Post your phone wallpaper Robots

>inb4 fuck off phone poster

Attached: E04E3BE2-1E92-4986-8E40-0F34E5114A18.png (295x640, 1005K)

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I am posting this in the most original way anyone can think of

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-113649.png (1080x1920, 510K)

>landscape wallpaper on a portrait mode phone
Seems like that'd get real annoying real fast

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-123715.png (720x1280, 1.48M)

Brah is that even an iPhone(c) Xs(tm)?

Attached: 1525724574279.png (295x640, 325K)

No I like it, gives it a unique look
It is poorfag

It's a cursed image. How fucked am I?

Attached: 1535405646488.jpg (540x465, 36K)

im pretty lonely now

Attached: B91FDA7C-DBE0-48A4-9AC3-5663090C2FDC.png (640x1136, 867K)


Attached: 38295548_1963375230386647_6321410708240072704_n.jpg (1080x1351, 98K)

Based hot hatch

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-141936_Samsung Experience Home.jpg (1080x2220, 831K)

I diggit

orig wallpaper

Attached: wallpaper-queen-19597843-1024-768.jpg (1024x768, 105K)

Originalle wallepaperr

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-141459.png (1080x1920, 1.41M)

Holy faggot, batman

I have this one cause it's october

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-23-16-22-49.png (540x960, 516K)

Love vaporwave

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-23-20-27-46.png (720x1280, 787K)

Unironically this in an original fashion

Attached: cold-winter-forest-snow-nature-mountain-blue-ipad-pro-1472x1472.jpg (1472x1472, 660K)

My blessed image

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-153326_Mimi.jpg (1080x1920, 853K)

Wish i was in the 90's so i wouldnt be alive

Attached: ScreenshotSYK.jpg (1080x1920, 1.29M)

current pape
i don't know how to screenshot on phone

Attached: 22.jpg (1080x1920, 130K)

Fuck off phone poster user

I forget the reason for this.

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-161910_Samsung Experience Home.jpg (1080x2220, 655K)

Could you post the original image? That's an amazing background

Here you go

View from my cottage

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-162353.png (1080x1920, 1.68M)

I usually switch between many different album covers, but this is the one I'm currently using.

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-224458.png (720x1440, 1002K)

I had to grab my phone to post this. Usually only lurking in bed if I browse r9k on my phone.

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-230051_Samsung Experience Home.jpg (1080x2220, 858K)

Holy fuck user. I was just in Gandy street earlier.

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-222241_Samsung Experience Home.jpg (720x1280, 504K)

Turns out it's York. Looked a lot like Gandy street in Exeter for a minute

I need a new one
Originally unoriginality

Attached: IMG_20181023_174019.jpg (720x1402, 269K)

Easily the most boring one here... Oh well...

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-234509.png (1080x1920, 255K)

Simply a picture from a vacation in Iceland a few years ago.

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-235808.png (1080x1920, 1.33M)

Graphic design websites are the best for wallpaper

Attached: Screenshot_20181023-180141.png (720x1280, 751K)

can you send this one, i like this.