
Yesterday I got beat up and realized how much of a pussy I am, a whole year of weight lifting to be easily put down by being chocked, can someone introduce me to boxing?

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Don't forget to stop by Jow Forums too. Being able to box won't save you from six niggers.

Learning how to fight against humans won’t do you any good when Tyrone and his gang try to sucker punch you in packs of at least three

you realize being good at combat sports without roids will give you a lean ass body

the opposite of the bulky muscular body you were looking for while lifting right?

That isn't even slightly true. Do you not even know what weight classes are? I guess Tyson was DYEL.

>without roids
learn to reading comprehension

yes tyson was DYEL compared to bodybuilders, he wouldn't hold up on the olympia stage
also tyson was on a shit load of roids to look like a 26 years old man at the age of 16

fucking retard, i'm glad you got beat up

You are a moron if you think that MMA fighters don't also lift or roid while staying small to keep their weight in check or cut for a fight. Brock Lesnar is a small man too obviously. Fucking moron and I'm not even OP. You just made a blatantly retarded statement.

go to your local boxing gym, people who learn from the internet are useless retards. you need sparing or you are wasting your time.

imagine getting beat up on christmas lmao. merry chrsitmas you weak faggot

Stfu tyson was natty (except for cocaine)
Now that I think of it he has a lot in common with jonny brasco

How did you get chocked? In reality, there is nothing that can save you from getting chocked out, if a person sneaks up behind you. Maybe you should practice grappling like jiu-jitsu and kick-boxing.

Also >a whole year of weight lifting in not a lot. Especially if you ran SS minimalistic bs.

i love when a lifter comes to my boxing gym, they spend about 2 months realizing they need to stop lifting in order to be good at boxing

then after the 2 months they realize their weight is a detriment during sparring and they get rekt by guys that weigh 140lbs and all their "mogging" and flexing they did before as a 180lbs+ "man" was really just for show as they learn their lesson with just 2 rounds cause they never went for a run cause "cardio kills gains"

i love boxing man

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I lift weights, run, and box and i would rag-doll you and your entire team, probably

Nice pasta. Boxing is shit and there is a reason MMA took over. Its intentionally limiting and even then every Boxing legend was built like a brick shithouse.

yeah that's why there are weight classes so the light weight guys don't obliterate the 200 lbs weaklings

that's funny cause i don't give a shit about anything besides doing amateurs

while you're just some fag who done no amateur fights, stiff-fag

cope more, weakling

who's the weakling when it comes to dominance in the ring?
go "fight" your metal bars you babby

You are, because i would make you my fucking chew toy

Real men are in the MMA. Boxing is for pussies. Deal with it.

Stab them. Gouge their eye. Tuck your chin or turn your head and bite their arm.

Lots of ways out of a choke.

nah dude you're not getting it
the 200lbs boxers are the ones on the field doing laps
not the ones in the gym bench pressing and grunting


Nothing more pathetic than a boxer trying to act like a big man while at the same time trying to shit on the MMA because he knows how much of a bitch he is and refuses to admit that MMA is where the real men are.

just learn judo so you can be either a lifter or a fat fuck and it won't matter

Hence why all the skinny Ethiopian marathon winners also rank highly in heavyweight boxing.

Mate your trolling is substandard. I hope you're a cancerous newfag, but you might actually be retarded.

This. Becoming a good fighter is done by sparring your ass off. Learning to take a punch is essential. Most times you don’t see the first punch coming in a street fight and it helps if you can take it without going down. You don’t come out of a street fight without a scratch.

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i'll be in the olympics
you're just a fag on Jow Forums

MMA vs boxing

If they have their arm below your chin, it's over for you.
>stab them
You have about 5 sec to get out of it before you go down, you can stab their arm only but it's a question will they let go in adrenaline rush
>bite their arm
Doesn't work, don't even have to explain why
>gouge their eye
You literally can't from that position

>you need to stop lifting to be good at boxing

Watch fightitps on YouTube. the channel named "fight tips"

Five seconds is a lifetime in a fight. Takes maybe two seconds to draw, aim and fire a pistol from concealment. If it’s your first time.

Love how the guy is just standing there and taking being choked. As if that’s a realistic scenario.

t. 1pl8 bench

Not everyone lives in Burgerland

Tucking your chin and turning your head are literally the bjj defenses for preventing and surviving a choke.

And if anyone puts anything near your mouth in a street fight, bite it. It’s a target of opportunity.

All you need is to be more Jow Forumsareful son

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I'll rather be a fag on Jow Forums than getting my head bashed in on the Special Olympics: Tardstrength Edition.

But tell me name and country and when, I'll watch.

I agree tucking your chin is the best option.

Pretty much every country allows some type of handgun. Getting a licence is a fucking process outside of USA.