>communism is authoritarian
>communism is anti-fascist
>state capitalism is communism
>fascism is a reactionary movement to communism
>fascism just means beating up because you disagree with them
Communism is authoritarian
I don't know, but I will curb stomp these weak ass "Antifa" punks. Paint the sidewalk with the blood of the weak.
So fuckin brave. Im terrified!
you're not doing anything you inbred blob
You talk shit, but come face to face with a real neo-Nazi and not some old Neocon and you quickly realise who is on top.
you mean like this? these pathetic drooling slobs and aimless wastes of flesh?
Why are you a commie, user?
Because I'm a good person
why are you an exploitative shithead?
They are pretty similiar but one side doesn't commit most of the terror attacks in the world
>110lb white girls
>upper middle class university kids
>almost zero blue collar types
the power of antifa
you're right, muslim fundamentalists are nowhere near as bad as the US imperialist pigs
So this is the on the other side of the coin called ISIS? Clearly there is some exaggeration going on
Me want nice stuff. Me no want work for nice stuff. So me want club rich grugs and take nice stuff. Unga bunga.
The only difference between capitalism and communism is that in capitalism, man exploits man, and in communism, it's the other way around.
>fascism is a reactionary movement to communism
Wrong. People can practice fascism without giving a damn about whether the people who oppose them are communists, capitalists, or other fascists.
Also, the social values associated with fascism (nationalism, cultural preservations, etc.) exist independently of economic models.
For example, NazBols and Strasserists use socialist/communist economic models, but are nationalist and Eurocentric.
If workers own the means of production, but also hate niggers, it doesn't magically mean they're not communist anymore.
You realize that the Nazis invented synthetic fuel, rockets capable of entering the stratosphere (V2), and many other inventions, right?
Being a hedonistic Jew who studies buttsex and writes books about it doesn't make you an "intellectual", and Nazis who burn said books aren't "anti-intellectual" for doing that.
i don't know if you're trolling or not since it's hard to tell with so many (you) hungry attention seekers but if you think communism is any better than fascism then you clearly don't know anything about either ideology
>government officials have high IQ
huh, I guess that proves those scientific studies wrong
Okay I thought I was afraid before, but I found your twitter and now I am literally shaking!!!
>Nazi regime takes over a very scientifically advanced society
>scientists continue their research under the new regime
>80 years later a bunch of incels who failed at life take credit for the inventions of those scientists
Jesus... White genocide should happen faster, imho.
I'm actually more afraid of neocons. I can't help but imagine neonazis being lanky channers.
Thankfully plenty of men are doing our part. I dont have a GF but if I did she would be dripping with black seed
ofc you don't have a gf
No girl wants a negroid
>implying proud boys arent modern vikings, alpha males, and powerlifters who study theoretical physics and invent new technology in their free time
Whatever you have to tell yourself, crackercel
Why would you even want the white race to be killed off? Black women are the worst thing to happen to this world, ever.
yeah, because porn == actually liking someone
This bitch 100% did that shit for the money just so cucks can jack off to it and drench her in money
>obvious amateur porn
>cuckoldry is a mainstream fetish
Whatever you have to tell yourself whitecel
Forgot to attach the pic, another white wife doing her part
Look another single mom. Into the trash she goes. I love seeing these sluts walking around with their little half breeds that got no daddy. No one wants them and they know they fucked their life up. You can see it in their eyes, they are dead inside.
This is a wife from an amateur cuckolding photoset, but sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself.
I can't wait for #therevolution, guys. When is it happening? I bet I'd be a general or a military leader or something...
pic is me
>infowars watcher is the same as an ISIS member
Yep. Literally the same.
Anyone who unironically uses the phrase state communism is a genuine retard and should rope
White genocide now plz.
>the only arguments they are capable of is feminine moralfagging
God you retards never change
Who are those beta faggots?
Did the lack of girl touch made them fuck each other in weekly sessions?
A hierarchal state is the natural order.
Communism is the revolt of the lower races against nature.
This. Communism is literally what happens when the lowest members of society try to drag everyone down to their level. In other words, communists were the tumbrinas of their day.
For each black dick that has fucked them they have a hundred white ones cum inside them.
why do inbred buffoons like you always go out of your way to pretend like your beliefs are in anyway rooted in ration or reason? you are literally the most emotional people I have ever talked to on the internet
If you really get to know a young communist then the root of their beliefs really is "other people are doing better than me and it's not fair."
> pick picture of the one guy out of the crowd of hundreds of normal guys who looks slightly abnormal and use it over and over again to represent the group
typical tricks
[insert mandatory okcupid graphs]
And here come the strawmen. I'm not some alt-right retard, I hate them and communist faggots like you. Why do you always have to reduce everything to either fascist or communist? Don't you know that binary political thinking like this is the hallmark of a low IQ NPC?
why are liberals and non-whites so obsessed with white people?
so you're a capitalist fuckstick instead? and you claim to hold a reasonable view of reality?
>why are seething retards obsessed with the demographic that's least likely to commit violent crime and most likely to attend a university
And now we've gone full circle from strawman to ad-hominem. Answer my question before you continue your autism.
asians? jews?
I cant help but laugh at non-whites using terms like "pigskin" or "inbred" because theyre obviously just a tryhard insults to counter "spic" or "nigger". "pigskin" and being "inbred white" is the peak of beauty and aesthetics thats why all shitskins are chasing white women and all your women are chasing white men
motherucker naming fallacies like a 5th grader doesn't make you sound intelligent or form an adequate argument. are you a capitalist moron or not?
Thank god I'm not a Trump supporter. Once you run out of mean names to call me then let's talk.
And why are Americans so obsessed with race?
I never called you a pigskin
I am calling you a thin skinned reactionary dork with a deformed face and high bodyfat tho
What translates into proud?
Am I a person who's willing to work for a living and not whine like an infant that some people have it better than me? Yeah. We all need help at some point in our lives bu nobody will help your pathetic whinging ass if you're not willing to suck it up and help yourself.
>tfw white nationalist but also pro-Jewish
A truly lonely position.
of course,so its asianmasculinity behind all this racebait and political spam
did you saw wmaf couple again today chang? I have bad news for you, youd actually see tons more if you were to leave your room more often
>We all need help at some point in our lives
we objectively don't
there is a group of people in society who never needed anything because they were born with tremendous wealth that they inherited and are actively using as political power to keep people like you and me down, making our lives even worse in the long in exchange for slightly lower taxes for themselves
That is why white socialism is the master ideology
>retarded Memexist-Lelinists think spamming porn is an argument
that's literally what being a neocon is
there's millions of them
So what's your solution? Implementing a system of power that relinquishes ownership of all property to a party of elites who live like kings while everyone else lives in concrete towerblocks and gets worked to death?
Cant expect logic from communist rats
>IQ scores given without any sources
slowly transition into socialism by raising taxes on the wealthiest people, redistributing wealth to ensure society gets better for all its members over time
state capitalism can work you just have to make sure you have a true democracy, implement true dictatorship of the proletariat and keep the people in power responsible and easily replaceable
Strasser gang?
Homie, I understand your beef with the elites, I'm not a fan of them myself. However, even I have to admit to myself that my utopia is a dystopia for many. Do you really think a majority of the people want socialism? Forcing your ideology on people puts you in the same league as the nazi zombies who can't go a minute without spouting their retarded ideology. The best thing you can do for yourself is move somewhere you can live your life the way you want to. I used to fancy myself an anarchist revolutionary before deciding that I couldn't give less of a shit about anyone besides myself, my friends and my family because they're the only people who give a shit about me. Part of growing up is coming to terms with the fact that the world will never be exactly the way that you want it but that doesn't mean that you can't live your life the way you want to with your friends and family.
No, I think welfare states are dysgenic and unhealthy.
Democrats should be renamed the ad hominem and strawman party
>Do you really think a majority of the people want socialism?
uh.. yes. maybe they don't realize it but they do. look at the Nordic countries in Europe and how happy their citizens are they more socialized their countries are getting. people in America essentially have had stagnant wages since the 1980's. the only people who benefit from the disgusting US capitalist system are the minority. the literal bourgeoise scum like Trump.
explaining the benefits and working against the propaganda to the working class people is definitely a tough thing to accomplish but it sure as fuck is worth trying.
Free communism (anarchism) is stateless and egalitarian, so yes, that's exactly what it means.
Third position nonsense = rebranded nazisim = white capitalism with a touch of authoritarianism
Just admit you're a fascist who wants to "kill da libs xD" and quit being a faggot who's trying to find a sneaky way to recruit useful idiots who shy away from your historical crimes.
Nobody with any intellectual rigor takes fascists seriously anyway.
Imagine thinking this point actually restores and defends white honor
I'm telling you right now that if a single party has a monopoly on the legal use of deadly force in a nation then they will abuse it to stay in power.
>keep the people in power responsible and easily replaceable
And who's to say they wouldn't mobilize the armed forces and fight back against anyone who tries to take them down? Don't place trust in people who could kill you indiscriminately, place trust in yourself. You might think that most people want socialism but see what happens when you knock on the door of a working class American and tell him that his house now belongs to the state.
>Nobody with any intellectual rigor takes fascists seriously anyway.
You're not wrong but the same can be said for communists. Extremist fringe political beliefs are almost exclusively reserved for retards.
nazbol morons are almost as dumb as libertarians I swear
talk about literal children who don't know anything and just follow whatever meme they saw online
>muh real communism is stateless
So you define communism by what it ideally is, yet you define the third position by what it was in some historical instances. You are well aware that guy posted a Strasserism meme and talked about Strasserism, which economically very much is socialist or socialistic but is obviously still fascist.
>historical crimes
>saying that with a straight face
>as a commie
>who's trying to find a sneaky way to recruit useful idiots who shy away from your historical crimes.
Except Strasser actively opposed Hitler, while the Soviets made a pact with him. Also who has been trying to deny Soviet crimes for over 20 years?
>I'm an EXTREME centrist hahaha right guize??? xD
You're easy prey for snowflakes who know how to trigger you (fascists).
let me get this straight
you believe you can achieve a society that is both socialist(as in the working people own the means of production and regulate the economy) and fascist(as in an authoritarian dictator sits at the top and commands everyone else)?
As long as only white people (and a few token asians) exist in their magical ethnostate, then yes, unicorns can shoot rainbows out their ass and it'll all work out.
The state should be the manifestation of the people, so when the state controls the means of production, so do the people. In the case of Strasserism though he actually wanted a guild system, which btw was the guys point: That Fascism can take many different forms
Why do weak sheep have a compulsive need to flock under the banner of one opressive authoritarian ideology to the next?
Seriously, just look at the supporters of the do called ''left''and ''right'' wing in America today. All they do all day is screech at eachother using asinine logic and humor, trying to sell their particular brand of shit.
It's pathetic
>The state should be the manifestation of the people, so when the state controls the means of production, so do the people.
Just sounds like you want a direct democracy. How are people gonna hold the state responsible under a fascist system? Even if it's guilds or whatever and not a single dictator?
>white state capitalism
Ah, ok. It all makes sense now.
Ironically you shit on the USSR but you literally want the same thing but with NO JEWS ALLOWED.
Fascinating. This one goes in my cringe compilation.
>I am so smart and amazing I don't need to know anything else oh hey yeah I hate jews and blacks sometimes what's the big deal???
Yeah this shit has proven not to work time and time again. It's still alive in places like China. Even if the people who take power initially have the best intentions the system is so easily corruptible.
You took the words out of my mouth. Those elite jews pushing marxism are probably terrified of you and your revolutionaries. They are shaking in their boots at the thought of communist revolutionaries
Threadly reminder that niggers are not actual people.
Well... what is the big deal?
>le incels
>implying nazi supprting scientists weren't the best
>implying germany was scientifically advanced pre ww2
That's my point, people who support ideologies like fascism probably don't realize that's there's more to it than just killing communists. They probably just want a sense of community and belonging, to feel at once different and superior to others because the guy in the cool uniform said so, but they forgot to mention the secret police and lack of say in the governing of your lives
>They are shaking in their boots at the thought of communist revolutionaries
You're probably right.
How would they hold the state responsible under communism? You realize that Marx also advocated for state control over all means of productions and anything else is literally not communism. The stateless part was only to come later and it should come out of the state not being necessary anymore and not from being outright abolished. So you as a commie are in no position to argue this shit. And once again Strasser actually wanted people to be able to criticize the government and openly opposed the principle of a Fuhrer. Also you completely moved the goalposts I already answered your question.
>Just sounds like you want a direct democracy
>Strasserism is a strand of Nazism that calls for a more radical, mass-action and worker-based form of Nazism
>is a strand of Nazism
Identity politics are camcer, it doesn't matter if you are a cringe basedboy or an effeminate antifa. Fuck off back to Jow Forums or whatever shithole you came from.
Communism is anti-authoritarian and democratic by nature.
State capitalism is what places like the USSR were but they didn't have any democracy either. What you want is just a rebranded version of state capitalism, only a more racist version of it.
No the root of their beliefs is equality. They genuinely believe all humans are equal. They truly believe the only reason we don't have midgets playing pro basketball is because society tells them they will never make it. Society is heirarchy, without it we would be single celled organisms.
you sound like a peterson tier dork just making shit up as he goes along