Go to the gym for first time today

>go to the gym for first time today
>it's nice and quiet
>i was able to the first day of starting strength
>got 30 minutes cardio on the spinning bike

what if on january 1st the gym is so busy there won't be any squat racks or bikes available?

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post gyno

I am an empowered, confident woman who doesn't need to post saucy pics for attention

>doing cardio with starting strength

>cardio and squats only
Many such cases.

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Don't be autistic about the program. Your number one priority is getting to the gym and training. If that means benching before squatting, fine. Leg press instead of squats? Sure.

Do it not for yourself. But for us.

but you still need to let everyone know that your a grill for the attention tho?

>Leg press instead of squats? Sure.
don't listen to this FUCKING HEATHEN

>using the machine is wrong
It's a warm up stupid.