> I'm glad you can make it user, I know it's been difficult and you don't like to leave the house, but now you're out here, isn't it great?
I'm glad you can make it user, I know it's been difficult and you don't like to leave the house...
I hope she won't notice to tiny boner lump in my shorts.
>not wanting to hit up the beach
I would trade the women for the beach any day of the week
>I would rather bathe in filthy water and get sand all over myself than have sex
On the internet, nobody knows you're a... pig?
No its shit. I hate the sun and the beach. I just want to go home.
>boogie boards
>low IQ roasties with STDs and gayness
On the internet, nobody knows you're a... roastie?
When have you ever heard of a roastie not liking the beach?
roasties don't like the beach, they are not active creatures, they are lazy and reactive.
They enjoy being approached by chad who has his shirt off.
If you sit on the beach you can watch this occur, roasties will grow restless when the chad herds move and they will migrate to put themselves just within the chad herd radar.
>tfw called me an animal for staring at them and laughing
jokes on the roasties, they aren't having fun.
Begone, thot.
>Fuck off mom. I wanted to stay home and play vidya. Why do you always bring me when you're looking to hookup with some beach chads
>"but now you're out here, isn't it great?"
>look around and see yourself already getting sized up by five wanna-be chads mobbing up to make a move on the girl.
You talked me into giving it a shot, Stacy. But I am sure that is all you will get.
Half of them go there with make-up on, and internally bitch about the sweat ruining their effort.
>he cant btfo five bradlets
You know, I've had girls (not really sTaceys but still girls) do the whole pixie routine and try to get me out of their shell
They backed off as son as I told them what I really needed from them, how they could really help me.
Because apparently I'd be a great catch and could get any giurl if I tried, but of course not them.
>I told some girls I needed to fuck them in order to be sane, you won't BELIEVE what happened next!
Not my point at all, mister, and you know it
>user you are so funny and kind! any girl would be lucky!
>ok, want to be that girl?
>of course I meant any OTHER girl, duh
Almost verbatim conversation I had, except there was no last line, only an awkward silence and slowly fading out over a couple of weeks
I know I'm below many girls standards, you say I'm not to make both of us feel good about how kind you are, but what if I ask you to prove it?
Girls decide if they want to fuck you within the first few minutes and they make it clear too. If you were ever flirted on by a girl and given a signal you'd know it. What you're doing is getting put in the friendzone and wondering why your friends don't want to fuck you.
I get that, I do
I'm just saying, it's useless for femoids to bring up how I'd be a great catch when they have no intention of catching me
I think it's hypocrisy, I mean, what were you saying just 90 seconds ago? What were you saying it for?
No I can't, but one of my few good sides is that I am always willing to learn.
Care to teach me, master on the mountain?
>given a signal you'd know it
NO! lmao. women are enigmas and ridiculous to understand.
You really want to know?
You socially invalidate them, make them feel bad for being themselves and also not being good enough.
even if they are above you, you don't have to be above the criticize them.
Also you look heroic af standing off against 5 people.
you could try to fight them as well, friendly wrestling.
You've got to have a good time though, it's all a game. You've got to let everyone know you're just playing a game and being amused.
That's how you can at least give off some confidence to seem chadlike.
I've seen chads who aren't sassy get btfo by nerds who are.
Be sure of everything you do, if you throw curveballs at bradlets they become unsure of themselves. Women can sense this.
>If you were ever flirted on by a girl and given a signal you'd know it
You have no idea HOW wrong you are.
Unless you are talking about roughly 5h later while sitting on my keyboard and suddenly thinking "OH GODDAMN!"
There's a study out there where girls judge "bad boys" as better partners for themselves/more attractive but bad or negative partners for other women. You're the opposite.
>It's awful because I don't like sand.
>It's rough and coarse and it gets everywhere
>You've got to have a good time though, it's all a game
Could work until that point where you notice those are some fugees with no ingrained western socialization and little to lose, so they are quite willing to put you in a hospital to be THE MAN and hide in the camp if anything official happens.
Which women can also sense, and it feels rather reptile-brain titillating to quite a few.
also I'm 99% sure that women have legitimate, uncontrollable dissonance and they're not just lying. They might sincerely believe something like "He's such a terrible person, a bad date for sure but he excites me and I bet I can change him" or "He's really boring and plain but nice and not too ugly, but on paper he's great, any girl should like him".
They don't see themselves as hypocrites because they're literally incapable of seeing the hypocrisy.
You would be such a good bf
...for some other girl. Oh, and I think tyron gets released today, I better wax!
I'm basically calling women NPCs, user.
As I did of their codefragments I suppose?