ITT: we detail autistic things we do

ITT: we detail autistic things we do
>think of shitposting idea in public
>laugh at them

Attached: 513464.jpg (366x330, 15K)

>wash hands before taking a shower

>wash hands after shower
>wash hands before taking a shit

Do you laugh loud? I try not to be to loud but sometime I chuckle. Normalfags always give me weird looks...I love it.

>laugh at a thread hours after you read it in public

>brush my teeth in the morning so I don't need to do it when I go to sleep

>loving the attention
Why would that be my narcissistic friend? I enjoy it because it confounds them, it gives me a vague sense of superiority and I enjoy tormenting them by subjecting them to my perverse behavior because it causes them to short circuit occasionally.

>create imaginary Jow Forums conversations in my head.

>take a shower every day
>even when i'm not dirty at all

>See simple post on r9k, maybe 30 or so words in it.
>Respond with a 1500 word post with an over complicated answer.
My existence is truly unfortunate.

Attached: Satania131.png (1175x1151, 1.11M)

>have a bad habit of finishing peoples sentences when they take too long

I don't like the attention per se. It's rather the fact that they are weirded out.

>(dis)agreeing to something someone says before they properly start the sentence

Fucking hell I do this one too

>tfw switch worlds if someone tries to talk to me on Runescape because too shy

>see something happening that would get shit on on here
>think out the greentext reply I'd make in my head while giving a Costanza face

>rub my track marks and lumps from missed shots in public
>gesture along with whatever music I'm listening to
>act out the same imaginary conversations with people I know over and over
Some spooky shit when the conversation actually ends up happening later on

>walk up stairs 2 at a time, 3 for the first step, make it a point to not use the banister either
The irony being that my legs are in poor shape with atrophied glutes.

fuck I do this shit too originally ofc

ive long lost track of what i do thats cringe or autistic anymore, people will always walk away with that confused and skeptical look no matter how hard im trying to be normal

Go on Jow Forums in public and giggle to myself as I post here