Tfw I lift to be more attractive to women

>tfw I lift to be more attractive to women

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>tfw I lift in spite of other people so I feel superior to them

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women are cool, but posing in front of the mirror naked after getting back from the gym is what i really like

>t. INTJ

Cucked and bluepilled

lol jk we all do it for the bitches in the end

based and redpilled

Only faggots would disagree with this.

>tfw lift for omega pumps and good feel chemicals otherwise i’d kill myself

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But you will be more attractive to women by lifting.
Lifting directly for women means you're probably never going to make, or if you do, you'll be weak and women like strength.
My gf was more excited to see my 500lb squat pr than I was. It literally makes her pussy we to see me get stronger.

This is unironically the only time I feel almost attractive

>tfw I lift to be more attractive to women and then ignore them

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nice squat bro

im afraid to do that because Jow Forums made me question my sexuality enough times already


Based AND spergpilled

Sounds pretty gay. You sure you're not gay?

Based and fitpilled

this guy gets it

Literally me
Also this
I just want to make them feel worthless

>lift to get qt girls
>get with qt girls
>can't get erections because of my nerves
>literally all my hard work at the gym was just for my dick to go limp right in front of beautiful girls who wanted me inside them
>tfw my brain is literally a biological dead end
t. 19 year old with ED

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>Also this
>I just want to make them feel worthless
nobody cares, user

feel good chemicals really are underrated. also, everything feels just right when I'm exhausted after a heavy set

I started the same. Oddly enough, now I care more about respect from other men than the attention of thots.

tfw i attract girl to be lifted

>tfw started lifting for women, now just lift to be happier about myself

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Lol I'm 23 but I had those issues when I was your age.

Not sure how I beat it desu.

hell fucking yeah

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are you me?

I wish I looked like my post workout self all the time.

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>lift to get girls
>realize I have a below average dick and no job

I know this sounds like a cope but girls genuinely don't care about dick size. They're not gonna see your cock until you're about to fug, and if you're about to fug thots aren't gonna bounce because you're not packing a meat mallet.
>No job
That one's all on you, my dude


based and fitpilled!

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>dicklet cope

how did u know

based and gymcelpilled

Lol me too. I really fucking hate myself haha.

I had the same problem, I could've lost my virginity to my high school crush and maybe even ended up marrying her but I couldn't get hard and things got real fucking awkward. Stop masturbating right now for at least a week, maybe even 2 or 3 depending on how far gone you are already. You'll get your dick back but you cannot cheat on this, it has to be the full 2 weeks, no edging no porn no nothing. The longer you go, the better.

Me too, fags will rage at us but it's the only way to win.

based and redpilled, i must say

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This. Seeing my muscles bursting everywhere and flexing like im fucking arnold despite looking pretty DYEL makes me feel so good

Damn right

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based haha poster

Nofap, meditate, cardio
Also eat your fuckin veggies and take zinc if you don't get enough. Guaranteed you will be rock solid next time

>tfw lift for myself and my road to happiness
>tfw accepted the long grind, and enjoy the process
We're all gonna make it, bros

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If nofap + veggies + zinc intervention fails, could also literally buy viagra