history or Chinese hsitory is overlooked and underrepresented in Anglo-descendent nations. Black history and "native" history is overrepresented in every possible way. Black history and most Aboriginal peoples have so little history relative to more dominant ethnic groups. The ONLY reason people think Africans have a significant history is because of the American education system. The fucking Irish make up a larger population in the US and have more history than any blacks in America yet the education system doesn't spend 3 months out of the year talking about them and trying to desparetly convince everyone how significant their contribution to society is. It's a joke.
I've honestly never heard this and I am black and often around other blacks. The only thing is the high rates with Egyptian ankh tattoos it seems
Same reason you see retards on Jow Forums claiming the shit their ancestors did as an accomplishment to deflect from the fact that they personally have done nothing of note. It's far easier to piggyback on somebody else's greatness, but sub-Saharan Africa's greatest accomplishments came from white colonists, so they kinda have to create their own history. I don't really give a shit what they say. Anybody who was once king and lost everything was a lousy king, so let them spread the idea that their ancestors were terrible leaders, I say. Anybody with even basic understanding of history knows that it's a lie and can refute it with evidence.
Because you spend too much time on twitter, Jow Forums etc. Interact with people IRL and suddenly the number of batshit kangz, liberals etc. exponentially decreases.
I've never done that in my life and don't know anyone who has.