Where do i find a cute boy to play RTS games with?

It's literally impossible to find anyone who play's the same RTS games as i do.

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You're the only person who plays rts games, sorry.

What are some of your favourites so I have an idea of what I'm working with here?

i play them too sp we're at least 2
what RTS do you play? i'm not cute though

thats not true

dawn of war, soul storm and Rise of nations

i also play empire at war, and starcraft 2 rarely.

> Starcraft 2
> 2
> 2?!
Eeeeee. That's going to have to be a hard pass from me. Good luck though! (even if you do have shit taste)

There is literally no good new rts games.

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>Rise of Nations

I'll be your bf

What nation do you play?

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i miss age of mythology, command and conquer: generals was really cool too

Play me in Command and Conquer guy

Time to lose

I never played either of those, but i heard they were pretty fun.

i don't have it :f

I play starcraft 2. I'll play with you.

UA? Or regular
I kinda suck and far from cute imo but hey If nothing else why not

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if you play it a lot i probably wouldn't have any fun :f

I only play Pharaoh (1999)

Yeah, UA. I normally just play against the AI in that game anyway. Same with rise of nations really. EAW is the only one i play against players often.

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How do I find a cute boy to play fighting games with?

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Yea same desu also used to play rise of nations for some time but got tired of it
Never played eaw tho is it worth a buy?

Also Russia is best in ron and thats all

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1v1 me in heroes III

I play tons of rts but i suck at them, the only one i'm kind of decent at is Company of Heroes.

where do i find a girl to play rpg games with

I dont like Soulstorm much, Dark Crusade is my jam. Have you played Company of Heroes? I like that one, particularly 2, although thats the one my freinds have so I play it most and I am biased.

>tfw no cute boy to play hardcore FPS games and tacticooly stomp servers as an army of two with

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Skullgirls is the best fighting game there is, ama.

If you play SC:FA I'm yours forever.

What's that?

Not sure, but shouldn't be that hard i think. I wish i liked fighting games but i can never get into them.

Russia, and China are based. Winter attrition is just so good, and instant citizens comfy. EAW is good with one of the mod converstions. I like Thrawn's Revenge and Absolute Chaos for multi

What's that?

I have that, but i don't think i played it much.

What kind of rpg? Most are single player i think...
I played divinity original sin a lot.

>no gf to play aoe3 with

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But are you a cute user?

>shouldn't be that hard
It's really hard, more so on PC.

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I was thinking about divinity lol, also dnd is fun but need more than two people for that to be good

Well, people say I am but I disagree. I am at least average I would say.

Soulstorm, is entirely for UA. It's just so much better than any of the base games. Hooonestly.
I have played company of heroes, but not that much i didn't have anyone to play with.

that should be extremely easy to find.

I played a lot of SC:FA, not at a competitive level though, entirely casual pubstomping AI. I liked Cybran for the spider things, and the giant UFO thing aeon? i think got.

I liked aoe 3 more than aoe 2 :f

I guess but it's a male dominated game.

i also like taking screenshots a lot...

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Will consider when I get spare money
Also what is your opinion on grand strategy games
Mostly playing paradox titles atm ck2 eu4 and stellaris especially so
Highly recommended

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>tfw no big spoon dom bf to play JRPGs and fighters with

That's fine. Do you play anything else besides Skullgirls? And if I start beating you on it, will you try to improve?

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Divinity 2, is super good. I love the music in it, and the combat is fun.


I played Stellaris, eu4 and very littke ck2.
I also have hoi4 but im really really bad at. Compared to being good at stellaris and "okay" at eu4.

tfw no dom bf/gf

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Yeah, I like Soulstorms UI but the sisters of battle faith mechanic ruins it for me, then again I have a freind who used to exploit it and it was no fun.

No, not UI, UA the mod Ultimate Apocalypse.

Eh, truthfully I am not that into fighting games but other than skullgirls I occasionally play some tekken and some street fighter

Unfortunately I don't have divinity 2 been wanting it I'm in the process of beating divinity 1 right now though. Really good game one of the best I've played in a while.

I will experience the feeling of a gf giving me shit for losing to her in fighting games some day. I need to.

If you like the first you'll like the 2nd. It's improved in every-way basically. The story is partially tied to it.

Strange fetish user.

Shit, sorry. It is late where I am so my eyes are dying. You have a point with UA, it does make the game feel very complete, but I still like dark crusade more as its own game unmodded. UA is kickass though.

Any non rts?
Can recommend for honor the new expansion is pretty damn good

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Thanks user, maybe I will shave tomorrow and have high self esteem for a while.

I figured I would. Also I know they're single player but fallout 1&2 are really great. I also play a bunch of other games besides rpp's, but rpg's are really good when they are actually good.

Each their own i suppose

I also like mmorpgs, a moba and racing games.

Always good to improve yourself.

I agree i like rpgs. There isn't really any im looking forward to other than cyberpunk. Even though it's a rpg/fps thingy.

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You should give Company of Heroes a good try though, which one do you have?

These are the ones i have

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I'm looking forward to playing Noita, scorn, the re2 remake, and sekiro shadows die twice. I like horror games even though they scare me so much that I only play them like 30 minutes at a time.

sekiro looks pretty neat.
I dislike horror entirely because of jump scares.

Jump scares do suck all though most of the horror games I play have minimum to no jump scares. Silent hill being an example.

I don't think i've ever played a horror game.

Company of heroes 2 is good, I like opposing fronts too though

>male dominated game
You should be right at home then. Pills and animeposting don't turn you into a female(female(vagina))



Huh what do you think about that?

I'll play france and you'll play Germany and I will FUCK YOU IN YOUR ASS!

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My first horror game was re4 when I was pretty young. All though RE4 is just a fun game with some light horror aspects. I would recommend the resident evil games if you ever wanna try a horror game they aren't that scary and the ease you into the atmosphere.

thats good
Anyways as the title says if ya want to play with someone just let us know
And also a suggestion: 0ad really comfy Roman era slow pacer

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What's the difference between them?

What are you even going on about?

I don't have hoi4 only 4.

What's the best RE game?

Resident Evil: Remake is the best overall resident evil. Resident Evil 4 is the best action resident evil and Resident Evil 7 is the best horror resident evil.

Who is "us?" im confused by this post.. or reading it wrong..

maybe ill try it

I'd say it's worth all though there are a few spots it's easy to get lost and not know what you're suppose to do. If you have any games to recommend I'll check them out.

Oh no I meant myself too tired to type properly

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Just play divinity 2 :f
I'm getting ready for bed now, so i probably wont post anymore after this.

sure if you have discord or steam or w/e i dont mind adding someone

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RTS games are for autists. Plenty of those out there.

I will definitely play some divinity 2 when I get the chance and good night. It's 10:38 AM for me so I'm just waking up.

im only a little autistic

Same time for me, but i have a weird sleeping pattern.

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Well I will leave my discord if you wanna talk later if not though thats fine. Snooder

If you feel liketalking or nah w/e cool either way

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Anyone wanna play Rise of Nations right fucking now?

reminder that root is cvnka the russian tranny that likes torturing animals and will doxx you

I don't think anybody is surprised that it's a shitty tranny after all this

My experience with SC isn't at a competitive level either. I had a friend who gifted me a copy and we played basically everyday my junior year of high school. He started out being a lot better than me, but I caught up near the end. Shame that I had to move away, I wish I still talked to him.

post more cute vocaroos desu uwu

Is that really the case?
Just curious

Is what the case? That it's cvnka or that he likes torturing animals and gets banned off discord for doxxing?

are either true?

Yea what user said im not really informed

Why would i make this up. Is this your first week on this board?

Well I am a newfag not gonna lie so no I dont know about it

No one is to be trusted on this board, no one. Also you have given no proof so I have no reason to believe either way.

i started playing starcraft 2 recently, but i'm pretty shite at it (60-80 apm), but my friend is playing RTS games mostly, the question is what do you consider cute?