Will Jow Forums ever be leftist again?

Or has it always been this way???

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Jow Forums has always been against those who want to censor. It used to be religious conservatives but now it's the left at large.

Jow Forums will always be originally contrarian

this. if we end up with some catholofascist govt people will come here to bitch, but the left's core tenant, despite what they want you to believe, is repression. Jow Forums is destined to vacilate between fascism and libertarianism forever.

This place has a beef with whoever the global elite and mainstream media supports and currently that's the left. When the pendulum swings back in another four years we'll go back to hating on the right. Be contrarian or fuck off back to Twitter.

Jow Forums was contrarian, not leftist, the only unity here is the belief that censorship suck

Some one finally gets it. The irony: people take things posted here seriously.

If you take this meme website seriously you are a grade A retard

...is that sailor moon?

No its City Hunter

It's literally only been this way for the last 3 years.

>Oh my god people think I'm an asshole so they're deplatforming me, therefore censoring me
>Btw free speech is wrong and librruls are wrong for supporting it also commies
Daily reminder it's okay to kill neo-nazis en masse because they're not human beings.

Jow Forums was all nazis back in the day the left invaded after pol

Except that you don't deplatform people because you think they are an asshole on free speech, that's why the national socialist party remains in germany.

>Everything has to be privatized!
>Omg privatization is attacking me!
>Save me privatization!
Kill yourself you stupid piece of shit.

According to the quiz thingy i am womens equality but the quiz doesn't address too many women's issues. I am a misanthrope though.

In early years, it was apolitical. Then it became leftist, then rightist.

Jow Forums was never full-on leftist, it was just more liberal during the Bush years and early Obama because the mainstream culture was more influenced by the religious right and Jow Forums always has to be contrarian.

Totally not bait ;))))
Rekt alt-righters

This, the only leftist aspects of Jow Forums have ever been anti-religion and pro-loli (aka fuck moralfags). Old Jow Forums still reveled in racism and faggot bashing.

find it funny that alot of newer people on Jow Forums think we're some super right winged site. honestly most users, including pol don't actually care, or talk about politics here. the hate between the left and the right on here is so stupid and meaningless. most of us still have the same humour and shit taste, be it right winged or left winged anons.

Jow Forums's "political" (if you can call it that) orientation has always been best described as a bunch of cunts. There's really no common string beyond intentionally offending people, and often that requires a tertiary stance that offends both primary contenders in whatever discussion is taking place (see: "I'm pro-abortion and anti-choice!") Old Jow Forums had people being openly racist but in a crude, purely offensive for the sake of being offensive sort of way. You wouldn't see many giant text wall Jow Forums infographic.

"Contrarian" is a low resolution way to describe it. There's no point being contrarian if there's no humour in the reactions you scare up. That's why Jow Forums does good things for good people the userbase feels deserves it from time to time.

>Daily reminder it's okay to kill neo-nazis en masse because they're not human beings.
Nice bait, but modern leftist cocksuckers unironically believe not only this, but that literally any/everyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi. So, (You) can go fuck yourself you dumb nigger.

Neo-nazis fucks and Commie bastards deserve to burn on the same cross. Both want to take away my rights as an individual and promote big government

It was more libertarian but that's mostly in the edgy 14 year old way. We grew up and became right ring extremists. Now however there are a shit ton of newfag 10 year olds posting and 30 year old man children fighting for communism as if they are actually going to start a revolution by shilling an anime board obbssed with pure virgin wiafus

People were racist in a crude way but they were genuine. You have to remember back in the day very few people used the internet like they do now.

Shut the fuck up Ancapanon, libertarianism is a gigantic meme.

Democrats can fuck themselves. Its just tyranny of the majority. Normalfags should have no say in government

Yeah but it was more like "FUCKING NIGGERS GO EAT SOME WATERMELON OOOGA BOOOGAH" and not "16 statistical facts about why blacks objectively lower the standards of living around them". It may have still been genuine but it's definitely not the same type of attitude.

When was it ever leftist? It has mostly been libertarian

If being right was 'the norm', Jow Forums would be left

I've always been a fascist myself.

This is true by the most originals of originals

Once the civil war ends no one will ever be leftist again.

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Jow Forums is dead. Whatever is was, it no longer exists.

It never was, and will never be.

Fags and pillfreaks were shrugged off as fellow outcasts with some worse mental illness than average. But they got stupid enough to pull out their more "female-then-the-female" act and think they can ruin a nice thing.

Guess what, females can only pull that sort of shit off because males deeply desire them, more so than the nice thing attacked.
Lgbt-shitters are inherently undesirable for anyone but themselfs.

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Wanna know why Jow Forums became alt-right?
Gamergate and the death of the underdog geek. For some reason, people politicised gaming which had the effect of shitting on people lower down the social totem pole and drove those idiots to "alt-right" shite.

Talk to me about your timeline for these things

>election newfags trying to claim it was always alt right

fucking lmao go back to the_donald

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Try and memoryhole all you want, the internet does not forget at your leisure.

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you're an idiot who never got what Jow Forums is. we raided stormfront and ghost too you dumb revisionist. we were never racists or any agenda fueled retardation you advocate. we just subverted whoever was in front of us. if it was a rightist we'd tell them to fuck off and hang themselves with their tinfoil same with any other group. you fucking brainlets ruined this site with your eceleb garbage and furry level autism.



>no argument

I can use we since I've been here since 2004 unlike you faggot.

>we were never racists
Speak for yourself, I always hated niggers.

Jow Forums was most definitely not left wing, libtard hate threads were daily

Pretty much. Geeks were kinda anti-establishment and libertarian but then suddenly people more on the left than us claimed we were sexist shitlords. There's no way to recover from that, so people just gave up. If people expect you to be a sexist shitlord, it's easiest to actually be a sexist shitlord.

>I've been here since 2004


Jow Forums is contrarian and filled with politically illiterate geeks

Jow Forums was always rayciss, but it used to be the sort of racism even most black burgers could not help but have a little giggle at, unless they had an african-motherland stick stuck far up their ass and slept on their rosa parks books at night.

The violent and vitriolic sort of racism today, and their leftist counterpart(that you are some nice example of btw.) are but a mirror of the political popularization and the continued "the other side must DIE" attitude that has gripped the US so deeply after affirmative action and political correctness overdraw their fortunes badly.
Jow Forums would fuck with everybody, but we were never on YOUR side nor the other, because there is no 'WE'.

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Imagine thinking that's something worth bragging about. Nobody cares.

>supporting free speech
why am I responding to bait anyway

Jow Forums of old will never come back. Especially now that's it basically embedded into the mainstream.

>but then suddenly people more on the left than us claimed we were sexist shitlords.
It wasn't a direct accusation, I think (internet) geeks were collateral damage and took it personally.

But it doesn't matter geeks no longer exist.

Not being acknowledge by media-pulp does not mean your none-existence, that is the attitude you are getting hammered in your skull, that all you enjoyed is gone anyway and you better get your "NPC" (I hate that memes devolution) suit on and comply.

But you are alive, and the ones you joked with are too.
They are just too busy being scared about their college debt, the health plan that lets their teeth foul in their mouth and the gf that is about to leave them.

Despite your shit bait you ain't wrong. When the time comes they will fall into place as well.

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>you will comply, anyone who does not agree is subhuman and must be killed

So much the same medal on the other side, so much the same outcome will ensue.
You read the books, yet learned nothing you good lil soldier. Be in the first wave, oh courageous internet warrior. Do the world at large that favor.

lol hey, you said it not me. I'd rather they learn how wrong they are and support a true cause but since when was the last time you ever saw anybody on Jow Forums *admit* they were wrong?

Sure but we're the last generation of geeks. Of our type at least.

The new geeks they're part of the mainstream now. (Basically like how Jow Forums is part of the mainstream).

And I don't mean that in a bad way persay.

Jow Forums's culture changed with whatever was considered controversial or revolutionary.

Leftism has been shown to be the guiding force of the establishment so that's where we are now, which I wouldn't even necessarily say is "right wing" but just reactionary to neoliberalism, globalism, and technocracy.

There is a difference between you thinking you are right and trying to force the world to be right.
But you and your swastika twins on the other side of the police cordon are deeply reticent to look at what the other side might be right about.

It could entail you being wrong about something, and where would that leave you?
With the spineshaking fear that you could be wrong about some more things, and you SO wanted to never be afraid again.

Shutting your ears, revving up that adrenalin and beating the other side to a pulp is easier.

Jow Forums hasn't really changed, it's demographic (alienated male youth) has, in reaction to the environment. The core of Jow Forums is the same, just dialed up from before.
Largely Nihilistic rage at Kali-Yuga Globohomo Modernity, from a thousand different angles, a cacophany of fury from what society has let slip through the cracks. You're just an oldfag that doesn't really get it.
However, this rage has always leaned more to the right. The closest to 'Left' has been the Ron Paul Libertarian days, but even that is more Right than Left. As the realization that society was too far gone for a return to old school liberalism set in, more neo-reactionaryism dominated.

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If you are trying to use that pseudo-intellectualism to cover your insecurity in daily life too, Jow Forums will be your hang-out for a while. Hope you brought tendies and booze to last.

>Implying I have a daily life
I think you're in the wrong place.

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Why does nobody realise that Jow Forums is dead?

Nobody is equal so nobody deserves the same amount of freedom or individual rights, sillyhead
I remember when I was an (((LOLbertarian))), putting (((profit))) over society is a bad idea.
In free market capitalism you are giving people the opportunity to choose what products or culture becomes popular , the problem with that is that the majority of people arent smart so they wont choose whats best and society will become saturated with low quality products (eg. Mcdonalds food) and horrible culture (eg.nigger culture)

>B-but i deserve my individual rights cuz im human

No you dont, no one deserves anything rights are earned not given

How can they know? archives don't go that far.

Based and redpilled orig orig

It was good when it was chaotic neutral and for teh lulz. Now memes is serious binnes and you have boomers memeing

>chad worship
When did anons start hating themselves?

hey did you know you should kill yourself? :)

Underrated comment over there.

>not championing libertarianism and the free market specifically so everything will get worse
If you hate this world and the people in it why would you want it to get better?

Worshiping someone superior than me and wanting them to have more power than me doesnt mean I hate myself.
I actually love myself thats why I want stronger people to control society.
If inferior people have control, society will crumble and my quality of life will decrease.

A domesticated pet cat is happier than a a steet cat with freedom.
Why :(

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I dont hate anyone tho

Then you've lived an incomplete nice

The hate became real when they jailed weev

I understand why you're reacting the way you are, Truly. There must be so many others you've seen act out of fear, out of false security, xenophobia; That's not what inspired me to study the movement. I or anyone else worth supporting this cause didn't just 'decide' to have these views one day. It came naturally. They find they've always subconsciously supported it; I've come to find that they simply discover themselves.

My supposed "swastika twins"? I feel no camaraderie with them. They are a product of post-war propaganda, more 'useless idiots' to distract true supporters from the actual cause by blanketing it in base hatred. I have always studied the movement thinking I could be wrong. I still do so I may build a strong foundation for true belief. I'm completely ready to abandon these ideals the moment I feel they are wrong.

"Somebody once asked me what had attracted me to National Socialism. I replied without a shadow of hesitation: It's beauty." - Savitri Devi

how sour was that redpill?

>the left's core tenant, despite what they want you to believe, is repression.
imagine being this far up Jow Forumss ass, how the fuck can you be this disingenuous, this is troll farm tier bullshit.

This is your answer. The only time Jow Forums will lean to the left again is when the right takes the moral highground and starts censoring or morally shaming people. Jow Forums has always been a bit stormgate but the rest of the website was generally left leaning until like 2010. I'd say the occupy wall street movement was where mindsets started to shift.

Well considering the founding population of Jow Forums from 04 to 06 were members of th GNAA who have ties to actual racist groups, people banned from something awful for racism in Gbs, far right views in the debate and discusion forum and pedophilia in anime tentacle whore house forum. I'd say Jow Forums was never left and anonymous was purged of what leftism it had when ebu and lulzsec was jailed.

Why would it be sour?

bullshit, the "founding population" were weebs and nothing more
if you're talking about '06 leejunfag cancer, maybe, but that's not "founding population", that's a polyp

What pseudo intellectualism? The kali yuga is a pol meme and he's right about the ron paul days. Seriously what?

Jow Forums has always been irrationally contrarian and anti-authoritarian. If anything that surprises me, it isn't where things lie politically, but the authoritarian bent that it's taken. I didn't think I'd ever see people here openly embrace an ideology that entail signing their own rights away. Willingly giving control of themselves over to the government is pretty strange for Jow Forums.

>This place has a beef with whoever the global elite and mainstream media supports and currently that's the left.
this is absolutely bullshit, republiucucks didn't "own" the media before Jow Forums was invaded by Jow Forums faggots, and the media hasn't become anymore dominated by leftists since then.
Jow Forums is full of nazi faggots because all the gamers spent their adolescence on the internet and playing video games turned socially inept and bitter, and got triggered when some SJWs entered their safe space.

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The astroturfed leftism many of those from 06 and beyond are familiar with around "anonomous" and the 99% movement were a result of lulzsec's leftist arab.

I think it's an utter disdain for the world. Knowing something is bad and embracing it anyway because you WANT things to get worse for everyone involved, even yourself. "my life is a pile of execrable garbage regardless of what system we choose but now yours gets to be too."

That, and some level of authoritarianism would earnestly benefit most Jow Forums posting layabouts. Most people are spoiled for choice and paralyzed by possibility, their lives lack structure.

What are you talking about? This place was made to discuss anime because irc is kinda lame and lowtax banned the discussion of certain shows around '04 forcing a migration onto moots 2ch copy.

moot existed, he was from new york, and he deleted Jow Forums twice for "turning into stormfront"
if you have to rewrite history to make your argument work, it's a shitty argument

Jesus Christ, nerds are truly an extinct race.

>That, and some level of authoritarianism would earnestly benefit most Jow Forums posting layabouts. Most people are spoiled for choice and paralyzed by possibility, their lives lack structure.

I don't think so. If anything, it would just interrupt them. pol can scream all it wants about degenerates, but when some authoritarian moralfag decides to enforce things, people here will be upset that they can't post sexual content anymore.

>I think it's an utter disdain for the world. Knowing something is bad and embracing it anyway because you WANT things to get worse for everyone involved, even yourself. "my life is a pile of execrable garbage regardless of what system we choose but now yours gets to be too."

I guess. I think it's more they just really hate people and themselves to such a degree they will throw away themselves merely to fuck other people over. It's pretty petty when you think about it.

The threads from S.A. are probably archived. I don't know where you think wapanese were discussing panty flashes in the early 2000's. Something awful had a decent torrent tracker then and an elitist but anything's goes community.

It sounds about right since that's what I've been doing for a while now.

Jow Forums is contrarian to whatever is in power, or at the very least what people deem to be in power. Years ago it was the religious right and batshit crazy Evangelicals, now its leftists and SJWs and all that other retarded shit. Leftism however wasnt always chock full of crazies until pretty recently however, around 2011-2013 give or take, and the whole Trump thing just made it worse. Its all cringey as fuck and if anything makes this website worse but what are you gonna do, spergs are gonna sperg and spuds are gonna tard.

>Jow Forums has always been against those who want to censor.
Fukken this. I wish people would stop injecting their political beliefs into this place.

Jow Forums loves freedom.

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He also deleted /n/ for the same reason. Moot always had problems with his oldfags. Lulzsecs involvement in leftist steering of anonymous through private channels is all a matter of FBI record.

listen, your argument is that "oldfags" were right-wing
my argument is that the actual and literal ORIGINALFAG was leftist in the "I want to be a decent person so I'll believe what school tells me" sense

and, in fact, the only legit oldfag I can think of off the top of my head who scans as "right-wing" (adjacent, actually) tried to get the site shut down a couple times before crawling aboard

Jow Forums will be leftist whenever the left begins to act more like Bill Maher than Triggly Puff.

They weren't all rightwing but for the most part they were assorted terrible posters banned from other terrible sites abusing a 14 year old boys terrible clone of an aged japanese forum. You had people like weev a literal neonazi in this places orbit from the beginning. Those people came here after Somehing awful experienced pressure to moderate it's community.