You only need Squats, Deadlifts and Bench Press for strenght and aesthetics.
Change my mind.
You only need Squats, Deadlifts and Bench Press for strenght and aesthetics
Nice biceps lol
Curls brah
You also need food and rest.
t. skeletons
What about your back?
water, air, triceps, pullups, food, sleep, sex, emotional support, shelter, farmers walks
your wrong
squats, deadlifts and rows
Do they really work your lats tho?
he never said rows
You also need rows and overhead press
You only need
Fuck legs
>no facepulls
>no rows or lat stimulation
Enjoy your shitty posture and weak ass back
Enjoy your fucked up shoulders
You aren't strong or good looking.
More like:
>The Squat™
>The Press™
>Barbell Row
>Power Cleans (for explosiveness and athleticism)
That's about it
I'd add a few accessory exercises but otherwise I agree:
>weighted dips
>weighted pull ups/chin ups
>pendlay rows
>no lateral raises
Enjoy your shoulder injuries
>no incline bench or dips
Enjoy your shoulder injuries and flat chest
>no pull-ups or chin-ups
Enjoy your lack of lats and no biceps
>no curls
Enjoy your no biceps
>no tricep cables or skull crushers
Enjoy plateauing hard on that bench press
>over emphasis on quads and hip flexors with little emphasis on abs and hamstrings
Enjoy your muscle imbalance that will lead to anterior pelvic tilt and a lower back injury during deadlifts and heavy squats
You're right
Hack Squat
Zercher Squat
Front Squat
Pistol Squat
Bulgarian Split Squat
Overhead Squat
Zercher Deadlift
Shovel Deadlift
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Trap Bar Deadlift
Romanian Deadlift
Decline Bench
Incline Bench
Block Bench
Bench w/ Bands
Literally all you need to be strong as fuck and shredded, anything else is jerking off.
Squats, Deadlifts, OHP, chinups/pullups*
>not including rows, pullups, or any other kind of pulling compounds.
Come now.....
Military press-shoulders
Bench press-chest
Weighted Chin ups-lats
Weighted Pullups- biceps
Weighted Dips-triceps
Heavy rack pull-traps
Also dpnt nrglect calves,abs and lower back
pullups (neutral and regular)
bit of dumbbell accessory work for biceps and helping with ohp and bench progression if you stall
erg for HIIT
pushup thread too
it's true. but it's all dependent on genetics
t. Powerfatter
You only need squat cleans, shrugs and bench
swap bench for OHP and you got it nigga
I think i did 5 times tricep isolation exercises my whole life and bench 4pl8
Also i curl maybe 5 times a year and have bit over 17 inch arms cold
Deadlift, OHP, squat, chin-up. The true holy trinity of aesthetics.
is there a routine for this
that'll get you strength add in OH Press for aesthetics and you're good to go. Might need rows or pull ups for upper back aesthetics.
>4 exercises
If you do them for enough volume yeah. Did drop sets xF from 5pl8 2 days ago and my lats still hurt
Go away nerd
Was that intentional, user?
You only need:
>Front Squat
>Back Squat
for strenght and aesthetics.
Change my mind.
Ok now how much do you weigh
Look in the mirror, youll be convinced to do more