Standing desk

Are standing desks a meme?
I sit for like 10+ hours a day and im scared its gonna give me a stokre or blood clot. Is there anyway to avoid it if my job requires me to sit all day?

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That looks so incredibly uncomfortable. Sitting is bad but just standing idle on one spot for 10 hours is pretty bad too. Just sit down and go for a jog afterwards, lift some weights and do some flexibility work

I mean i can alternate sitting and standing.
Otherwise i get an hour break and i could just go walk on treadmill or something. Can you recomend some flexibility work?

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Part of the idea is that you are discouraged from staying on the computer for 10 hours.

Maybe you could just have the common sense to not stay on the computer for 10 hours and save your money on a stupid meme desk

I have a job where I drive all day, what's the Jow Forums way to compensate for this?

racing clutch

>have one of those adjustable desks at work
>still slightly hunched over while standing at max setting

Not even a fucking lanklet

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This is superior. Counterbalance system that can move up and down easily.

The key isn't standing all day like the memers, nor is it sitting all day; it's postural changes throughout the day.

Key word being, throughout

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>Are standing desks a meme?
yes. just stack some boxes up and save your money lol

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>those piss bottles

Nice piss bottles but you need to remember to drink more water


They're fine, I work in 25 minute intervals at an adjustable desk. I do 25 minutes sitting, chill for 5 minutes, 25 minutes standing, chill for 5 minutes, repeat, then 30 minute break.

Legit just happened to me last week.

I have a similar work situation as you OP. Ended up with a giant softball sized infected cyst on my ass, right near the tailbone. Was the most painful week of my life and I mean non stop intense pain. Ended up popping open luckily and relieving the insane pressure. Hands down worst smell ive ever experienced. Doctor said it's from sitting so long. I am on a 2 week break now for vacation luckily but when I go back I am getting that meme desk in your pic.

No lie, pic related can be a result of the cyst which is a result of sitting so much.Also, death from thanks.

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Yes. Standing for hours at a time is only slightly better than sitting. The best thing to do would be to just get up every couple minutes, exercise if you can. Saves you a lot of money AND your health.

>those vaguely familiar piss bottles

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Cycling between one of these and a standing pad + standing desk is the ultimate ergonomics redpill. I lmao @ the out of shape nerds who sit at 45 degree angles at work and wonder why their backs hurt and their posture is horrible.

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you take a 30 minute break every 2 hours?

Sitting on a Swiss ball shrinks your spine. You try to become shorter to make yourself more stable.

>I sit for like 10+ hours a day and im scared its gonna give me a stokre or blood clot.
What are you, 80 years old or something? FFS people sit their entire lives and never get problems like that, you really have to be 100% sedentary for that shit to be a problem.
>Nervous Nellies infesting my Jow Forums
Take your meds and chill the fuck out.

>I'm fatter-than-fatass and my fat ass got infected from being a fatass that sits 16 hours a day
Do you have bedsores, too, fatass?
>OP needs pic related to wipe his ass

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Yeah. Helps keep me more productive during the times I'm actually working. It's a pretty common practice in my field

I've never had a job where I sit down. I stand all day and my back never hurts even though I'm 32. Sitting too much kills you.

those ball-chairs are uncomfortable af

every single minute? i leave my chair almost a dozen times a day to refill my water cup, talk to my colleagues, go to meeting rooms and even have walking meetings.


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Based and Asian pilled

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hell yeah
How long can you deep squat for? It's comfy for around 10 minutes for me

i prefer to just use the countertop in my kitchen. about the same height as a the counter in a bar, plus i like being able to spread out documents, my laptop, and a set of speakers.
alternatively, use a stack of phonebooks or boxes on top of your desk.

I can do about 3-5 minutes, but I still need to lose weight.

Yeah I think I could do for longer if I lost the last fat on my legs.