How can i look intimidating to normies? can shoe insoles help?

how can i look intimidating to normies? can shoe insoles help?

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Get a negroplasty. Most wh*tes are afraid of niggers

I'm a 6' lanklet but I always have the dead eyed death stare. Went through high school without anyone fucking with me.

Get some cowbo boots. That's what Chad's wear

Shaved my head now people seem intimidated. Thugmax. But how you thugmax is different depending on your race. If you are white, looking like a neonazi is the easiest way.

>insole + shave head
>still not intimidating and thug enough for oneitus

Guess I'm just not brown enough for her

6ft isnt even tall, you need to be at least 6'3 to look intimidating

im middle eastern, originig

I just realized that height is the female equivalent of breasts. All you gotta do is pad your shoes or your bra and you're instantly more attractive to the opposite sex.

What a stupid fucking species this is.

>tfw already 6'2" but debating padding just to say fuck it

There's no hungrier position than 2nd place.

the bad thing is you usually need a one size larger shoe to fit it in. its not a problem for manlets since their feet are tiny but when ure already tall u can only wear lifts with boots etc because u already wear the biggest number. its the case for me, sry bad english

>how can I look intimidating to normies?
Lol. You cant. Most normies laugh at you incels behind your back.
I laugh at you right to your face.
You are a pathetic loser

No we aren't
I know you are a worthless coward and all but dont make blanket statements you pussy

Ok, then you want to try and grow a beard and have short hair. Look like the type of middle eastern gang member you see in london. It helps if you have dark and big eyebrows as they typically look threatening on anybody.

Train martial arts and lift weights. No one physically inferior to you will mess with you.

I got a manlet turk friend and no one in my city would fuck with him. He is crazy and gone to jail multiple times.

What I mean is you don't try to look intimidating you act a way that make other people fear you.

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You're not intimidating at 6"0 until they think about sizing you up. Then they have second thoughts

is that him in the pic? he doesnt look intimidating at all

no it's not him, just a random pic. Irl he have a terrorist beard and scars all on his body.

Height alone doesn't help lmao. There are plenty of skinny cuck lanklets out there. It's a combo of being heavy + strong, not having beta slumped shoulders, being tall and just facial expression idk. It comes naturally. If you force it you'll look retarded and hilarious.

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And you want to look intimidating? Have fun being under secret 24/7 surveillance, I guess.

what are you imbyling?

I'm turbo homeless seems to work on some. Merchants in their stores all watching me and shiet!

Look tired and unkempt. Always works for me

It's all about how you carry yourself. I know this sounds like a larp but I'm a millionaire (bitcoin) who graduated from various famous/notoriously posh universities.

I normally wear a jumper with the uni on it for status and have the rest as normal clothes, and make sure to hold my head up/stare at everyone. If anyone says anything remotely aggressive AT ALL threaten to call the police after I've informed them of my wealth/job/uni while staying calm, this will get most people absolutely seething/feeling like shit. Immediately carry through if they show any signs of aggression, no ones going to knock you out in 15 minutes in a public space.

In my country you have to pay for the tv, I don't have one but the tv police came round to check. Asked who she was, told her to go away, flexed said I was going to call the police (they traditionally threaten this), said I can and just left after I'd been on the line about 20 seconds

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>6' is intimidating

The irony that a tired man is more intimidating then a well rested and ready one

>6 foot manlet thinks he scares anybody

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>the current year
>still liking or finding anything other then flatbreasted asian girls attractive

Geee what a stupid fucking specimen thid is.

>lanklets thinking their height alone is enough to intimidate.

I'm more intimidated by the 200lb 5'7" meatball than your narrow 150lb 6'+ ass. Eat some food and lift some weights.

mike tyson is afraid of superior white men

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