
Get well soon Big Dog Roman Reigns edition

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>implying you have any say while pretty much every known poster and personality is what you would regard as normie

you have no power and your opinion means nothing tbqh.

Most people here have dated or lost their virginity.

you are newfags from reddit or being ignorant on purpose

fucking NPCs on facebook sharing pictures of a missing girl from 4 years ago

ayyyy sup lmao

is it sad to start drinking rn?
couple tins should do me good, eh?
can't believe Im a grown up now... all the things I can do.

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seems pretty interesting to me. actually it seems like it played a big role in your psychosexual development.
who was he? in what way did you know him?

Rate the medley I just blasted out to me Norman flatmates

High and Dry
Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight
Funk #49
Mind Mischief
Whole Lotta Love
Itchycoo Park
Cigarettes and alcohol
Ever fallen in love

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ate me pizza... bloody bloated now... but it was worth it

I basically didnt know him. Was first time I ever drank.

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i am neither new or from reddit
its just the way it is, if you can get girls to even respond to you properly you are a normie

Dude, you're interested in underage boys sucking off older men. Literal nonce vibes

>is it sad to start drinking rn?
it's gone 6 it's fine m8

who cares chica? just dont do it again.

Can I treat you to some stella in a dark alley way?

Faggot teenage uni student cancer hour again. Fuck me

False rape accusations are no joke lad.

No, fun things are fun.
I dont like stella

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>friends looking at going to Download festival
can't afford to go so thats another one down

Fuck off "chika" thought we were rid of the prison gay Autist weaboos

lucky guy. what was the age gap?
i was also molested as a child and hearing other victims stories gives me a sense of consolation

I never Ieft

3, I did say a few, literally...

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>if you can get girls to even respond to you properly you are a normie

fucking hell lad you are too far gone for this world.

>i also molested as a child and hearing other victims stories gives me a MASSIVE RAPE BONER

>prison gay
Quit projecting.

oi lads, odds on you hitting a sweet dab
any takers?
someone count us in

its true though, you wouldn't understand it if you were a normie

No they haven't, go on lad /soc/ or int or something this is r9k


>just threw out my onaholes
Press F to pay respect to my boys, gone but not forgotten

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Why lad? Are they any good?

How old are your pissbottles lads?

so did he just get his willy out and tell you to get busy widdit? what went through your mind


realistically any time after 5pm is completely fine, even midday is sort of okay, but a second before that then absolutely not

Ahhh for fuck sake lads. My libido or watever is so high at the moment . Im sick of khv
I need to get this out of my system
Can't take this frustration anymore

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Hardly. Most of them are trucels.

never had a piss bottle... had a few piss pint glasses for emergency use though.

They were great, I just thought it was finally time to grow up and chuck em out. Would rather lose them than risk someone finding them any longer.

going out for a drink. don't think I shall return ever again. farewell forever, normans.

I did that with my alien fleshlight. Shit cash though.

I used to have 20 or so in a cupboard. Those days are long past. The smell never left though, I pity the poor soul who had that place after me.

It was years ago and I was drunk, was supposed to just stay at his house then things happened. Cant really remember what I was thinking desu. I already had gay sexual interests beforehand so its not like I just randomly became gay on that night.

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if you've slept with more than 5 lasses you're a normie and should gtfo
leave us incels in peace chads

What if I've slept with 3 but a total of over a hundred times

if you have slept with ONE you are a normie

this is now a nice fred
Tell me the best part of your day

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Me and a mate found some in another mate's wardrobe once. We laughed at it at the time but it's only recently that i've realised how sad that situation is.

ur a chad fren
come on lad be realistic kek

>Tell me the best part of your day
your post lad

Getting home and browsing youtube. The rest of the week will be much more entertaining.

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what was the second best?

No genuinely fuck off if you've ever slept with a woman.

cute story. thanks for sharing. i hope i get lucky with a shota like u one night.

fuck off m8. cant you see we're trying to have a miserable conversation here?

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eating my nice homemade pizza

it's bull shit. Anyone can go on pof and at least get a reply if they tried hard enough. The only thing that separates you from "normies" is your anxiety.

>calling it r9k and not britfeel
>not knowing about all the surveys that have been done
>not knowing about all the personalities

newfag confirmed.

i am being realistic
if you have had sex you are a normie

Guinness then?

s-sorry lad I'll get back in the box
did you make the dough too or pizza base from the shop?
what was on it?

a negative reply isn't a proper reply is it

Getting to work and knowing that for 12 hours my mind will be distracted from the mind numbing loneliness.

Yeah exactly, because if someone finds a normal sex toy they might be kinda creeped out but overall they'll be like "eh, having toys is normal i guess". But if they find something... specialist like that, then concerns are going to be raised.

im pretty sure the only actual virgins in britfeel are underage desu

britfeel writing team here,exciting twist ahead where a regular poster WINS the lottery?!?? what will this scamp get up to?? thanks for watching

SP is genuinely a normie. Not having had sex doesn't mean you aren't a normie.

>>not knowing about all the surveys that have been done
too right

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I'm an actual virgin
I'm 24

gin or cider then its a deal

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28yo KHV but nobody believes me when I tell them.
That just makes it worse.

I am sorry lad. Is there any hobby/ activity that helps when you're at home?
I hugged my monitor for you

I'll throw in some of the girly pink sweet shit drinks as well if the night ends with you sucking a few billion potential children out the end of my dick.

if any incels looking to lose their virginity

Everyone who says they have sex/ have a gf get told to fuck off normie so idk what you're talking about.

28. I've kissed, and hugged. Never fucked.

The person I speak to most is my mum.

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Sleep helps.

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yes i make my own dough. the toppings were onions, beans and sausages.

got a big bottle o scrumpy right here for you lad

he isn't if he's an adult virgin

>get a reply off some mid 20s munter with a kid
>you expect me to have meaningless sex with her just to prove a point

He's not even finished uni. Plenty of men stay virgins throughout uni.

That's cute lod, Mummy is the only woman who will ever love you unconditionally anyway.

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I'm 21 and a virgin so wrong

Virginity isnt a big deal desu. Just get a prostitute or something.

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definitely not my choice of topping lad, but props for making it yourself
being in a nice warm bed when it is cold outside is a nice feeling.

I like being able to hear the wind and rain outside while I am in bed. Few things make me happier.

Nothing beats slipping into a nice warm coma though mate.

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>avatar using mong misunderstands why it's a big deal

It's not the act. It's being desirable to women, to be validated as a human being.

Hope someone reports you.

>Virginity isnt a big deal desu. Just get a prostitute or something.
If CWC can do it so can you

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easy to say when you were molested

Re watching this qt get startled by the buzzer at 13:40

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originally where is larp hunter when you need him?

You were wanted by the age of 13 so you can't talk.

So that Kay bint who does "cooking" videos is typical council estate chav scum, including racism, pathological lying and being aggressive to people online. Of course!

I actually lost my virginity relatively late desu.

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second post mate ;_;
it's all over for me

yeah, normal pizzas dont have the toppings i like so i make my own. sometimes i make the bases for friends and family and they can choose to put what ever wacky toppings they like on.