Rose Mystery?

Does anybody know the story behind this? How did Rose end up on the CD cover of some obscure Italian artist in 2004, 3 years before she even created her YouTube

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because she is CUTE
original niggerniggernigger

Yeah but this CD was made in 2004 way before she even got popular (which was in 2011) so was she part time modelling or something to end up as a CD cover for some lounge music? The music is really cool btw, I gave it a listen

Why not ask her? Also your file name is my area code

post the link to the album then spahgetti nigger

CD sale


It definitely is her, though. Pic related and check on the discog page.

I would if I could. Anyone have any recent pics of her from 2018? What has she been upto? I'm not a stalker, just find her mesmerizing for some reason.

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i remember her being into the music scene, maybe they knew each other somehow, she is very cute user.

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Yes I originallly do

I think I solved it anons. She made a Deviantart account in 2003 and like all edgy emo teenage girls loved taking "artsy" pics of herself.

After that, maybe the artist got in cintact with her or vice versa and she took soke artsy pictures for the cover. It definitely is from her Deviantart phase.

Contact* some*

Sorry for the typos. Feeling extra depressed and hopeless today.

What makes you think you can get an answer now? Wait for the weekly thread.

dubs checkd for rose

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What a fucking loser. Mentall illness and loneliness is one hell of a thing

Shut up
You're more of a loser for badmouthing him

No man cutting up your own forearms for a 32 year old woman who will never even be aware of your existence takes the caje for loserness

how do i get i edgy 18 year old girls to send me photos today

Hahahahahaah i read kok5 too. Lmao.

Fucking terrible craftmanship.

Rose was a thing years before that.

>I knew about Rose in 1998 lol newfags
Kill yourself

One of her photos from Deviantart also appeared on the album Half Untruths by Hogwash.
Pic Related

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