TFW my country is fighting to have young men quit watching porn because it has negative effects on normal sex life:...

TFW my country is fighting to have young men quit watching porn because it has negative effects on normal sex life: they claim young men are so used to extreme porn that they have erectile difficulties and sex just doesn't feel like anything etc..

You know why it pisses me off that there are organizations trying to stop young men from getting "addicted to porn", even ban porn competely?
I'm a 30-year-old virgin. If they take away my right to porn, what do I have left? These privileged, normal fuckers get real sex daily and it's normal to them. They don't realize that porn IS my normal sex, and will always be. It infuriates me that society still hasn't woken up to the fact that incels exist.

Attached: index (3).jpg (284x177, 21K)

>he unironically faps to 3D and gets mad when he doesn't have it

Attached: 1490204383626.png (429x500, 56K)

Look at this amateur who needs to watch porn so he can masturbate.

>there are people who still ejaculate while awake

you are addicted right now, this move is good for you too and you dont even see it

Just go to some public places and start a shooting, mang. Explain your frustration in gun-action. Would be fun, I bet.

>there are people who ejaculate

Watch hentai faggot

You masturbate to yourself masturbating?

Imagination, my dear friend. It helps a lot.

What's your home country, wizard?

At least in the UK there are groups demanding porn made illegal

What are they going to do, install a great firewall like China has and block every porn site known to man? Sounds wildly impractical.

That's just stupid. Sure, porn is bad for you, but there are much worse things out there that are complete legal. Besides, porn viewers are only affecting themselves, not the people around them.

>there are people with sex organs

You don't get it do you. PORN is the reason you're still a virgin. Your brain can't differentiate between porn and real sex so your brain thinks you're having sex when you're masturbating to porn. You're brain goes "I'm having so much sex and reproducing, why bother doing anything else" and then comes depression, anxiety, a constant feeling of something missing from your life.

Shut the fuck up normal shit. People like you will never understand us.

maybe then u can go to the doctors and get a porn prescription

Pretty sure it's the autism and not porn

I don't think this holds up dude

It's a good theory but not a law of nature

2d is still porn retard

holy fuck you really dont get it do you?

Real world porn has dubious origins.
And btw, you should be able to live without something. You're kind of playing yourself my guy

Am I the outlier here? I masterbate to porn, most days. I have had long term relationships and fulfilling sexual relationships with all of them. My wife knows I masterbate to porn. Honestly the longer I am married the less I feel an adiction to porn. This is sort of counter pointed with as I have gotten older being a little less horny. Sometimes porn and masterbation is fun because I get to be totally in control. Good sex is always better though, the groove of both people being really into it is hard to describe.

holy fuck you really dont get it do you?
your ugly because you dont work on yourself you spend your day and nights fapping.
your socially retarded because you dont interact with the opposite sex you spend your day and nights fappin

based and redpilled, but this board is bottom 50% of gene pool so they DO have other problems.
But for most normies, porn generally is the problem.

I dont think you guys understand that this DOES affect other people. It affects women's ability to have sex, they cannot fuck someone if they do not get hard.
Porn = oppression of women

What country are you from OP? They're doing God's work

Nofap is a complete meme, but this is kinda pathetic

Fuck off slut sympathizer.

learn to draw your own

if you ban porn you get hookers
if you ban porn and hookers you get sex cults
if you ban porn, hookers, and sex cults, you get sex tourism plus low-key incest

interesting times ahead, fellow wizard