Girls rimming men becoming more and more mainstream

>Girls rimming men becoming more and more mainstream

What is your thoughts on this?

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rimming is fucking disgusting

Feels good desu. I have an ass fetish any way I love eating a woman's ass so when she returns the favor it's a huge turn on

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This webm takes place after quite a few minutes of rimming.

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is this a black thing? If a woman licked my ass I'd smack her around and choke her until she said sorry. Not a weak faggot.

it's hot and i enjoy when sluts do it.
i wouldn't want a girl i'd keep as a girlfriend or a wife to readily do it, even for me.

if you can make a girl so wet she's willing to be degraded any way possible, she has already been degraded that way or soon will be by other people. what she does for you, she has done threefold with others.

I used to get with a girl in college who loved to do it. She was really trashy and would fuck a handful of different guys every month but she really liked licking my butthole for some reason.

Girls doing it isn't good thing. I wouldn't let a girl do it to me..
Then again I let a girl peg me. She was on top of me told me she's be right back get on my knees...

>a cute, insecure girl will never go to town on your butthole to try and desperately earn your love and approval
>"please" *slurp* "love" *slurp* "me" *slurp* "user!!!" *slurp* ;w;

What's it feel like? Is it better than a blowjob? Every video I've seen of rimming has the guy moaning like a bitch kek.

It's pretty hot desu, but eating ass seems pretty gross.

dude, really? no. there's no nerve endings there.
it just tickles. it doesn't feel like anything. they moan because it's porn. it's fake.

honestly there's not a lot to enjoy about it apart from the degradation. damn this bitch is eating my ass? i own her.

Wouldn't mind getting rimmed. But would only rim a girl if she was fresh out of the shower and washed/shaved thoroughly

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my missus approached the subject one evening by saying one of her friends does it to her husband and he thoroughly enjoys it. After giving her a few slaps for even mildly suggesting this homosexual tier degeneracy, I proceeded to go down the pub and tell the rest of the lads about her friends husband and his disgusting sexual habits. Might even cost the fella his job, so here's hoping.

Nothing is more cucked than eating ass

Orally pleasuring a woman in any way is top cuck.

You are a credit to progressive civilization.

Seriously though, how on earth have managed to psy-op the pleb masses into this bestial stuff, it's literally primate behaviour. How much further will culture allow itself too sink.

Not gonna lie, i'd probably let a bitch do it but I could never look at her seriously again. Plus if she's 6/10+ chances are i'm going to chow down on that butt.
Makes me fearful of kissing random girls these days.

>Makes me fearful of kissing random girls these days.
You've already tasted traces of other mens cock, I don't see how ass is much different.

Gross and gay. I wouldn't mind if a girl I was seeing did it to another girl in the past though, and I wouldn't mind doing it to her. Girl buttholes are cute, but a mouth has no place on man ass.

>white girl eating out nigger ass


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I'm not even joking to be honest mate. Most people think I am when I say this but I don't even let my missus give me a blow job because I wouldn't respect her any more performing such a degenerate act. She is my queen and I treat her as such. She produces my children for me and that is her most important role in life. She gets everything she wants for doing that.

I am Opus Dei, so if I do give into my base desires I make sure its with a clean whore and punish myself for my sins afterwards.

Hot as fuck desu orugdvhjly

Tfw really want to get my ass licked by a cute girl but my ass is hairy and I don't want to shave it

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This. I might try shaving it with a trimmer though.

What difference does it make whether its a dude or a girl licking your arse hole? You might as well just a dude to do it because they won't ask you to shave your arse. Which really isn't worth it, once you shave it off it never grows back properly, you can look forward to ingrown hairs, spots and a fucking itchy arse for several weeks.

If your gonna have a gay tier fetish just get a dude to do it for you and don't waste your time looking for that unicorn woman. I'm not gay but you haven't had a blowjob until a guy does it for you. Women are just shit at them.

This. Originolivoil

roasties...roasties everywhere..

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Men are repulsive to me and kill my boner. I didn't even watch guy on girl porn until I was like 18 because dicks turn me off so bad. I still can't even watch guy on girl oral because seeing a gross dude's face while he's eating a chick out is disgusting.

Same in terms of seeing the dudes face.
I don't care if it's chad or not the moment I see the guys face it's a boner kill and I immediately switch videos.

Yeah I was the same. I just used trannies to gradually get into it. Sometimes you'll luck out and find a tranny that hates their dick so never has it out.

Sometimes tranny dicks don't bother me for whatever reason. What kills my boner for trannies is the voice more than anything.

it seems to be getting more common in west porn but was always featured in jap shit
anyway, it isn't rare to see prostitute ads containing things like greek kiss and prostatic massage

Degenerate fucks will be degenerate fucks.

This is one of my fantasies. Particularly I would want a qt white girl to do it.

I've rimmed a girl before. Honestly, when it's like how you described, it's not so bad and certainly doesn't taste awful or anything.