>no, not going to kms.
>just accumulated all of the information and advice I need to progress towards my goals for a good year or so.
>second year uni student on winter break right now, setting everything up for a hell of a spring semester
>at a 2.1 gpa right now
>aiming at 4.0 from here on out
>going to gym, run or swim 6 days/week
>getting a gf instead of meaningless sex with strangers
>going to church every sunday. found a good traditional lutheran church, no new-age neochristian tripe
>first earnest attempt yet towards 'making it'
wish me luck bros
Goodbye Jow Forums
see you soon
Just remember, you're here forever. Best of luck though.
eat shit and die faggot
How do you fuck up so bad?
Oh look, it's literally the 15 billionth person to claim they're going to "turn their life around next year"
Good luck, retard. See you later today when you come back to check your replies. Can't wait for the point less than 2 months from now when you decide you never really liked fitness anyways so it's "technically not quitting".
when this thread 404's, thats it.
thanks for saying this, what I need to look at 2 months from now when I'm 'too tired' and 'just going to sleep in once'
easy. here's how:
have adhd, don't take your meds
be d1 athlete. I quit last year but was travelling, practicing, didn't have time to play school
alcoholic father raising hell back home, drive back 4 hrs every weekend to keep shit together with younger siblings
advice for uni students with fucked up situations: know when to withdraw. a W for one semester looks better than what i have. getting a retroactive withdrawal for this sem to bring me back to a 2.9 but still, better to not even go there
>>at a 2.1 gpa right now
Lmao I'm at 1.88 just because I got an F in my math and a U in my co-requisite. Everything else was fucking fine and I'm finna drop out anyways.
not there yet buddy, nowhere near. gotta have some evidential experience. be back in a year or so, nobody leaves this place for good
>goodbye Jow Forums
>Literally comes back 10 minutes later
Anyway, I hope you make it, brother
Sending good wishes and energy to you
Jow Forums can be a great tool sometimes, but it can also be a huge waste of time (like me typing this)
see you tonight
See you tomorrow.
goals are rubbish
what are you going to do, on a daily basis, to change your life???
Math isn't that hard, you should just practice more and try to think logically.
Are you religious or something?
Also, you will be back. The more you progress the bugger the challenges you will face.
As Tony Robbins says - the reward of growth and success is *bigger problems*.
>senior uni student
>4.0 this semester
>lift 6x a week
It's gonna feel good, good luck
>getting a gf instead of meaningless sex with strangers
That's the real kicker, isn't it.
>2.1 gpa
holy shit how dumb can one get
even at my worst I had 3.4
>GPA 0.8 LUL
Hows that womans study degree treating you in the job market user?
>t. liberal arts major
for me it was depression and not giving a fuck
sauce me nigga
seconding this
ADHD doesn’t exist. You’re just a retard who doesn’t have the wisdom yet to focus on his strengths instead of his weaknesses. See I’m a guy who was diagnosed with “ADHD”. I studied what I was good at and went into sales. You’re either an idiot or you’re not focusing on your strengths, hence why your great are shit
what kidn of sales? how do you get into that?
OP are you back?
>just accumulated all of the information and advice I need to progress towards my goals
Never gonna make it
Mine was mostly intentional
>rarely cared about school since grade 2
>Failed Math 6 times in university alone
>always had “Cs get degrees.” mentality
>picked a major that required the least extra work there is
>literally Produced a 3 min film project on my phone and got a C+ once
>wrote essays more than I ever worked on a script or production side
>minor also required me to just write essays
>also had anxiety preventing me from doing any extra credit presentation
>tfw I once intentionally lost %10 of my overall grade bc I refused to speak in front of class
>tfw I actually graduated 120 hr degree with 2.1
>tfw did all this as an ESL student.
ended up with chronic depression but I still made it out. At least I am at peace with my depression and not suicidal like most. I survived university.
You will still compete for the same work as a straight A student. Employers might care about the courses you took and passed, but no one cares about your gpa. You attend the same ceremony as the honours graduates at the end.
nothing you mentioned in that list truly matters, you'll realize it , either soon enough or too late to change your own fate
good luck
>Looking for a good Christian church with traditional values
>joins the luthrens instead of the mormons.
M8, do you even WANT to know jeasus?
Medical supply sales.
Work in retail sales for at least a year and make sure to get your college degree. Most of the young guys I worked with in retail are either working in automotive, pharma/med supply, or mortgage banking
Oh to add;
>Wrote all the essays on the last day
>Got C average
>multiple, min 5 page, 1.5-2000 word essays every week
>Wrote a 10 page review of a play a night before once
>Got a B+
being a procrastinator is a gift more than it is a curse
i worked in my college's call center for 3 years (calling alumni to raise money for donations) and raised like 100k. ive been trying to get into physcial therapy school but havent gotten in after 4 years... maybe i should look into medical supply sales
how did you do it
Mormonism is a classic example of failure to balance social engineering with basic credibility. The result is a very stable, supportive, and close-knit community comprised of confident, we’ll-spoken men and women with double digit IQs
you have to make it for everyone else here who can't
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
I always found math hard af and avoided it after 10th grade and failed pre-cal twice in college. I just got a B+ in my uni math class. It sounds cliché af but all it really takes is practice. Brain day is no joke, you gotta treat it like a sport because once you stop you get rusty. Don't be shy to ask class mates or your teacher questions even if you're just a little unsure about something because chances are they've been in your position before. Just tell yourself you want to learn math and you can do it, 70% of it is just attitude. You can do it user.
I'm in InfoSec, the matter of fact is you guys are just dumb salty faggots
>no one cares about your gpa
Your course convenors do and they're the ones that will recommend you to employers or further education/placements.
You cucked yourself out of an easy life lmao.
Nigga learn how to green text
You spelled triple wrong.
Yall must be really fucking dumb. even while I was getting my Chem degree, working as a research assistant a few towns over, and taking honors classes with extra assignments and term papers I ended up with a 3.6
i went to oxford and worked in a lab at harvard three times a week i would fly there and fly back, taking every engineering major so i quintuple majored, honors classes with extra assignments also did open heart surgery at oxford's medical school 7 fays a week and ended with a 3.98
based and redpilled
I have no idea who the fuck you are.
So bad cause his brain bad
Oh no, you're leaving??
Right? Imagine accumulating information from banter forums where people come to goof around and have some laughs.