I hate my country's culture so much. I want to move. The people are stupid, annoying, angry, and right wing...

I hate my country's culture so much. I want to move. The people are stupid, annoying, angry, and right wing. It's also so fucking poor, but not poor enough. Like we're rich enough where most people have computers and smart phones, but not rich enough to live in decent homes that don't look like blocky messes filled with scratches and rubble. At least if we were poorer I wouldn't know what I'm missing out, but I fucking do. Fuck this culture. I need to move out immediately.

Attached: 5fa.png (680x680, 300K)

Let me guess, eastern Europe? Poland?


Slavic, yes. You're a smart boi

There''s really only one solution. GO to Jow Forums and whichever country rolls trips is where you move to.

>inb4 move to another slavic shithole
I'll bite

Bulgaria? Or one of the Yugocucks?

Fellow ruskie, amerite?

I don't think I've ever heard of an user from Bulgaria...
[spolier] cucked to the max [/spoiler]

(Forgive me for my retardation, for I did the most simple thing incorrectly)

You like traps, I hope some gopnik finds you and beats the living shit out of you.
I actually wish even more misery for you than you are experiencing.

Shoo, shoo, normie cuck

>blocky messes filled with scratches and rubble
That's actually very comfy, though, user.

Attached: WP_20171025_17_24_30_Pro.jpg (3552x2000, 1.77M)

You do you, at least someone likes it. I think it's very unpleasant.

It's much more interesting than the sterile, orderly environments that are common in other countries. I suppose I can understand how you feel living somewhere you hate so much, though.

i am one, yes they are pretty rare

Only people who never lived in commie blocks say they're comfy, if you actually spent most of your life in one you would hate it

Is it Belarus, Op?

No it's not Belarus. I had to look that up to remember where it is on a map

I've got some bad news for you, faggot, her daddy just doesn't feed her real food so she's malnourished.

You know what sort of kids have daddys that hate them?

Do you two not know what jokes are

>implying there's something wrong with being right-wing

Well, I've lived in one for 21 years. Is that not long enough? I suppose this doesn't actually disprove your point, though, since I'm a NEET leeching off my parents and thus don't have to go out into the harsh adult world. If I had to earn my own living, I would, in fact, probably hate my life.

Polish males are such faggots. Sick of you low IQ pale niggers stealing all the jobs off school kids and university students.

im from bulgaria and its kinda ok, better than serbia or macedonia for sure

Serbia is vastly superior to Niggaria.

>I had to look that up to remember where it is on a map
Low-IQ wh*Te nigger confirmed

Fellow Bulgarian here, I haven't left because food is cheap, I have my own apartment and I get some passive income so I can live as a neet kinda

It's hell for robots here, I remember finding a Bulgarian girl on Discord by sheer luck and I talked to her and she couldnt believe that there are Bulgarian incels

interesting, passive income? how
oh yes, it is. i might get kicked out soon so

I run some websites and sell ads on them, technically I have a company which I own

I really want a bulgarian gf

Are you sure? They're kinda hairy.

never seen one like that. i think greeks were hairy though

That's essentially every country on the whole. You wouldn't get anything from migration - sure Americans, British, French etc. tend to espouse premises of "multi-culturalism", "progress" and "transparancy" though those don't quite make it at street-level, anywhere you go in the world is grim to a degree and there are always alcoholics and drug addicts in any town. Besides, the Africans aren't saints either and the Indians take bigotry to an extreme compared to Westerners (if you are aware of the numerous cultural and racial divides in India you know how prejudiced and aggressive they can be not just towards foreigners though to indigenous ethnic groups both small and large). I will say that, and say what you will, but the successors of those whose cities, countries, economies, cultures, families and social orders were completely exterminated and burned to the ground seemed to do alright - why can't you?

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